Thursday, December 19, 2013

Who Knows Who Was Behind the Harvard Hoax?

Related: Harvard Ha-Ha

Not so funny now, is it?

"Harvard student arraigned in bomb hoax" by Milton J. Valencia and Eric Moskowitz |  Globe Staff, December 18, 2013

The 20-year-old Harvard student accused of e-mailing a bomb threat that temporarily paralyzed the Cambridge campus earlier this week expressed deep remorse Wednesday after a federal judge ordered him to stay away from the university pending a criminal charge of sending a bomb hoax.

Eldo Kim faces up to five years in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. His lawyer, Ian Gold, said after the brief hearing in Boston federal court that Kim was forthright with authorities and that he is regretful.

“He’s a very remorseful, shattered young man,” Gold said, saying Kim was under pressure, dealing with his studies and struggling with the three-year anniversary this month of his father’s death.

“He is someone who was forthright and certainly presents himself as very remorseful,” Gold said.

Kim, a native of South Korea who became a US citizen in the fifth grade, was released from federal custody Wednesday after agreeing to a $100,000 unsecured bond cosigned by his sister and an uncle. He must live with one of them until he secures his own residence.

The terrorist has been released and is now walking among us?

Kim can return to Harvard only with the university’s permission to pick up items from his dorm room, and he must comply with other conditions, such as staying away from alcohol and refraining from any weapons or explosives.

“It’s really important that you comply with your conditions of release,” US Magistrate Judge Judith G. Dein told Kim, who stood before her, appearing nervous. He wore black Harvard jogging pants and a gray T-shirt from his high school’s tennis team. He softly told Dein that he understood the conditions of his release.

Gold said that Kim’s father was a professor at a university in South Korea, and the family lived for a time in Washington state. Kim graduated from Kamiak High School in Washington’s Mukilteo School District in June 2012. He was selected as a National Merit finalist and was a member of the tennis and debate teams.

Gold said he could not characterize Kim’s intentions beyond saying he was under pressure and grieving his father. Kim had told investigators that he e-mailed the bomb hoax so that one of his final exams would be canceled, according to court records.

So he wanted it to be collected by the NSA?

The bomb scare shook the campus Monday morning. 

It shook us all.

Students and staff were ordered out of four buildings, and streets were closed as police swarmed the area. President Obama was briefed. 

It was all over the news channels for hours!

An FBI agent said in a sworn statement filed in court that Kim sent the threat and began walking to take his exam in one of the buildings that was being evacuated, but, “upon hearing the alarm, he knew that his plan had worked.”

Yeah, whoop-de-doo, some FBI swore to lies, big deal.

Kim later admitted that he sent the anonymous e-mail to two Harvard officials, campus police, and the student newspaper, warning of “shrapnel bombs” in two of the four buildings, authorities said.

That's how they solve most crimes. If they don't admit it, torture out a confession or take 'em to court.

Three buildings in Harvard Yard — Emerson, Thayer, and Sever halls — and the science center building just outside the yard, were evacuated just as 9 a.m. exams were beginning.

Authorities were led to Kim after determining that, though he used an anonymous e-mail and programs to hide his computer address, he used Harvard’s wireless network.

For only so long!

Harvard students said they were not surprised that a fellow student sent the bomb hoax to avoid finals, though those who knew Kim said they were surprised it was he who did so.

Saba Beridze, a sophomore from the country of Georgia who lives two floors below Kim, said he was a “normal, like, regular guy.”

“I don’t know how it happened to him,” she said. “Maybe he was stressed, and that’s why he wanted to postpone the final? But that definitely does not justify your behavior, because you affect so many people.”

Yeah, who knows?



"The original report said "explosives found", and now they are hitting the "unconfirmed" pretty hard, so this looks like someone may have overreacted to an abandoned box or something. Or maybe some students wanted to get out of mid-term exams! Or, it's another government stunt to ramp up "terror" in the public mind ahead of a false-flag." --Whatreallyhappened

It could be any of them because the corporate media is no longer to be believed. Cui bono from the continuous coverage?

Also see: Harvard fined $24,000 for its care of monkeys

That's not funny at all. 

And they are supposedly training our next crop of world leaders and statesmen? 

NEXT DAY UPDATE: Harvard bomb threat: No laughing matter

Globe agrees with me? I say execute the kid; that'll deter future fakes. 

Whadda ya' mean it's Christmas? 

(For those who follow and read this blog you know I'm staunchly pro-life and anti-death be it abortion, wars, or capital punishment. Thus this sarcastic Christmas commentary is a gift to you)