Also see: Memory Hole: Barney and Business
And remember:
"The turn of events put Democrats in the unusual position of siding with Bush."
The "unusual position of siding with Bush?"
When HAVEN'T THEY, you deceptive pieces of shit? Iraq war funding? Tyrannical spying power? This Wall Street giveaway?
The question should be when have DemocraPs NOT SIDED with Bush? When?
Stem cell? SCHIP? Pffft!
"Frank hears kudos, catcalls for work on bailout legislation; Held a key role in bringing both sides to the table" by Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | October 4, 2008
WASHINGTON - As chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, US Representative Barney Frank worked closely with the Bush administration - usually a nemesis - while he struggled to bring along skeptical liberals who are suspicious of Wall Street.
Pffft! Sigh!
Fuck liberals, and FUCK the SHITTY "JOURNALISM" of the Boston Globe!
Frank was at the pinnacle of his power on the floor of the House, working to manage the financial rescue bill.
Yeah, it is a "rescue" now, not a BAILOUT! Please see: MSM Word Games
He buttonholed legislators who voted on Monday, assuring them he would use his newfound influence with the Bush administration to put pressure on lenders to help troubled homeowners. Representative Al Green, Democrat of Texas, said Frank's promise was a key reason for switching his vote. --more--"
Yeah, THANKS, Barn!!!!!
Senate Passes Wall Street Looting Bill
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 674
List of Representatives who Switched from "Nay" to "Yea"