Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Boston Globe Insults Presidential Candidate

Why am I surprised and angry? Like I thought they would actually be fair and unbiased?

"Nader speaking tour sets record; Marathon trek targeting Guinness aids third party" by Megan Woolhouse, Globe Staff | October 26, 2008

Ralph Nader knows he won't win his bid for president.

SO YOU SAY, Globe!!! If you are going to start of with that agenda-pushing crap, that's when I know I should stop purchasing the Boston Globe

Nader said he opposes repealing the state income tax (applause) and supports the decriminalization of marijuana (big applause).

Boo on the first, applaud the second.

The Harvard Law graduate gets approving nods as he criticizes Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson Jr., saying the former head of Goldman Sachs is now "busy bailing out his buddies."


Nader is 30 minutes late to the Tufts University Student Center in Somerville, but is greeted with applause from dozens of students and supporters. A crowd gathers outside the venue to hear him on an outdoor sound system.

He tells students that they will be "gouged" repaying their student loans, and that skilled jobs in law, engineering, and architecture are increasingly outsourced to countries such as India and China. He also tells them that industries selling junk food to children are to blame for the current youth obesity epidemic. Campaign workers rush him to his next stop: the Danish Pastry Shop in Medford.

What, like he's hypocrite or something, right? I'm sick of the disrespect by these shit joo papers!!!

In all, Nader traveled, chauffeured by a supporter driving a white Hyundai sedan, more than 310 miles, ending in Sheffield, not far from the New York state border. When asked about his carbon footprint, Nader laughed.

Do you ask OBAMA or McCAIN about THEIR FART-BELCHING FART-MIST, Globe? The SHUT the FUCK UP, you agenda-pushing piece of scitte!!!!!!!!!!

"It's hard to get public transportation here in Massachusetts." But, he added, he does not own a jet.

Yeah, that's because this state would rather borrow and pay interest to banks!

For more INSULTS of Mr. Nader, you can go here, readers.

Btw, Globe, the prop didn't take: I am STILL VOTING FOR