Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Boston Globe Says Endless Work and Insecurity a Good Thing

Unless you are a fat-cat corporate looter, 'eh, Globe? Then you get a taxpayer handout!

After a while, the agenda-pushing just makes you ill. That's why you get mouth here (I warned you).

There is good news in today's churning, discomfiting job market. Careers are more fluid and work is more flexible, for both younger and older workers. That means "on-ramping" back to work, even at 65 or 75, is more of a norm, both for financial reasons and continued fulfillment"

I'm so sick of bullshit being shoveled into the mouths of the American people by the agenda-pushing shitrags Americans call "newspapers."

Have YOU had enough, Amurka?

"Pressed into service; As the economy worsens, more retirees, parents, and others are taking on additional jobs" by Maggie Jackson | October 26, 2008

Hit by the deepening economic crisis and fearful of what's to come, a growing number of Americans are taking on work - reluctantly. Young parents, retirees, and others who work part time or who have stepped away from jobs are wading back into the worst labor market in years to offset shrinking investments and rising prices. Others who'd like to cut back or stay home now can't afford to, so they unhappily work full time.

Their compromises undoubtedly will rewrite home and work lives, further redefining retirement and parenthood as life stages that include paid work and sapping family life of the luxury of time. It's just another way in which the fallout, both good and bad, from this crisis will unfold for years to come.


Please read The Role of Feminism in the New World Order very carefully.

Squeezed though many may be, there is good news in today's churning, discomfiting job market. Careers are more fluid and work is more flexible, for both younger and older workers. That means "on-ramping" back to work, even at 65 or 75, is more of a norm, both for financial reasons and continued fulfillment. --more--"

Keep in mind, readers, this is from a paper that said a depression would be a good idea; being poor is your fault; the financial crisis is the fault of American consumer; Boston business benefits from financial failings; financial failures are a good thing; that these are the best of times; and that this bear market is just like any other.

Yeah, case not only closed, but entombed on the LYING, AGENDA-PUSHING, AmeriKan MSM!