Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Controlled Oppositon of the Boston Globe's Opinion Page

This "dissident" somehow never gets around to mentioning a Clean Break or PNAC!!!

"The grand illusion of American power" by H.D.S. Greeway | October 21, 2008

The actions of the Bush administration after 9/11 may have been designed to make the United States safe from another attack.

"May have?" You mean there is a QUESTION about the Bush motives? The man who LIED US INTO WARS and ATTACKED HIS OWN NATION?? What OTHER REASON (Israel) could there be?

The grand illusion of American power as a transformative agent is evident in what Bush's lieutenants had to say. "We have a choice," said Donald Rumsfeld in September, 2001. Either we change the way we live, "which is unacceptable," or we "change the way they live, and we chose the latter. "

Even if it means the TORTURE and MASS-MURDERING of MILLIONS, right, you fucking sickening war criminal?!

Or as Douglas Feith would later put it: America's purpose was to "transform the Middle East and the broader world of Islam generally."

But it ISN'T a WAR on ISLAM, and the WHOLE THING was a "response" to what happened on 9/11, right?
Still no Clean Break or PNAC, 'eh, HDS?

The net result is that much of the world now looks on the Bush administration's resurrection of Woodrow Wilson's ideals and the expansion of democracy as a cover for coercion and bare-knuckle dominance.

Yup, it just LOOKS THAT WAY!!! Even though THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!!

And THIS CRAP is what passes for DISSENT in the Zionist-controlled, agenda-pushing shit sheets?

Both McCain and Obama "implicitly endorse the global war on terror as the essential core of US policy," while in reality it's the entire concept that needs to be rethought. -- more--"

NOT ONLY THAT!! The TRUTH about that CIA-Mossad INSIDE, BLACK-BAG JOB and ALL the OTHER LIES need to be TOLD, shit-headed Zionist ops man!!!!!

Here is what other agendas the BG Ops page is pushing today

Why green jobs are our future

Clearing the path toward a nuclear renaissance

Oh, I see: Iran is the ONLY NATION that CAN NOT have nuclear power. huh?