Saturday, October 4, 2008

FDA Says Eating Poison is O.K.

Why are they even drawing salaries, America?

Melamine levels in imported Chinese candies recalled last week in California were as high as 520 parts per million, about 200 times greater than the level set yesterday by the FDA for "tolerable" risk."

Another group that should get in line for the gallows!!!!!

"Melamine traces OK, FDA asserts" by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Associated Press | October 4, 2008

WASHINGTON - Tiny traces of melamine, the chemical that has set off a global food safety scare, are not harmful in most foods, except baby formula, the FDA said yesterday.

The Food and Drug Administration said its safety specialists have concluded that eating a minuscule amount of melamine - 2.5 parts per million - would not raise health concerns, even if a person ate food every day that was tainted with the chemical.

"It would be like if you had a million grains of sand and they were all white, and you had two or three that were black, that's kind of the magnitude," said Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's food safety program.

I don't want ANY BLACK SAND, shitter!! WTF, readers?

Hey, ASSHOLE FDA man: Why don't YOU go eat some SAND?!!

In fact, I'll help shove it down your throat!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, the GOVERNMENT is here to PROTECT YOU, Amurka?

How is that DAILY BOWL of SHIT, anyway?

Melamine levels in imported Chinese candies recalled last week in California were as high as 520 parts per million, about 200 times greater than the level set yesterday by the FDA for "tolerable" risk. --more--"

But EAT UP, AmeriKa -- or SO SAYS the FDA!!!

You know, it is almost as if they want to KILL US, isn't it?