Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Inconvenient Truths about Global Warming

Yeah, like it ain't happening!: Boston Globe Admits Global Cooling... in a Brief!

"Inconvenient truths about global warming" by H.D.S. Greenway | October 14, 2008


I came here for Mikhail Gorbachev's World Political Forum conference on how the press is handling global warming. The good news is that climate change coverage has increased in recent years faster than global temperatures. Al Gore's Nobel Prize and and his Academy Award-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," have had a huge impact. A book by America's foremost foreign affairs columnist, Thomas Friedman, on the necessity of going green is at the top of the best-seller list.

So Gorby is/was a GLOBALIST, too, huh? Is there NOTHING you can believe in anymore?

The irony for Europe is that climate change could result in colder, not warmer, temperatures.

What, it isn't GLOBAL WARMING anymore?! WTF?

You still gonna believe the EVER-CHANGING LIARS of the MSM, readers, or you gonna believe in the TRUTH-TELLERS of the blogosphere?

The problem is all the more complicated in that man-made greenhouse gases are riding on the back of a normal warming trend following a 200-year cold snap.

Excuse me? A "normal" warming trend? Sigh. Yeah, I have ABOUT HAD it with the GOD-DAMN LIES of the AGENDA-PUSHING AmeriKan MSM!!!!

A solution in one sphere may create problems in another. Witness the surge of ethanol to solve a gasoline problem, only to cause food shortages. --more--"

Yeah, and the fact that ethanol CAUSES MORE PROBLEMS than it solves -- which is why I NEVER LISTEN to ENVIRO CULTISTS anymore, and have disdain for those who do!!!!

Please see: Biofuel Fart Escapes at U.N.