Thursday, October 2, 2008

Innoculating the Public Against AIDS Truth

Before reading another ridiculous MSM cover story lie, please read:

Was AIDS Man-Made?

Alan Cantwell, MD On The ManMade Origin Of AIDS

"Study says AIDS virus in humans 100 years old" by Malcolm Ritter, Associated Press | October 2, 2008

NEW YORK - The results appear in today's issue of the journal Nature. Researchers note that the newly calculated dates fall during the rise of cities in Africa, and they suggest urban development could have promoted HIV's initial establishment and early spread.

The bigger the lie....

Scientists say HIV descended from a chimpanzee virus that jumped to humans in Africa, probably when people butchered chimps. Many individuals were probably infected, but so few other people caught the virus that it failed to get a lasting foothold. --more--"

Yeah, UNTIL 20 YEARS AGO after the BIO-WEAPONS GUYS at the Pentagon DEVELOPED IT!!!! Readers, since the MSM prints this OBVIOUS LIE how can you believe ANYTHING they say now?

How much more PROOF do you need that they are AGENDA-PUSHING LIARS? Remember Iraq? Have they told the truth about 9/11 yet?