Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mass. Banks to Benefit From Bailout

As are ALL BANKS: Tax Cut For Banks in Bailout Bill

"Mass. banks stand to make gains; Competition may benefit consumers" by Robert Weisman, Globe Staff | October 4, 2008

You know, I am sick of the "competition may benefit consumers" because NONE of this GLOBALIST SHIT HAS!!!!!

So, FUCK YOU, Boston Globe!!!!

And look at the author's name: another DAMN JEW!!!!

The shape of the Massachusetts banking industry, dominated by four out-of-state giants and dozens of community banks, isn't likely to change as the big national banks consolidate, analysts said.

And remember that, readers.

"What will the net result of Paulson’s Bankster Rip-off be; more consolidation of the financial industry and the utter annihilation of local and regional banks. That’s a sure thing. The mom and pop banks across the country are going to take it in the stern sheets if this bill is

So there goes the Boston Globe LYING AGAIN!!!!!!

Fucking lying, lying, lying!!!! What SHIT JOURNALISM!!!!!!!!!!

But the ferment might work to the advantage of consumers as banks jockey to shore up their deposits and attract new customers by boosting interest rates on certificates of deposits and other products. Those efforts could be aided by the bailout bill passed in the US House of Representatives yesterday, which temporarily raised the federal insurance cap on bank accounts from $100,000 to $250,000.


The SCALE of BULLSHIT LIES told by this cretin is BEYOND TOLERANCE!!!!!!!

While some Massachusetts banks may have to take third-quarter charges to write off preferred stock they hold in failed mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as Sovereign Bancorp Inc. already has said it will do, analysts said that exposure is limited and most regional banks should emerge from the financial crisis healthy enough to vie for more commercial and consumer customers.

This from the same group that LIED about 9/11, LIED about IRAQ, LIED about EVERYTHING -- and just a couple of months ago was saying EVERYTHING IS FINE in the economy because of the TAX REBATES!!!

Well, WE AIN'T EATIN' YOUR SHIT NO MORE, Globe, which is why I am RAGING HERE!!

, you fucking CROCK o' SHIT LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also see
: The Boston Globe Says a Depression Would Be a Good Idea

The Boston Globe Says Being Poor is Your Fault

Boston Business Benefits From Financial Failings

Boston Globe Says Financial Failures Are a Good Thing

That means companies could step up borrowing from banks rather than floating commercial paper on Wall Street, he said, while consumers might shift money into federally insured bank savings accounts or certificates of deposit from riskier money market mutual funds.

Oh, so the banks are going to start lending after holding out, huh? Pfft!

Mutual fund companies had to inject millions of dollars to shore up their money market funds last month after several lost money. --more--"

Yeah, and they got more coming out because I just sent a letter yesterday to withdraw all my investments!

Hey, JUST DOING MY PART to HELP Wall Street!!!!

It's MY MONEY and I DON'T WANT YOU to HAVE IT, Wall Street!!!!!!!!