Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wall Street Bought Washington Votes on Bailout Bill

The title of the BRIEF is correct: FOLLOW the MONEY!!!! "US House members who voted yes received 51 percent more in campaign contributions from the finance, insurance, and real estate sector in their congressional careers than those who opposed the emergency legislation."

That explains EVERYTHING!

"Follow the money on bailout votes

Theories abound about why the $700 billion financial bailout package crashed and burned in Congress.

Conservative Republicans opposed it on ideological grounds as big-government intervention starting the slippery slope to socialism. Liberal Democrats voted no to register disdain that average Americans were being asked to pay for the sins of Wall Street high rollers. President Bush no longer has the influence to get an unpopular measure through.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson didn't make the sale. House members in close races in November didn't want to risk the ire of voters. But could there be a simpler explanation for the narrowness of the 228-205 defeat - the power of money?

A nonpartisan watchdog group calculated that US House members who voted yes received 51 percent more in campaign contributions from the finance, insurance, and real estate sector in their congressional careers than those who opposed the emergency legislation.

The Center for Responsive Politics found that the gap was particularly noticeable among House Democrats. The 140 Democrats who voted yes have received an average of $792,744 over their careers from the financial sector and $188,572 in this election, while the 95 Democrats who voted against the bill have received an average of $420,686 over their careers and $105,878 this election (Boston Globe)."

BRAVO to that LAST GROUP of DEMS!!!!