Thursday, February 12, 2009

Back Seat Driver


You Can Pay Me Now AND Pay Me Later

Patrick's Phart Chip

"Slow down to increase mileage and save on gas, EPA tells drivers

WASHINGTON - If you've had to put off buying a new car, you might be thinking instead of how to get the most life out of your current vehicle.

Start by slowing down. That's one tip offered by the Environmental Protection Agency on ways to conserve gas and increase gas mileage....

Then we aren't paying the taxes to keep the upkeep on roads -- or so we are told!!!!

You also can increase mileage by removing unnecessary, heavy items from your vehicle, using cruise control on the highway and being conscientious about maintenance. The EPA suggests keeping your engine properly tuned, checking and replacing air filters regularly, keeping tires properly inflated and using the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil.

"There's definitely greater attention being paid to keeping your car running," said Dan Edmunds, director of vehicle testing for automotive research website

"More people are interested in preserving the car they have because they're not going to run out and buy a new one, presumably."

Unless you are a richer, of course.

And last, the EPA says, planning trips can go a long way toward boosting fuel efficiency. Several short trips can use twice as much fuel as a single long trip, covering the same distance when the engine is warm.

Don't tell me how to drive, fart-misters!!!!


Think I'll go take a WASTEFUL, USELESS SPIN around town just for spite -- and TOSS the EPA out my back seat while I'm doing it!!!!