"For ruined financiers, desperate acts; Some disappear, commit suicide" by Deborah Hastings, Associated Press | February 15, 2009
NEW YORK - In the abyss of financial ruin, faced with sure disgrace and possibly prison, some of the newly scandalized rich have taken desperate measures in these despairing times.
FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!
They are lucky we don't EAT THEIR FUCKING HEARTS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The black hole of hopelessness can be overwhelming. A man who lost $1.4 billion to Bernie Madoff sits down in his Manhattan office and carefully writes a series of suicide letters to family and friends, then swallows a fatal dose of pills and conscientiously places a wastebasket under his bleeding arm, after slicing it with a box cutter.
Yeah, that was a "suicide!" Gimme a break!!!
Others are mind-boggling in their brazenness. A financier accused of stealing from his investors boards his private plane alone, sends a fake distress call over Alabama saying his windshield has shattered and he is bleeding profusely, then parachutes from the still-moving Piper Malibu, which is later found in a Florida swamp with no signs of blood or an imploded windshield.
In the last year, there have been more than 10 such incidents, from points across the country and beyond, executed by men whose finances disintegrated, sometimes into greed and possible thievery, with the same dizzying speed of the roller-coaster global market.
And we have had THOUSANDS of SOLDIER SUICIDES!! Fuck you, Globe!!!!!!!!!!!!
In January alone, three cases surfaced. German billionaire investor Adolf Merckle, who lost a fortune in shorted
Somebody was eliminating some links!
Three days before Christmas, after writing his farewell notes, Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet killed himself in his 22d-floor office in Midtown. He'd lost his entire savings, and his clients' money, to Madoff's alleged Ponzi scheme, which may have swallowed $50 billion from investments made by the very rich and the pension plans of everyday people. The 65-year-old Frenchman, an aristocrat and professional investor, was deeply shamed and depressed, friends and family said....
That's the Jewish mafia media's cover story, huh?
His brother, Bertrand, called his brother's suicide an honorable act....
Oh, that's rich!!!! Yeah, he protected a looting Jew so it's "honorable!"
The black dog of depression gnaws at these men....
Excuse me, I'm going to go throw up.
Convicted hedge fund scammer Sam Israel III, 49, lasted a month on the lam in an RV complete with motor scooter before surrendering to authorities. Sentenced to 20 years in prison for defrauding investors of $450 million, Israel was supposedly driving himself to jail when he disappeared last June.
On the dusty hood of his sport utility vehicle, which he parked on an upstate New York bridge 150 feet above the Hudson River, Israel had finger-painted "suicide is painless." He didn't jump. He got into a recreational vehicle driven by his girlfriend, who later conceded that she trailed Israel on his aborted trip to prison and picked him up. He dropped her off at their home in Armonk, N.Y.
Then Israel grew a beard, and apparently rambled around a Massachusetts campground while police, who didn't buy his vehicular postscript and arrested Ryan on charges of aiding and abetting, searched for him. His mother begged him to surrender.
On July 2, he puttered up to a Massachusetts police station on his scooter and gave himself up. Returned to New York, he stood before a furious judge, who ordered his $500,000 bail forfeited. He faces up to 10 additional years in prison for running.
I say HANG the piece of Joos***!!!

Back in custody: Samuel Israel, the convicted founder of hedge fund firm Bayou Group LLC. (Steven Lee Miller/Bloomberg News)
He wanted to die anyway, right?
Oh, what to do, what to do with all these looting criminals that don't care and don't have a conscience.
You feel so bad you wanna die?
Let us HELP YOU HELP YOURSELF, 'kay, richer shits?
The Chinese Solution to Wall Street's Woes
The Indian Solution to Wall Street's Woes
No Bailout ! "They Will Kill You!
Then let us EAT 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And here is one guy they forgot to mention: The Mini-Madoff