"Pakistani cleric holds peace talks with Taliban" by Associated Press | February 20, 2009
MINGORA, Pakistan - A hard-line cleric sought yesterday to persuade the Taliban to disarm under a pact with Pakistan's government aimed at restoring peace after an 18-month campaign of terrorism and battles with the army.
The negotiations are a test of an agreement that has been much criticized as giving in to the demands of militants seeking to establish hard-line Islamic law and providing them a safe haven.
Sorry, but I see right through the Zionist fart mist now. It is so damn obvious once you know what it is, and you never see the world the way you once did -- and never will again.
Islamic cleric Sufi Muhammad promised to use his influence to push the Taliban in the former mountain resort region of Swat to stop fighting in exchange for a public vow by the government to impose Islamic law in the region, where a brutal insurgency has killed hundreds and sent up to one-third of the area's 1.5 million people fleeing.
Oh, THEY did that, huh?
Related: The Greatest Refugee Crisis You Never Heard Of
The Taliban announced a 10-day cease fire Sunday to support the initiative; the military responded by saying it would observe a truce.
And guess what happened the VERY NEXT DAY!!!
In the last 18 months, militants have fought security forces, beheaded political opponents, and burned girls' schools in the Swat Valley, which lies near Pakistan's tribal regions - longtime Taliban and Al Qaeda strongholds bordering Afghanistan.
I thought I would just leave that stock paragraph of Muslim-hating Zionist lies in there for your enjoyment, readers. See further below for debunking.
The deteriorating situation in Swat has been especially worrisome to Pakistani officials because the valley lies away from the border areas where the Taliban have traditionally operated. The 3,500-square-mile region lies less than 100 miles from the capital, Islamabad.
Something is up with that!
"Bomb kills 30 at Shiite funeral in Pakistan
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) — A suicide bomber blew himself up at a funeral for a slain Shiite leader Friday in northwest Pakistan, killing 30 people and wounding more than 60, police and witnesses said. Three other people were killed in sectarian rioting sparked by the attack.
No one claimed responsibility, but the blast bore the hallmarks of Sunni extremists blamed for a string of other bloody strikes against Pakistan's Shiite minority in recent months.
The spike in sectarian violence is adding to the sense of crisis in the nuclear-armed country as it grapples with rising attacks by al-Qaida and Taliban militants based in tribal lands close to the Afghan border.
Witnesses said the suicide bomber barged into a 1,000-strong crowd streaming toward a graveyard in Dera Ismail Khan and then detonated his explosives. The crowd was mourning Sher Zeman, a Shiite leader who was gunned down in the city the day before.
Notice how there are never any qualifiers to the "suiciders" like there are with the dead civilians the U.S. annihilates out of existence with their air bombs? Just an observation of the propaganda, readers.
The blast left bodies, shoes and torn clothing littering the bloodstained street. Some of the dead and wounded were taken to hospitals in wooden handcarts because there were not enough ambulances. Soon after, gunfire broke out and angry Shiites fired on police officers rushing to the scene, police official Ishtiaq Marwat. One public bus was torched by rioters.
At least 30 people were killed in the blast, while three more were shot dead in the riots, said Dr. Farid Mahsud, who was treating some of the more than 60 wounded at the city's main hospital. By nightfall, troops patrolling the streets had restored order, said police official Nemat Ullah.
And here comes the jewshit propaganda!
Extremists from the majority Sunni community regard Shiites as heretical, and the two groups have long engaged in tit-for-tat killings in Pakistan. Attacks have risen in recent years along with the rise in violence by al-Qaida and the Taliban, which are also Sunni groups.
I'll remember that next time you lying jewshits tell me they are collaborating with Iran.
Analysts say those militants are inspiring the sectarian violence and likely directing or supporting some of it.
No, that would be their CIA OVERSEERS!
Fayyaz Hussain, a Shiite leader in Dera Ismail Khan, said extremists are trying to start a wider sectarian conflict in the city, which has often been hit by sectarian attacks.
And CUI BONO, 'eh? WHO wants BOOTS on the GROUND in Pakistan?!!!
"This attack is yet another attempt to force us to leave Dera Ismail Khan, but we will face the situation and will stay here," Hussain said. Many of the sectarian attacks have been in or close to the northwest, where Sunni militant groups have seized control of swaths of territory despite a series of military offensives.
On Monday, Pakistan announced it would agree to the imposition of Islamic law in the restive Swat valley in the northwest of the country as part of an agreement aimed at restoring peace after an 18-month military campaign. The pact was spearheaded by hard-line cleric Sufi Mohammed who is negotiating with the Taliban in the valley to give up their arms. A spokesman for Mohammed said talks with militant leader Maulana Fazlullah on Friday had gone well....
And then BOOM!!!! And the GLOBE DIDN'T COVER IT!
That CONFIRMS the false-flag nature for me.
On Saturday, a suspected suicide car bomber died after apparently prematurely detonating his bomb in the northwest town of Laki Marwat, area police chief Habib Khan said."We are trying to assess whether one or two men were inside," he said. "It didn't cause any other damage.
Globe missed that, too.
And isn't this odd. This NEXT STORY APPEARS in my PAPER, but NOT on the WEB VERSION of the Globe!!
Well, I'm getting kind of tired of that. Sunday seeds out tomorrow and who knows after that. Time for some local purchases the next, oh, month or so.
WAR CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Related: Obama Officially Baptized a War Criminal
WASHINGTON — With two missile strikes over the past week, the Obama administration has expanded the covert war run by the Central Intelligence Agency inside Pakistan, attacking a militant network seeking to topple the Pakistani government.
How is that for CHANGE, AmeriKa!
The missile strikes on training camps run by Baitullah Mehsud represent a broadening of the American campaign inside Pakistan, which has been largely carried out by drone aircraft. Under President Bush, the United States frequently attacked militants from Al Qaeda and the Taliban involved in cross-border attacks into Afghanistan, but had stopped short of raids aimed at Mr. Mehsud and his followers, who have played less of a direct role in attacks on American troops.
Don't believe the Zionist bullshit, readers. Go here and see that Mehsud is a CIA ASSET and PATSY!! THAT'S WHY he wasn't being bombed!!!
The strikes are another sign that President Obama is continuing, and in some cases extending, Bush administration policy in using American spy agencies against terrorism suspects in Pakistan, as he had promised to do during his presidential campaign....
Oh, so THIS is the ONE PROMISE he's KEEPING?
For months, Pakistani military and intelligence officials have complained about Washington’s refusal to strike at Baitullah Mehsud, even while C.I.A. drones struck at Qaeda figures and leaders of the network run by Jalaluddin Haqqani, a militant leader believed responsible for a campaign of violence against American troops in Afghanistan.
According to one senior Pakistani official, Pakistan’s intelligence service on two occasions in recent months gave the United States detailed intelligence about Mr. Mehsud’s whereabouts, but said the United States had not acted on the information. Bush administration officials had charged that it was the Pakistanis who were reluctant to take on Mr. Mehsud and his network....
The White House declined to speak about Mr. Mehsud or the decisions that led up to the new strikes. A C.I.A. spokesman also declined to comment. Senior Pakistani officials are scheduled to arrive in Washington next week at a time of rising tension over a declared truce between the Pakistani government and militants in the Swat region.
Something is going on that we don't about.
While the administration has not publicly criticized the Pakistanis, several American officials said in interviews in recent days that they believe appeasing the militants would only weaken Pakistan’s civilian government.
And CUI BONO over the "SUCIDER," huh?
Mr. Holbrooke said in the interview that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and others would make clear in private, and in detail, why they were so concerned about what was happening in Swat, the need to send more Pakistani forces to the west, and why the deteriorating situation in the tribal areas added to instability in Afghanistan and threats to American forces.
Have you had enough bullshit yet? You can see why I no longer read the Jew York Times, huh? And why the Globe is on its way out with me.
Past efforts to cut deals with the insurgents failed, and many administration officials believe that they ultimately weakened the Pakistani government.
But Obama administration officials face the same intractable problems that the Bush administration did in trying to prod Pakistan toward a different course. Pakistan still deploys the overwhelming majority of its troops along the Indian border, not the border with Afghanistan, and its intelligence agencies maintain shadowy links to the Taliban even as they take American funds to fight them.
Under standard policy for covert operations, the C.I.A. strikes inside Pakistan have not been publicly acknowledged either by the Obama administration or the Bush administration.
More CHANGE for you!
Using Predators and the more heavily armed Reaper drones, the C.I.A. has carried out more than 30 strikes since last September, according to American and Pakistani officials....
That's MASS-MURDER based on a LIE, sir!!!!!
American Special Operations troops based in Afghanistan have also carried out a number of operations into Pakistan’s tribal areas since early September, when a commando raid that killed a number of militants was publicly condemned by Pakistani officials. According to a senior American military official, the commando missions since September have been primarily to gather intelligence....
Oh, yeah, and the violence, bombing, and death of Muslims gets.
Bomber Kills More Than 30
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The police on Friday blamed a suicide bomber for a powerful explosion that killed more than 30 people and wounded at least 50 in the Pakistani city of Dera Ismail Khan, according to residents and Pakistani television reports.
The bombing, aimed at the funeral of a Shiite man who had been shot, set off chaos in the city of a million people on the edge of Pakistan’s tribal areas. Mobs attacked security forces, ransacked shops and surrounded hospitals said the mayor, Abdur Rauf.--more--"
And then, just to carry the level of DISINGENUOUSNESS and CHUTZPAH to an entirely different plane, universe, or dimension, check this out:
Related: The Boston Globe Knows About "Al-CIA-Duh"
"Pakistan's enemy within
PAKISTAN'S government contends that its recently announced deal with armed groups in the Swat valley - a vacation destination barely 100 miles from the capital, Islamabad - represents little more than an agreement to grant the region long-overdue judicial reforms. The acceptance of a mild form of Shariah, or Islamic law, is meant to end delays and corruption in the federal legal system. Most of all, Pakistani officials want it known that the deal, not yet formalized, in no way betokens a surrender to the ascendant forces of Pakistan's own Taliban.
There are strong reasons to be skeptical about this official version of events....
Oh, the CHUTZPAH!!!
9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, you lying pustule of propaganda!!
For the time being, however, it makes sense for the Obama administration to give the government of Pakistan's President Asef Ali Zardari the benefit of the doubt....
Which means LATER, after the NEXT ISRAELI FALSE-FLAG and its PROPAGANDA COVER STORY is transmitted by the Zionist MSM here....
Washington policy makers rarely understand local conditions better than the locals do....
I can not argue with that statement.
Nevertheless, the government has established an ominous precedent by capitulating to a gang of 3,000 or so armed men who terrorized the civilian population and the local authorities....
Doesn't seem to be much of a problem when it's Zionist Jews conrolling America and killing Palestinians!
If the granting of Shariah really does buy peace, law, and order in Swat, it could be worthwhile.
And WILL BE if the WEST and its "Al-CIA-Duh" knocks off the FALSE-FLAG BULLS***!!!!!!!!!!!
If not, Pakistan will have to prepare its army and police to protect the country from a vicious enemy within.
Yeah, like we should do with all the DUAL-NATIONAL ZIONIST TRAITORS INFESTING the Zionist-occupied AmeriKan government!
Oh, yeah, and about the TALIBAN:
"The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997."
Who are the Taliban, anyway?
"Something of a catchall term for loosely affiliated insurgents without a singular command structure. Often, the Afghan government favors the phrase 'enemies of the state' (New York Times July 24, 2007)."
"The Taliban is growing and creating new alliances not because its sectarian religious practices have become popular, but because it is the only available umbrella for national liberation," says Pakistani historian and political commentator Tariq Ali. "As the British and the Soviets discovered to their cost in the preceding two centuries, Afghans never like being occupied."
Also see: Afghanistan's Other Government
And today, readers?
"More and more, people here look back to the era of harsh Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, describing it as a time of security and peace."
Oh, oh, oh!!!! I'm so offended by the AmeriKan MSM and its bullshit!
Also see: How I Came to Love the Veil
And consider this:
"They sat in one girl’s home telling their story, their faces uncovered only because no man was present. But when Mohammed Matloob, the father of one of the girls, walked into the room, the other three quickly pulled their head scarves over their faces. His daughter, Nagina, 16, ordered him to leave the room, which he did, with a surprised shrug."
Aren't the children beautiful?

Oh, what LIES we have been told about Muslims by our Muslim-hating Zionist AmeriKan MSM, Americans!!!!!!