"Admit it; that's really Dubya in a Barack costume at the White House" -- Wake the Flock Up
"Troops welcome Obama in Iraq; He works to build bonds with forces in surprise visit" by Joseph Williams, Globe Staff | April 8, 2009

President Obama, shown returning to Maryland yesterday, had been monitoring the pirate hostage drama, aides said. (Charles Dharapak/associated press)
WASHINGTON - President Obama drew praise from troops and veterans groups for his surprise visit yesterday to Baghdad, another step in his concerted effort to win the support of the military despite having opposed the Iraq war and never having served in uniform.
"I'm honored and grateful to be with all of you. And I'm not going to talk long because I want to shake as many hands as I can," the president said, to loud applause and shouts. The troops, he said, have performed "brilliantly" and he pledged to do "everything we can" for military families and combat veterans.
"We have not forgotten what you have already done, we are grateful for what you will do," Obama said. "And as long as I am in the White House, you are going to get the support that you need and the thanks that you deserve from a grateful nation."
So WHERE is the NEXT WAR, Obama? You ALREADY KNOW, don't you?
The unscheduled trip to Baghdad is Obama's latest gesture designed to win over the armed forces since he went on a "listening tour" with top Pentagon brass seven weeks ago. Last month, speaking to Marines at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, Obama promised a pay increase and more help for wounded veterans - his biggest applause line in a speech detailing his plan to end the Iraq war and bring troops home.
Isn't it NICE that HE LISTENS to those who DON'T EVEN SUPPORT him while FUCKING OVER THOSE THAT DO, liberals?
WhereTF are YOU SHITBAGS, anyway?!!!
This is why I HAVE NO RESPECT for DemocraPs and Liberals!!
WE WERE OUT THERE CRITICIZING "our man" -- if you can call Bush that! I NEVER DID because I NEVER VOTED for him!!!!!!!
Back then I WAS a DemocraPic fool, too!!!!!!!!
The new president "knows that the military has a key role to play" in shaping the tone of his early presidency, said Rudy DeLeone, a military specialist at the Center for American Progress, a liberal-leaning Washington think tank.
That why he is ESCALATING the WARS?!!!!!
"Taking care of the men and women who are serving in the field is one of the unique requirements of the president as commander in chief. He gets that," said DeLeone, who was undersecretary of defense under former president Clinton.
Why is it THIS GUY is sounding MORE and MORE like BUSH EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!!!
Hey, why not? Obama has ALREADY JOINED HIM as a WAR CRIMINAL in my eyes -- and NOTHING, NOTHING -- will ever change that view now!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet members of the military and their families have long been skeptical of Democratic leaders, especially those who have never served in the military.
Yeah, so WHAT HAPPENS is, in their zealousness to please their war-mongering masters they are WORSE than REPUGLICANS!!!!
Think about it: DEMOCRATS brought you the CIA, VIETNAM, WELFARE REFORM, and ON and ON!!! They have FUNDED THESE WARS to HILT with NO END in sight!!
Yeah, sure, we get FART-MIST FOOLEYS and GAS-BAG FULMINATIONS and THAT'S IT!! Another reason I am SICK of POLITICIANS, period!!!!!!!!
And Obama was no exception: A Military Times poll conducted three weeks before his inauguration showed two-thirds of all men and women in uniform either questioned or doubted his ability as commander in chief, pointing to his lack of service and his opposition to the Iraq war.
So he promptly undoes their fly and performs fellatio on them. Nice job of cock-sucking, bamer!! Make sure you swallow it all!!!!!!
You know, the FRAMERS made it a CIVILIAN-LED MILITARY for a REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clinton, who was the first president in more than half a century never to have worn a military uniform, had serious problems in his first months in office winning the respect of troops. Many expressed resistance to his leadership, and questioned his commitment to national defense.
But analysts note that Obama - who, like Clinton, was educated in the Ivy League and seems culturally distant from the military rank and file - wants to avoid Clinton's missteps. Even before Clinton's election, many in the military distrusted him for having taken steps to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War, and he further alienated them early in his presidency by trying to resolve the highly-charged issue of whether openly gay service members can stay in uniform.
Obama has not only delayed taking action on gays in the military, pending a command review, but also made noticeable efforts to offer more personal signs of respect, including crisp salutes to Marines at his helicopter. Some service members had said that Clinton's wobbly salutes betrayed his lack of service.
Here's my salute to the mass-murdering military!
Meanwhile, the president's wife, Michelle, has made support for military families her signature cause - including a high-profile trip to the Army's large Fort Bragg, N.C., base - to show concern for military spouses and dependents.
"Our soldiers and their families have done their duty, and they do it without complaint," she said. "And we as a grateful nation must do ours - do everything in our power to honor them by supporting them."
How about BRINGING THEM HOME and CARING FOR THEM PROPERLY -- and ADMITTING to the LIES about 9/11 and Iraq, huh?
So that's two control groups Mich has dropped to het knees for.
Related: Michelle Obama Pays Homage to the Holohoax™
Yesterday, after an eight-day tour of Europe - including the G-20 summit in London, a NATO meeting in Brussels, and a visit to Turkey - Obama's heavily guarded Air Force One arrived in Baghdad from Istanbul, and heavy security surrounded the president from the moment he arrived. Hours earlier, a car bomb in a Shi'ite neighborhood of the capital killed nine people.
Yeah, DON'T PAY ATTENTION to the ACTUAL VIOLENCE over there because GEORGE W. BUSH won Iraq and anything that strays from the conventional myth of the agenda-pushing MSM is either concealed or banished!!!!
Btw, see: Occupation Iraq: Israel's IEDs for why I no longer believe in "suiciders" or anything else the agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Zionist AmeriKan war press has to report about Muslims!!
Related: Slow Saturday Special: Iraqi Surge of Violence
Occupation Iraq: 15 Attacks a Day
Occupation Iraq: MSM Censoring Conflict Again
Nevertheless, here is the crap we are fed as "news," AmeriKa!
After a meeting with General Ray Odierno, the top US commander in Iraq, and talks with Iraqi leaders, Obama arrived at a former palace of Saddam Hussein to decorate 10 troops with the Medal of Valor.
Don't think that is not lost on the Iraqis, despite the MSM spin:
Shi'ite protest marks 6th anniversary of the fall of Baghdad
As the president gave an impromptu speech to a large number of soldiers gathered there - praising their sacrifices, pledging to hand Iraq over to Iraqis and warning of hard, dangerous work ahead - several troops took photos of him on cellphone cameras, and someone shouted, "We love you!"
"I love you back," the president replied.
I'm done. The American people can go to hell. You OBVIOULSY SUPPORT the WARS and the LIES they are BASED ON otherwise you would be UP IN ARMS in OUTRAGE as I AM EVERY DAMN DAY and yet NOTHING!!!!
Fine! STAY OVER THERE and DIE, you fucking TOOLS of EMPIRE!!! Anybody in the service now WANTS TO BE THERE!!!! They KNOW the TURTH of this government and its damn lies, and yet they STILL SIGN UP!! So FUCK 'EM!!!
STAY THERE!!!!! Your CHANGE PRESIDENT WANTS YOU TO, so DON'T GET MAD AT ME and MY RAGE!!!! I NEVER WANTED YOU THERE in the FIRST PLACE because I KNEW it was ALL HORSE SHIT LIES THEN!!! But NO ONE LISTENED, NO ONE EVER EVEN FUCKING APOLOGIZED for ME BEING RIGHT!! It was just, yeah, yeah, just quit complaining and shaddup. No, yeah, you were right, what should we do next? Nope, we got NOTHING!!!!
Though it remains to be seen whether the president can fully earn the trust of the military, the good-will trip to Bagdad elicited praise from Vets for Freedom, a conservative-leaning military veterans' group. "It is critically important that our warriors in harm's way know they have the support of their Commander in Chief," said a statement from the group.
Translation: SUCK HARDER, 'bamer!!!!!!!!!
And if he DOES NOT, well, HE FARTED IN YOUR LIBERAL FACES for NOTHING, huh, Amurkns?
Does the SUPPORT of the Commander in Chief include LYING TO THEM?
So WhereTF are you, LEFTISTS?!!!!!!
Where are you detestable pieces of double-taking, double-crossing dogshit, huh?
I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gen. Odierno: US May Ignore Iraq Deadline Because of al-Qaeda
You CAN'T EVEN SMELL the SHIT for having your heads up your asses, can you?