Before you begin to read about "Taliban suiciders" -- the war propagandists are very adept at reiterating unverified propaganda as long as it isn't AmeriKan slaughter and murder of Muslims over -- consider this astounding astuteness by a blogger:
Using Women as War Propaganda
No sooner were the words out of HIS MOUTH, than BANG:
"Swat girl flogging video fake, official says" by Fasihur Rehman Khan,
Islamabad: A top government official of Pakistan's Taliban-controlled Swat region has made a surprise claim that the amateur video clip shown by television channels of a 17-year-old girl being flogged was fabricated, media reports say. Malakand Division Commissioner Syed Mohammad Javed was quoted by local media as saying that the incident shown in the video clip had not happened in the Swat valley and that the accents of the people heard speaking in the video were not those of the region.
"This fabricated video clip is a conspiracy to sabotage the Swat peace deal between the Taliban and the NWFP government," the commissioner said after his visit to the Kala Kalay village where the incident is alleged to have taken place. Swat Taliban Spokesman Muslim Khan echoed his sentiments, claiming the tape was the handiwork of pro-West organisations.
And here the damn thing led my Zionist War Daily's World coverage!!
Given the Zionist AmeriKan MSM's unerring and unending litany of lying, whom are you going to believe, readers -- me or them?
"Pakistan reeling after a day of suicide attacks; Taliban seen as overwhelming security forces" by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Shah, New York Times | April 6, 2009
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to a crowded Shi'ite mosque just south of the capital yesterday, killing at least 26 people.
Why do I feel like we have been here so many times before, readers?
"reports of local Taliban members encouraging people to register and support them at the polls.... there is a widespread desire among Taliban fighters to seek a settlement.... But...."
Always a BUT with "Al-CIA-DUh' and the AmeriKan MSM!!!!
Just a coincidence, right?
It was the third suicide attack in Pakistan in 24 hours, in a sign that the Pakistani Taliban are overwhelming the nation's security forces.
So the US better GET IN THERE and OCCUPY RIGHT AWAY!! GOOD THING Obama is SENDING LOTS MORE TROOPS, 'eh, Amurka? Oh, just felt a draft, didn't you?
The assault south of the capital, Islamabad, appeared to be carefully crafted. It took place in Chakwal, a town that historically has had strong ties to the Pakistani army, and in a Shi'ite mosque, which have come under increasing attack by the Pakistani Taliban.
The bombing occurred about 12 hours after a suicide bomber struck in an upper-class neighborhood of Islamabad on Saturday night, killing eight paramilitary security officers assigned to guard foreign diplomats and wealthy residents. On Saturday morning, a suicide bomber drove his vehicle into a group of civilians on the side of the road in Miram Shah, in North Waziristan, killing at least eight people, including schoolchildren.
CUI BONO, readers?
In a telephone interview yesterday, Hakimullah Mehsud, a powerful deputy to Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, said the Taliban were responsible for the suicide attacks in Islamabad and Chakwal. He said the Islamabad bombing had been in retaliation for an attack against him by an American pilotless aircraft, known as a drone, on April 1 in Orakzai, southwest of Peshawar in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan. The attack killed at least 10 people, US intelligence officials said.
Yeah, so now if you CRITICIZE US AIRSTRIKES you are a "terrorist!" -- with a DEAD MAN OFFERING UP the SMEAR!!!
See: The Hallmarks of a False-Flag Attack at Pakistani Police Academy
You know what, F*** YOU, MSM, and F*** your "Al-CIA-Duh" BULLSHIT!!!!
Speaking hurriedly by telephone from Orakzai, Hakimullah Mehsud said the Pakistani Taliban planned to carry out two bombings a week within Pakistan in what he called "revenge" against Pakistan for the US missile strikes.
He did not specify whether the attacks would be by suicide bombers or in commando-style assaults, a technique used against a police training school in Lahore last week, in which eight police officers were killed and more than 100 were wounded. Baitullah Mehsud took responsibility for that attack and said it was in response to US missile strikes.
I USED to LOVE MY MORNING NEWSPAPERS, but now.... ah, hanh, hanh, hanh!!!!!!
US military officials have said the missile strikes have killed nearly a dozen top operatives from Al Qaeda based in safe havens within the tribal areas. The strikes, which have intensified since President Asif Ali Zardari took office in September, are among the most effective instruments in the US arsenal against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, US officials have said.
Related: Pakistan on Obama Watch
Obama Officially Baptized a War Criminal
U.S. Answers Dead Man's Phone Call
The STARK CALLOUSNESS with which the Muslim-hating, Zionist AmeriKan MSM says it is BREATHTAKING!!!!
Senior Pakistani officials have routinely protested that the drone attacks represent an infringement of Pakistani sovereignty, although the government has quietly assented to the strikes.
MY GOD!!!! A WORD of TRUTH from the crap MSM!!!
"Pakistani officials have made clear that they regard the Predator attacks as a less objectionable violation of Pakistani sovereignty"
A SLY TUCK of TRUTH like a CORN KERNEL in a TURD!!!!!!! I FOUND IT!!!!
No wonder the Pakistani people despise their government; a wink and a nod to our slaughter of their women, children, and families -- over a DAMN LIE!!!
Hakimullah Mehsud said the attack in Chakwal yesterday morning was carried out by a group known as the Fidayeen-e-Islam, part of the broad alliance known as the Tehrik-i-Taliban. The Fidayeen-e-Islam is believed to be led by Qari Hussain, the chief technician and motivator of Taliban suicide bombers, and is based in South Waziristan, according to Taliban analysts.
Mehsud said he would release a video showing that the recent attacks were being conducted by "Pakistanis and Muslims," and not by foreigners, as the Pakistani government has asserted.
Yup, little-known groups and blah, blah, blah, blah. Shovel, shovel, shovel, s*** MSM!
In yesterday's attack, a witness at the Shi'ite mosque told Pakistani television that the bomber had been stopped at the door, but that he pushed himself forward and then detonated the explosives strapped to his body.
Separately, John Solecki, an American working for the United Nations who was abducted more than two months ago, was found alive on the side of a road near Quetta just before midnight Saturday, a UN spokeswoman, Jennifer Pagonis, said.
Oh, wow, I thought the Globe had forgotten all about that guy (the abduction, lack of coverage, and release absolutely reeks of a false-flag, folks)!!!
The abductors called the UN headquarters in Islamabad shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday, and said, " 'John has been released, go and pick up your man,' " Pagonis said.
It was the call the United Nations had been waiting for since his disappearance, and the only direct communication with his kidnappers, a group that called itself the Baluchistan Liberation United Front, she said. After reports from the abductors that Solecki was very sick, the UN team that picked him up was "enormously relieved to see he was not critically ill," she said.
Yup, another LITTLE-KNOWN or NEW group!!
Oh, "Al-CIA-DUh" STINK!!
Can't you SMELL IT, Amurka?
Wait a minute, I'm having a flashback, readers:
To PROVE what a CENSORING PIECE of SHIT the Globe is, ask yourself WHY they OMITTED THIS?
The only reason I can think of is COVERING UP FALSE-FLAG CELLS of "Al-CIA-Duh!"
"Kidnapped American UN worker freed in Pakistan" by ASIF SHAHZAD and STEPHEN GRAHAM, Associated Press | April 4, 2009
ISLAMABAD — An American U.N. worker abducted more than two months ago turned up unharmed Saturday, lying alongside a road in western Pakistan with his hands and feet bound and pleading "Help me, help me," the man who found him said.
John Solecki was discovered Saturday evening abandoned in a village some 30 miles south of Quetta near the Afghan border after his captors called a local news agency to tell them where to look, officials said....
Solecki made no public comment. Police and U.N. officials declined to discuss what led to his release. U.N. officials who met with him reported that he was "tired but all right," U.N. spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis said....
This is a STINKING, folks!!!!
The release was a rare piece of good news amid intensifying violence here that has raised international alarm over the nuclear-armed country's stability. On Saturday, a suicide bomber attacked a paramilitary base in the capital, killing eight.
Solecki's abduction and the killing of his driver on Feb. 2 in Quetta raised concern that he was another victim in a spate of attacks on foreigners blamed on Islamist militants operating from strongholds along the Afghan frontier.
A previously unknown group, the Baluchistan Liberation United Front, had claimed responsibility for the abduction, threatening to behead him and issuing a grainy video on Feb. 13 of a blindfolded Solecki pleading for help.
But the group's name and demands indicated they were ethnic Baluch separatists who have been waging a long low-level insurgency in the impoverished but oil-rich southwest of Pakistan and have no record of taking or killing Western hostages.
The kidnappers had demanded the release of hundreds of people from alleged detention by Pakistani security agencies. President Asif Ali Zardari last week announced that the government had "traced" 200 people previously listed as missing and provincial leaders insist they are no longer holding any political prisoners.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he was grateful for the efforts to secure Solecki's release, citing Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai. But Ban, who was in Paris, also pleaded for the release of another U.N. official, Robert Fowler, was still missing in Niger.
Kidnappers in December took Fowler, a Canadian diplomat who serves as Ban's special envoy for Niger, an aide and their driver. The driver was released unharmed almost two weeks ago.
Antonio Guterres, Ban's high commissioner for refugees, expressed relief and gratitude. He added: "UNHCR looks forward to continuing its humanitarian efforts in Pakistan."
The suicide bomber who attacked the base Saturday in Islamabad sneaked in after dark from a wooded area at the rear and detonated his explosives inside one of several large tents used as sleeping quarters.
Related: Hidden Hostages in the Hindu Kush
Globe obviously knew about the guy, so WTF? Honestly, readers, I AM SICK of the GARBAGE OMISSIONS and OUTRIGHT LIES of the Boston Globe!
See: The Boston Globe Knows About "Al-CIA-Duh"
Naivete or Disingenuousness?

Pakistani Shi'ite Muslims mourned their relatives yesterday as coffins were carried during a funeral ceremony for victims of Sunday's suicide bomb blast in Chakwal, south of Islamabad. (Faisal Mahmood/reuters)
"Pakistan aims to improve security; Surge in violence likely to dominate talks with US" by Zeeshan Haider, Reuters | April 7, 2009
How long until we are officially occupying Pakistan, America? After the next false-flag attack? What's that, a day away? A week?
Government needs something to dilute the bald anger and rage we are feeling right now. It worked before....
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Pakistan will devise a concrete strategy to stem worsening security, the prime minister said yesterday, after a surge in violence that is likely to dominate talks with US envoy Richard Holbrooke.
Pakistan is crucial to US efforts to stabilize neighboring Afghanistan and frequent attacks by militants linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban across Pakistan are reviving Western concerns about the stability of its nuclear-armed ally.
I mean, they are PREPARING YOU FOR IT, America. It is SO DAMN OBVIOUS!!!
Holbrooke, special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, arrived in Islamabad after talks in Kabul, and will meet with leaders today. He is traveling with Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and they are due in India later today.
In the most recent violence in Pakistan, 24 people died in a suicide bomb attack on Shi'ite Muslims on Sunday, a day after eight paramilitary soldiers were killed in a similar attack in Islamabad and a US drone killed 13 people in the northwest.
Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani called chief ministers and police chiefs of the country's four provinces, and intelligence chiefs for special talks on ways to check slides in security.
"A comprehensive and integrated policy involving all stakeholders will be devised to completely eradicate the scourge of terrorism and extremism," Gilani's office quoted him as saying in a statement. A parliamentary national security committee has two weeks to draw up recommendations on how to tackle militancy, to bring Islamic seminaries, or madrasas, into the mainstream and to improve the enforcing agencies.
Pakistan for years used Islamists to further foreign policy objectives in Afghanistan and the divided Kashmir region.
"The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997."
But after joining the US-led campaign against Al Qaeda and the Taliban following the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, it took a series of steps to combat militancy. But critics say they were half-hearted and have failed, while US officials say they suspect Pakistani security agents still maintain contacts with some militants.
And SO DO WE!! That's why I call it "Al-CIA-Duh!"
Surging violence has raised fears for nuclear-armed Pakistan's prospects a year after a civilian government came to power, ending eight years of military rule. President Asif Ali Zardari, widower of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, and the coalition government is struggling to revive an economy propped up by a $7.6 billion International Monetary Fund loan.
--more --"
Yeah, the country is in BIG TROUBLE and ready for a fall -- with the U.S. military there to catch them before they hit Pakistan soil!!!