Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dalai Lama Defends Suicide Bombers

Interesting how this item shows up a week later in my Muslim-hating, war-promoting, enemy-creating, agenda-pushing jewspaper. Why didn't they report it at the time?

I know it is painful, readers; however,
the guy is a CIA asset. That explains why the college loved the guy, and the overwhelmingly positive coverage that guy gets in the AmeriKan MSM!

If they truly honored the man's words they wouldn't be creating enemies with their agenda-pushing, war-promoting lies.

"Dalai Lama asserts that compassion is emphasized by Islam" by Michael Paulson | May 10, 2009

This is a scene that immediately captured my imagination: Last week, in the preacher's room at Memorial Church in Cambridge, the Dalai Lama, who received the Nobel Peace Prize for his advocacy of nonviolence, turned to one of Harvard's leading scholars of Islam and asked him about the meaning of jihad....

Any traditionalist who knows his Islamic law knows that jihad is fundamentally defensive."

In his opening remarks, the Dalai Lama not only paid tribute to the importance of educating students about religions other than their own, but he also made a more specific point, that Islam, like Buddhism and other religions, emphasizes compassion....

As opposed to the one that says lying, stealing, and killing is God's will and they are his chosen people so it is okay! You know which one that is, right, readers?


Also see
: The Two Faces of the Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama Uses Gillette Razors

Dalai Lama Drops a Doodie