Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Great Deception Machine

(Blog author's note: I alter this fabulous and perceptive author's titles not out of disrespect, but respect at the unexpected and prescient phrases, themes, and ideas that catch my eye in his brilliant essays)

"Stuff World and the Great Deception Machine

by Visible

.... If you want the truth then you have to be able to adjust to it when you hear or see it. The truth does not adjust to you. The attempt to achieve that adjusting is how lies are created. This is why you should approach the main stream media with the conscious awareness that they are lying to you all the time. The biggest hurdle… even for those who know better is… how could something so big and prosperous, so ubiquitous; successful and routine in its operations be one great big lie machine? Looking right at it, it tricks us and… it wears us down.

The MSM Monitor Looks Into the Mirror

We see well dressed men and women telling us what they want us to hear. They meet and speak with important people. They drive expensive cars and live well. How could they all be serial liars who behave like sidewalk whores for the money? How could it be that these people who went to all the good schools and get all the valued invites are pathological, lying sacks of shit with zero integrity and honor? It’s true though. They lied about 9/11. They lied about Afghanistan. They lied about Iraq and they are lying about Iran. When they don’t lie… they avoid or suppress. So it is that you have to approach the media with a certain perspective. Why are they telling ‘this lie’ now? You flat out assume it’s a lie because it’s all a lie, so the next step is… why?

Obama is opposed to releasing the torture graphics because he says the generals say it would harm the troops in the field and American interests abroad. This has to be a lie because all they do is lie; not just the media but the elected officials, the religious leaders and anyone with any position whatsoever in The Great Deception Machine. Why is deception necessary? It is necessary because due to profit or expediency someone is doing the wrong thing and breaking the very laws they were elected or appointed to enforce. It is also necessary in order to maintain control over what the public sees and how the public responds. Most of the time when they lie, which is all of the time, it is to protect the interests of the present group of criminals who replaced the last bunch of criminals and who will, at some point be replaced by another pack of criminals.

The newscasters lie. The commercials lie. The characters in all of the temporary fantasies are lies and the reality shows are present because reality contradicts everything that is happening, so a reality has to be fashioned to distract from Reality, which is reflected in the ‘nowhere near bottom’ economic free fall; the gratuitous wars abroad, all the missing money, the high rate of unemployment, the foreclosures, the closing stores, the panic on Fear Street which used to be called Main Street and which, curiously, is populated by an enormous mob of people who are laughing their way through the whole thing because the fear makes them do it.

I’m going to have to get a little metaphysical here and I hope if you are not metaphysically inclined that you will be able to translate this into your own schematic for understanding....


'Newspapers are dead'