Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday Morning Quote and Comment

Click on the link above the comments to see the answers to the comments.

"It totally failed. It literally was faster to walk"

Gotta be public transit in some Third World backwater, right?

"This is probably more driven by economics than anything"

I can't imagine what that could possible be in war-worshiping AmeriKa.

"Two weeks' punishment seems normal in these situations. Anything longer, and you're talking firing"

What industry could that be? Has to be a Muslim nation, right?

"The community has been turned upside-down. It's something we never thought we would see"

Why do I keep thinking AfPak there?

"I tell you, I don't sleep well at night. If I saw an arrest, I'd feel more comfortable in my own home"

Yeah, even if it is the WRONG PERSON!!!! Gotta be China or Russia or Cuba or.... you don't say?

"She spends hours each day at her computer tapping out scripts, her fingers working"

Boston Globe honoring a blogger?

"My mind just turns to the morbid, Smith said, chuckling"

Has to be someone reading the newspapers (mine turns to pooh-pooh talk) or.... your kidding!

"it 'opens the trap doors of the mind' and forces him to focus and develop his own plots"

Certainly not reading the papers; Awright, who put the 9/11 video in while tripping on the acid???

"a mother who realizes her son is a notorious serial killer"

I hope Barbara Bush took it well.

"I'm going to make it some day. It doesn't matter if I'm 50, I'm going to make it"

That must be George's answer back to mom about joining the million-mass-murdering club.

"I don't think you can convince the American people that you can bring the people from Gitmo to their states and they will be safe"

You think we are that stoo-pid, huh?

"I don't know why it is better to have somebody in a so-called supermax facility in, say, Colorado than it is to keep them in Guantanamo, a state-of-the-art facility that we built not too long ago for the explicit purpose of holding these people. There's nothing wrong with the prison in Gitmo, and there are a lot of problems - as FBI Director [Robert] Mueller pointed out in testimony just this week - with bringing those people to the United States"

They do: FBI Says Bin Laden Can Strike From U.S. Prison

"You have people out there today who want to kill Americans, who would like to set off a nuclear weapon in an American city, who would like to set off a truck bomb down the street from where we are right now. What do you do with somebody who's a dedicated, religiously motivated terrorist? You had better keep them locked up"

Something like this, to be blamed on them, asshole?

"officials concluded that women were less able to carry heavy loads, more prone to injury, and had a lower capacity for aggression than men"

Has to be a Muslim country. Just has to be.

"If we don't reach out more, the party is going to be sitting on a very, very narrow base"

You guys already are. I'm waiting.

"a Democrat in GOP clothing"

Not me.

"I am still a Republican"

Me -- barely.

"define who we are, and not just listen to the diktats that have come down from the right wing of the party"

Not me. So where are the open arms, Repugs?

"Mr. Cheney was misinformed"

Translation: he's a liar!

"Should I apply to be an assistant manager at Wendy's?"

They are open and hiring (ours closed down two years ago; all we have are two McDonalds -- one at each end of town)?

"I saw myself at that age: juiced with energy, low on wisdom, and champing at the bit to find my place in the world"

I don't know what happened, but somehow I ended up here.

"do a newsletter, create programs or videos for an event -- something, anything, to stay in the game"

As long as it isn't 9/11 Truth, right?

"Single-minded religious zealotry bedevils critical thinking, and not just about religion. Military and political thinking suffers when the righteousness of born-again faith leads to self-righteousness. Critical thinking includes a self-criticism"

Nice to see Zionists coming in for criticism in my jewspa.... what's that?

"consumers are being slammed"

Good thing I'm American.

"We're starting to see businesses board up. Nobody wants to buy in that area"

Some Third World slum no doubt.

"There's no department store that I know of. There's one major grocery store and that's it"

Some Third World slum no doubt.

"If there's a Hannaford [supermarket] in Pelham, N.H., they'll go there"

Who knows me?!!

"Everyone's in fear at this point"

Now THAT'S gotta be AmeriKa!

"If that means going 15 minutes up to New Hampshire, they will"

Who knows me so well?!!

"Stop and look around - there are other countries in the world that don't have freedom at all"

I'm living in one.

"This is where we get our freedom from"

Oh, really?

"People should be willing to place themselves under surveillance to avoid being locked up"

Ah, freedom!

"gladly exchange their privacy"

Ah, freedom!

"no breakfast nook, toilet, or basement workshop need go unmonitored"

Ah, freedom! Gotta be China or Russia, right?