Please see: Air France received South American bomb threat days before Flight 447 disappeared over Atlantic
Another Failed Airliner Cover-Up
Never again!
"Vast search for missing Air France jet is underway; Sarkozy seeks satellite help from US" by Bradley Brooks and Greg Keller, Associated Press | June 2, 2009
RIO DE JANEIRO - While what happened to the plane has not been determined, a Pentagon official said he'd seen no indication of terrorism or foul play....
Please remember that.
Other experts doubted a bolt of lightning would be enough to bring the jet down. Some pointed to turbulence as a more dangerous factor.
So two cases ruled out right away, huh? Pretty quick on the terrorism, no?
"Jet's debris spotted in mid-Atlantic, Brazil says; No sign of life; ships may get to site today" by Edward Cody, Washington Post | June 3, 2009
PARIS - Speculation has raged about what caused the disaster - a terrorist bomb, a lightning bolt, hail, severe turbulence, or heavy frost. But French Prime Minister François Fillon said officials still had no real idea and were eliminating no possibility for the time being....
WTF? You saw what was reported the first day, right?
(Keep reading; it gets even better)
Btw, look at 'em reaching for any excuse BUT "terrorism," huh? Who was on that flight, anyway (turns out a couple of illegal arms foes, cui bono)?
Jean-Louis Borloo, the ecology minister supervising the French end of search operations, said that finding the plane's black box data recorders is a top priority.
Or more like, WHY did the FBI SCOOP 'EM UP (or claim to) and then how did they DISAPPEAR!?
But he warned it may be difficult because the Atlantic is several thousand feet deep along the scheduled flight path, stretching from northeastern Brazil toward Cape Verde off western Africa....
Already setting up the excuses.
News reports said French security services also were reviewing the passenger list to see whether any names aroused suspicion. A spokesman for the Brazilian Air Force, Colonel Jorge Amaral, told reporters in Brazil that only by recovering the plane's flight recorders and debris could any firm conclusions be drawn about events leading up to the crash.
FERNANDO DE NORONHA, Brazil - The lead French investigator questioned whether the recorders will ever be found in such a deep and rugged part of the ocean.
Pffft! They found TWA 800s and all the debris didn't they?
"This clearly looks like the story of the airplane coming apart," the airline industry official said. "We just don't know why it did, but that is what the investigation will show."
Oh, so as with ALL OFFICIAL INVESTIGATIONS they have ALREADY DECIDED what the OUTCOME WILL BE! Time to TAILOR the "evidence" and "news" reports to the PLANNED DECEPTION!!!
One fear - terrorism - was eased yesterday. France's defense minister and the Pentagon said there were no signs that terrorism was involved, and Brazil's Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said "that possibility hasn't even been considered."
All right. Let's say I'm not giving the MSM its due.
Let me give you a (mostly) full piece and the NEW EXCUSE and COVER STORY!
RIO DE JANEIRO - Investigators trying to determine why Air France Flight 447 broke apart in a violent storm over the Atlantic are looking at the possibility that the jet's speed sensors failed, two aviation industry officials said yesterday.
Pffffft! Its either equipment or pilot failure every time, huh?
Meanwhile, Brazil's Navy issued a statement saying that wreckage recovered by a helicopter crew earlier in the day was not from the plane....
Officials with knowledge of the investigation and independent analysts all stressed they do not know why a plane that seemed to be flying normally suffered a catastrophe just minutes after.... Investigators have little to go on until they recover the plane's black box flight data and voice recorders, now probably on the ocean floor miles beneath the surface.
Other hypotheses - even terrorism - haven't been ruled out, though there are no signs of a bomb. Officials have said that a jet fuel slick on the ocean's surface suggests there was no explosion.
Why do I not believe them? Terrorism is in, it's out, they are covering up and lying about the warnings. WTF am I supposed to believe when I pick up a copy of the newspaper these days?
Two officials with knowledge of the investigation said they are looking at the possibility that an external probe that measures air pressure may have iced over. The probe provides onboard computers with data used to calculate air speed and altitude. Another possibility is that sensors inside the aircraft that read the data malfunctioned. If the instruments were not accurately reporting information, it is possible the jet would have been traveling too fast or too slow as it entered turbulence from towering bands of thunderstorms, according to the officials.
"There is increasing attention being paid to the external probes and the possibility they iced over in the unusual atmospheric conditions experienced by the Air France flight," one of the industry officials explained, speaking on condition of anonymity because he isn't authorized to discuss the investigation publicly. Meteorologists said the Air France jet entered an unusual storm with 100 mile-per-hour updrafts that acted as a vacuum, sucking water up from the ocean. The incredibly moist air rushed up to the plane's high altitude, where it quickly froze in minus-40 degree temperatures. The updrafts also would have created dangerous turbulence.
???? The excuse and sophistries become more elaborate and outrageous, don't they? Anything but the truth when it comes to plane crashes.
The jetliner's computer systems ultimately failed, and the plane broke apart as it crashed into the Atlantic on the flight from Rio to Paris. Independent aviation specialists said it is plausible that a problem with the external probe, called a pitot tube or sensors that analyze data collected by the tube could have contributed to the disaster.
Oh, it is PLAUSIBLE, is it? WHENEVER you see THAT WORD -- as in plausible deniability -- think LIE, folks!
The tubes have heating systems to prevent icing, but if those systems somehow malfunctioned, the tubes could quickly freeze at high altitude in storm conditions. Other analysts outside the investigation said it is more likely that the sensors reading information from the tubes failed.
"When you have multiple system failures, sensors are one of the first things you want to look at," said John Cox, a Washington-based aviation safety consultant and former crash investigator for the Air Line Pilots Association. Jetliners need to be flying at just the right speed when encountering violent weather, pilots say: too fast and they run the risk of breaking apart; too slow, and they could lose control.
"It's critical when dealing with these conditions of turbulence to maintain an appropriate speed to maintain control of the aircraft, while at the same time not overstressing the aircraft," said Bill Voss, president and CEO of the Flight Safety Foundation in Alexandria, Va.
It makes you wonder why they aren't dropping out of the skies like flies, doesn't it?
I'll tell you one thing: between the "terrorists," the TSA sticking a gloved finger up my ass, and now this alleged instrument failure, I'LL NEVER FLY AGAIN, ever!!!
The AIRLINE INDUSTRY can DIE for all I care! I'm TIRED of the LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two buoys - standard emergency equipment on planes - were spotted from the Atlantic Ocean about 340 miles northeast of Brazil's northern Fernando de Noronha islands by the helicopter crew, which was working off a Brazilian navy ship.
Other debris spotted so far includes a 23-foot chunk of plane, an airline seat, an oil slick, and several large brown and yellow pieces that Cardoso said probably came from inside the plane. But a cargo pallet picked up yesterday that was originally thought to be from the jet turned out not to be, Brazilian officials said. Brazilian Air Force General Ramon Cardoso said the plane was not carrying wooden pallets.
The pilot of a Spanish airliner flying nearby at the time reported seeing a flash of white light plunging to the ocean, said Angel del Rio, spokesman for the airline, Air Comet.--more--"
Yeah, AND? Could that have been the EXPLOSION?
Why is that NEVER FOLLOWED UP, msm -- and why do you COMPLETELY OMIT and IGNORE the TERROR WARNING?!!!!
"Air France says it's replacing flight instruments; Plan detailed in memo sent to its pilots" by Marco Sibaja and Greg Keller, Associated Press | June 6, 2009
RECIFE, Brazil - An Air France memo to its pilots yesterday about the crash of Flight 447 said the airline is replacing instruments that help measure air speed on all its medium- and long-haul Airbus jets. Investigators have focused on incorrect speed readings as a potential factor in the crash.
Again, I now wonder why they aren't falling out of the air everywhere -- or are they and we aren't being told (seems odd considering the MSM has been on this for days)?
Either way, it looks bad for the MSM, doesn't it?
With Brazil and France disagreeing about whether pieces of the jet have even been found in the Atlantic, investigators are using the last messages sent by the plane to determine the cause and try to avoid future disasters....
Which could be phonied up.
The plane's "black boxes" may be miles below the surface and investigators are looking for clues in the messages sent from the plane's computers just before it disappeared.
They ain't gonna get 'em, are they? Or if they do, the governments will claim they didn't. That's how these things work, I'm coming to find out.
One theory: The outside probes that feed speed sensors may have iced over, giving incorrect information to the plane's computers. The autopilot may have then directed the plane to fly too fast or too slow when it met turbulence from towering thunderstorms....
Yup, they FOUND THEIR LONE GUNM, 'er, they found their LONE THEORY, 'er, CAUSE, yeah, that's right (as predicted above).
Now, how much print space is the MSM going to devote to convincing us of this lemon?
Pitot tubes are L-shaped metal tubes - about 8 inches long on their longer side - that protrude from the wing or fuselage of a plane. The pressure of the air entering the tube lets sensors measure the speed and angle of the flight, along with less vital information such as outside air temperature. They are heated to prevent icing.
A blocked or malfunctioning Pitot tube could cause an air speed sensor to work incorrectly and cause the computer controlling the plane to accelerate or decelerate in a potentially dangerous fashion. Airbus said the French agency investigating the crash found that the doomed flight had faced turbulent weather and inconsistency in the speed readings by different instruments.
That meant "the measured air speed of the aircraft was unclear," Justin Dubon said. In such circumstances, flight crews should maintain thrust and pitch and - if necessary - level off the plane and start trouble-shooting, Dubon said. Meteorologists said the Air France jet entered an unusual storm with 100-mile-per-hour updrafts that acted as a vacuum, sucking water up from the ocean. The moist air rushed up to the plane's high altitude, where it quickly froze in minus-40 degree temperatures. The updrafts also would have created dangerous turbulence.
Yeah, I heard about that(?).
I'm surprised they aren't blaming global warming!!!
The jetliner's computer systems ultimately failed, and the plane probably broke apart in midair. Brazilian officials have insisted for three days that military pilots have spotted wreckage from Flight 447 scattered across the ocean's surface. But ships guided by planes in the search area have been hampered by extremely poor visibility, and have recovered no wreckage. "We don't have any information yet that any of the ships are near any of the objects," Cardoso said.
RECIFE, Brazil - Searchers found two male bodies and a briefcase containing a ticket for Air France Flight 447 in the Atlantic Ocean close to where the jetliner is believed to have crashed, a Brazil military official said yesterday.
The French agency investigating the disaster, meanwhile, said airspeed instruments on the plane were not replaced as the maker recommended before it disappeared in turbulent weather nearly a week ago....
Then why are pilots flying?
Paul-Louis Arslanian, the head of the French accident investigation agency BEA, said that the crash of Flight 447 does not mean similar planes are unsafe, adding that he told family members not to worry about flying.
Colonel Jorge Amaral, a Brazilian Air Force spokesman, said an Air France ticket was found inside a leather briefcase. "It was confirmed with Air France that the ticket number corresponds to a passenger on the flight," he said.
Admiral Edison Lawrence said the bodies were being transported to the Fernando de Noronha islands for identification. A backpack with a vaccination card was also recovered. The finds could help establish a more precise search area for the crucial black box flight recorders that might tell investigators why the jet crashed, although authorities refused to comment on implications for the search.
Yeah, I'm waiting for the black boxes. How much you wanna bet we are told they never found 'em?
I don't want to be too over the top, but the tickets and cards they are finding remind me of Atta's passport conveniently floating out of the fireball and right down to the street for an FBI agent to find.
Investigators have been searching a zone of several hundred square miles for debris. A blue plane seat with a serial number on it has been recovered - but officials were still trying to confirm with Air France that it was a seat from Flight 477. The investigation is increasingly focused on whether external instruments might have iced over, confusing speed sensors and leading computers to set the plane's speed too fast or slow - a potentially deadly mistake in severe turbulence....
Like the COPS ZEROING IN on their man NO MATTER WHAT EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE is out there, right?
Pitot tubes, protruding from the wing or fuselage of a plane, feed airspeed sensors and are heated to prevent icing. A blocked or malfunctioning Pitot tube could cause an airspeed sensor to malfunction and cause the computer controlling the plane to accelerate or decelerate....
Oh, please, lord, NOT AGAIN!!!!
The signals show the plane's autopilot was not on, officials said, but it was not clear whether the autopilot had been switched off by the pilots or had stopped working because it received conflicting airspeed readings. The flight disappeared nearly four hours after takeoff, killing all on board. It was Air France's deadliest plane crash and the world's worst commercial air accident since 2001.
The OMISSIONS, HALF-TRUTHS, LIES and DISTORTIONS are starting to take its toll.
"Large tail section of Air France jet recovered" by Marco Sibaja and Bradley Brooks, Associated Press Writers | June 8, 2009
RECIFE, Brazil --A large tail section of a jetliner bearing Air France's trademark red and blue stripes was recovered from the Atlantic Ocean Monday, helping narrow the hunt for "black boxes" that could explain what brought down Flight 447.
Maybe they already found them and are fixing the tapes for later release? Who knows? I have no way of finding out (save reading blogs); however, what I DO KNOW is I NO LONGER TRUST the MSM to TELL the TRUTH about this -- or anything else!!!!!!
And some high-tech help is on the way -- two U.S. Navy devices capable of picking up the flight recorders' emergency beacons far below on the ocean floor. What caused the Airbus A330-200 to plunge into the middle of the ocean on May 31 with 228 people on board might not be known until those black boxes are found.
Translation: More cover-up power arriving on the scene.
But some Air France pilots aren't waiting for a definitive answer. With investigators looking at the possibility that external speed monitors iced over and gave dangerously false readings to cockpit computers in a thunderstorm, a union is urging pilots to refuse to fly Airbus A330 and A340 planes unless the monitors -- known as Pitot tubes -- are replaced.
Yeah, THAT'S RIGHT!!! It's the ONLY SENSIBLE and SAFE thing!!!!!
An internal memo sent to Air France pilots Monday and obtained by The Associated Press urges them to refuse to fly unless at least two of the three Pitot sensors on each planes have been replaced. The instruments have drawn attention because of other incidents in which the monitors have iced over at high altitudes.
But no break-aparts or crashes, 'eh?
The leader of another pilots' union, however, said Monday that Pitot troubles probably didn't cause the Flight 447 disaster. Searchers must move quickly to find answers in the cockpit voice and data recorders, because acoustic pingers on the boxes begin to fade 30 days after crashes.
It just gets WEIRDER and WIERDER, doesn't it?
While large pieces of plane debris -- along with 16 bodies -- has helped narrow the search, it remains a daunting task in waters up to 1.5 miles (2.5 kilometers) deep and an ocean floor marked by rugged mountains.
Translation: we ain't gonna find 'em.
Ocean currents over the eight days since the disaster have pushed floating wreckage far and wide, complicating the search....
Strange how that didn't happen with TWA 800.
This area of the Atlantic Ocean is littered with floating garbage, vexing the initial search effort....
Brazil says the search area lies southeast of the jet's last transmission -- automatic messages signaling catastrophic electrical failure and loss of cabin pressure. The messages mean Flight 447 likely broke apart in turbulent weather while flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. The location of the wreckage could mean the pilot was trying to turn around in mid-flight....
An iced-over, blocked or malfunctioning Pitot tube could cause an airspeed sensor to fail, and lead the computer controlling the plane to accelerate or decelerate in a potentially dangerous fashion....
Except the PILOTS say NO!
An official with the Alter union, speaking on condition of anonymity because the memo was not publicly released, said there is a "strong presumption" among their pilot members that a Pitot problem precipitated the crash....
But ONE of them said above that it WAS NOT!!! WTF?!!!!
But the secretary general of another French pilots' union, SNPL, said Monday the tubes were not likely the cause of the crash. Pitots are "a possible contributing factor," Julien Gourguechon said, but even without them, "we can make the plane fly."
The Pentagon has said there are no signs that terrorism was involved. French officials have also said there are no signs, but that terrorism has not been ruled out. Brazil's defense minister said the possibility wasn't considered.
So WHOM do YOU BELIEVE, readers?
RECIFE, Brazil - Airlines moved quickly yesterday to replace speed monitors like those suspected of feeding false information to the computers on Air France Flight 447 and possibly leading the plane to break up over the Atlantic Ocean.
Like what they did here after 9/11. All this shit based on lies!
Seventeen more bodies were pulled from the sea yesterday, bringing the number recovered to 41. Another 187 have yet to be found.... With the plane's data recorders still missing, investigators have been focusing on the possibility that external speed monitors - called Pitot tubes - iced over and gave false readings to the plane's computers in a thunderstorm.
Yeah, they KEEP PUSHING THAT EXPLANATION -- even though the PILOTS SAY NO!!!!
A key part of the investigation relies on a burst of 24 automatic messages the plane sent during the last minutes of the flight. The signals showed the plane's autopilot was not on, officials said, but it was not clear if the autopilot had been switched off by the pilots or had stopped working due to conflicting airspeed readings....
Officials said? Gimme that grain of salt, will you?
Air France said it began replacing the tubes on its A330 and A340 jets in May after pilots reported several incidents of icing leading to a loss of airspeed data, and that it had already replaced the Pitots in smaller A320 jets after similar problems were reported....
And yet they let these planes fly anyway, huh? I smell a LAWSUIT!
"Sub joins search for Air France black boxes" by Marco Sibaja and Emma Vandore, Associated Press | June 11, 2009
RECIFE, Brazil - The black boxes provide the best hope of unraveling why the Airbus A330-200 aircraft apparently broke up in midair and plunged into sea. With more ocean storms hitting the area as early as today and the possibility that the boxes could have come to rest amid jagged underwater mountains, finding them is a formidable task....
Need I type it?
And wait until you get a load of this DOOZIE!
The French magazine L'Express reported that French intelligence services had matched the names of two passengers on board Flight 447 with those of suspects linked to Islamic terrorism.
Are YOU EFFIN' S***TING ME? And yet this has been DOWNPLAYED?
But a senior French internal security official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the nature of her job, said French security "didn't find any suspicious names" on the passenger list.
Oh, I just caught a HUGE, WAFTING S***-STINKING STENCH, readers!
Good thing it's raining, huh?
"Storms frustrate search for wreckage of Air France plane" by Marco Sibaja and Emma Vandore, Associated Press | June 12, 2009
RECIFE, Brazil - Bad weather hindered the search for debris and bodies yesterday from the crash of Air France Flight 447, according to a senior Brazilian official who said there is little chance of finding all the victims.
As storms bore down on the crash zone off Brazil, a French submarine searched the depths of the Atlantic Ocean for the black boxes that hold the best hope of finding out happened when the Airbus A330-200 flew into heavy storms May 31 with 228 people aboard....
So far, investigators have focused on the possibility that external speed monitors - Pitot tubes - iced over and gave false readings to the plane's computers.
That was the cover story they decided to go with on about day three --- and they have never wavered, despite the contradictions and anomalies! Full speed ahead with the SAS Coverup!!!!
Airbus SAS, the plane's maker, encountered new problems yesterday when an A330-220 carrying 203 people made an emergency landing in Guam after an electrical fault sparked a small cockpit fire, the Australian carrier Jetstar Airways reported....
Gees, you better STAY OFF THOSE DEATH TRAPS!!!!
Problems came about ALL of a SUDDEN, didn't they, readers?
Oh, btw, the EXCUSES and LIES DO HOLD for ALL CRASHES (Globe removed from web version for some reason):
"Pilot says bird warnings not much help to aircraft" by Joan Lowy, Associated Press Writer | June 9, 2009
"US to inspect pilot training at regional airlines
WASHINGTON—US government officials said Tuesday they will beef up inspection of pilot training programs at regional airlines in response to safety concerns raised by the crash of a regional airliner in New York in February.
Yeah, it is the DEAD PILOTS FAULT! Sigh!
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Aviation Administrator Randy Babbitt said in a statement they will also hold a meeting with the airline industry—both regional and major carriers—next week to seek better pilot training, cockpit discipline and other safety improvements. Babbitt said it was clear from the crash of a regional airliner in upstate New York on Feb. 12 that safety needs to be improved....
All these COSTS based on LIES!!!!
Testimony at a National Transportation Safety Board hearing last month revealed that a series of critical errors by the captain and co-pilot preceded the crash of Continental Express Flight 3407 as it eared Buffalo Niagara International Airport on Feb. 12.....
Well, let's get their side of the sto... oh, right, stone cold dead!
Sure makes an easy patsy, huh?
The flight was operated for Continental by Colgan Air Inc. Testimony at the hearing indicated the flight's captain may not have had hands-on training on a critical cockpit safety system. The cockpit voice recorder showed the co-pilot describing her lack of experience flying in icy weather not long before the crash.
Those the phony logs or.... (When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing)?
The NTSB investigation has also raised concern that pilot fatigue may have been a factor in the crash. The co-pilot, Rebecca Shaw, lived near Seattle on the West coast with her parents and had commuted all-night to get to Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey on the East coast , where Flight 3407 originated. The captain, Marvin Renslow, commuted to work from his home in Florida. It is not clear where either of them slept the night before the crash or how much sleep they received.
Testimony at the hearing indicated they may have tried to snatch sleep in a crew lounge at the airport in violation of company policy. The pair were chitchatting just before the crash, which may have prevented them from realizing the airspeed of the twin-engine turboprop had dropped dangerously low.
Oh my God! The SHAMELESS ATTEMPT to PIN THIS on CREW when a 9/11 Truther was -- dare I say -- MURDERED in the crash!!!!
Jeff Skiles, the co-captain of the US Airways flight that made a safe emergency landing in the Hudson River in January, said most regional airline pilots are well qualified but "there are cracks in the system." Interviewed Tuesday on CBS television's "The Early Show," Skiles said the current rest rules "are less restrictive than truck drivers work under. Once you've been on duty for 13 hours, you are about 500 percent more likely to make an error, and once you've been on duty for 16 hours, you have the response rate of somebody who is legally drunk."
Oh, so now the pilots were damn near drunk!
You KNOW what the SOLUTION is, right, AmeriKa?
Update (for what it is worth):
"6 bodies found in Air France search" by Associated Press | June 13, 2009
RECIFE, Brazil - Six more bodies were recovered from the Atlantic Ocean where an Air France jet crashed, Brazilian officials said yesterday, as the race to find the black boxes and gather key evidence from human remains and debris gained urgency....
Yeah, whatever.
Don't get me wrong, readers, about my seemingly cavalier attitude.
Far from it when LOSS of LIFE is at stake; however, the inordinate amount of time, focus and the resulting omissions and bull-oney put forth my the MSM on yet another plane wreck, well...