Korena Elaine Roberts is charged with killing Heather M. Snively, who was pregnant"
Is that the LOOK of INSANITY or what?
To read the grisly and gory details, go HERE
Exhibit B:
"Man charged in arranging wife's rape" by Associated Press | June 5, 2009
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - A man who police say arranged on Craigslist for his wife to be raped by another man was in jail on $200,000 bond yesterday and investigators were pursuing a "strong lead" as they searched for the attacker.
Police in Kannapolis, about 25 miles northeast of Charlotte, were sifting through computer and phone records with high-tech help from federal investigators after arresting the 25-year-old husband Wednesday, said Major Terry Clanton, the city's deputy police chief....
Adams said the husband found the ad while searching through the "erotic services" ads for someone to have sex with his wife.... The wife called 911 Sunday and reported a man with a knife raped her in the bedroom of their home. Police said the husband was in the room at the time of the attack.
Screw the trial!
Give the pervert the knife:
Authorities said the couple's two young children were at home, but unaware of what was happening. Police said the husband had gone on Craigslist to look for someone to come to his house and have sex with his wife using "scare tactics."
What a SICK F***!!!
Exhibit C: Craigslist ad changes get early approval
Related: Craigslist and the Fear of Crime