Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Elitist Project in Atlanta

Yeah, it's a great success.

Also see: Getting Ready For Hurricane Season

Stinks like globalist agendas to me:

"Atlanta adopts new housing model" by Robbie Brown, New York Times | June 21, 2009

ATLANTA - Still, critics of the demolitions worry about the toll on residents, who must qualify for vouchers, struggle to find affordable housing, and often move to only slightly less impoverished neighborhoods.

Some researchers and policymakers say the model is succeeding. Thomas D. Boston, an economist at the Georgia Institute of Technology who has tracked Atlanta’s housing-project residents since 1995, said those who move are more likely to find work, their children were likely to perform better in school, and they report higher satisfaction with their living conditions.


As long as they are gone, right?

Related: Why Massachusetts Needs Republicans