WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton urged Israel in unusually blunt terms yesterday to completely halt settlements on land that Palestinians claim as part of a future state of their own.
How you gonna get a state out of this?

In remarks to reporters at the State Department, Clinton said President Obama had made clear last week during talks at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that stopping settlements is a key part of moving toward a deal establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel.
"He wants to see a stop to settlements - not some settlements, not outposts, not 'natural growth' exceptions," Clinton said, referring in the last case to population growth on existing Israeli settlements in the West Bank from births and from allowances for adult offspring of settlers to buy homes near their parents. "We think it is in the best interests (of the peace process) that settlement expansion cease," Clinton added.
Until I actually SEE SOMETHING DONE -- meaning Obama getting ripped in the Zionist AmeriKan press for his transgressions -- then I'm not taking the U.S. fart mist seriously.
The United States considers Israel's 121 settlements to be obstacles to peace, since they are built on territory claimed by the Palestinians. Netanyahu sees it differently....
And THAT is ALL that is IMPORTANT, because....
"Even Ariel Sharon, Israel's current Prime Minister, has said openly, "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." (October 3, 2001) --MORE--"
So now that you know, none of what you find in the Zionist AmeriKan MSM will be surprising.
HAVAT GILAD, West Bank - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel yesterday rejected President Obama's demand for a freeze on West Bank Jewish settlement construction, but his government's move to dismantle some squatter camps set off a rampage by Jewish settlers against Palestinians.
Then CUT OFF the $$$ RIGHT NOW!!!!
It was a violent reminder that Netanyahu is caught between his own hard-line supporters and Israel's vital relationship with Washington. Netanyahu has appeared sympathetic to the settlers, but protests over his limited West Bank policy spread as far as Jerusalem....
Dismantling small settler outposts has triggered settler violence. Settlers have vowed to retaliate with attacks on Palestinians after removal of even the tiniest enclave - a tactic known as "price tag." Yesterday's settler violence started near the radical settlement of Yizhar, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. About 100 settlers blocked a road. Six were later arrested.
Watch, this will be a one-day wonder in my Zionist War Paper.
Before dawn, near the Kedumim settlement, stone-throwing settlers ambushed a minivan carrying Palestinian laborers to Israel, the workers said. Six of the 15 Palestinians on board were hurt, including Yahye Sadah, 44, who was hit in the head and said he needed six stitches. Police said settlers threw rocks and burned tires and then fled. Police said no arrests were made.
Of course not; however, if Israel claims a Palestinian does such things -- just claims -- they get shot!
A few hours later, settlers torched a wooded hilltop near Nablus and set trees and Palestinian agricultural land on fire near the village of Hawara, residents said.
That is SACRILIGE, not to mention a CRIME!
Amazing how the tone is so matter-of-fact. No religious overtones here, no ZIONISTS, or MILITANTS, or EXTREMISTS here -- just SETTLERS!
Tell me again how their is no stink Joo bias in AmeriKa's jewspapers!
Romel Sweiti, a local resident, said about 50 teenage settler girls gathered on a main road and blocked traffic as Israeli paramilitary police stood in the background.
Everyone KNOWS they APPROVE!
Toward nightfall, about 20 young Jewish extremists briefly blocked the highway into Jerusalem, burning tires and a garbage bin, causing a huge rush hour traffic jam. Police dragged the struggling youths away, arresting four.
One of the protesters, Menachem Novick, 28, said the goal was to press Netanyahu and his party to keep their campaign pledge to expand the settlements. "We want to give them a push to do what they were elected to do," he said.
I wish my government would do that.
On another touchy diplomatic front, UN investigators yesterday began looking into possible war crimes during Israel's three-week offensive earlier this year against Gaza's Hamas rulers, even though they failed to secure a promise of cooperation from Israel.
Israeli officials have insisted the investigation, led by veteran war crimes prosecutor Richard Goldstone, would not be objective, citing alleged anti-Israel bias by the UN agency sponsoring the probe.Pffft! They really have some nerve, don't they?
Goldstone, who is Jewish and South African with close ties to Israel, has said he wants to investigate Israel and Hamas. He said would deliver his report by August.
You know what?
The world saw what happened and we don't need some U.N jew -- no matter how well-intentioned -- telling us what happened.
"Israel rejects Obama's call to halt settlement activity in West Bank" by Steven Gutkin, Associated Press | June 6, 2009
JERUSALEM - Israel will not heed President Obama's powerful appeal to halt all settlement activity on lands the Palestinians claim for a future state, officials said yesterday, a position that looks sure to cause a policy clash with its most important ally....
Then STOP SENDING the CHECKS, 'bamer!
"With all due respect to President Obama, and there is respect, and to the deep friendship between Israel and the United States, no foreign leader of another country will set policy in Judea and Samaria," lawmaker Ofir Akonis of Netanyahu's Likud Party told Army Radio. Judea and Samaria are the Hebrew terms used for the West Bank.
And with all due repect to the NaZionist cretin, we will be TAKING BACK the CHECKS now!!!!!!
And then there is more fart mist fooleys from the administration:
"US reaffirms call for Palestinian state" by Reuters | June 11, 2009
RAMALLAH, West Bank - US envoy George Mitchell assured the Palestinians of Washington's commitment to a state of their own, calling its establishment the only viable solution to their conflict with Israel....
I still don't see how you get a Palestinian state out of this:

Actually, the ONLY VIABLE SOLUTION is THIS ONE, George:
Memory Hole: Future Vision of Israel