Thursday, June 11, 2009

Metoclopramide the Answer to AmeriKa's MSM

I figure I'll need a pill around 9 each morning.

AmeriKan Breakfast

"Metoclopramide is safe for morning sickness, study says" by Linda A. Johnson, Associated Press | June 11, 2009

Metoclopramide, which works by speeding emptying of the stomach and reducing heartburn, can have side effects, including sedation, insomnia, depression, and anxiety....

That's okay; I'm fine with the trade-off!

I've already got those symptoms from reading the paper!

Some doctors and women are reluctant to use medicine because of scares decades ago over a couple drugs used for morning sickness.

I'm not afraid! I've had enough fear. Gimme the pill!

Thalidomide, used in Europe and Canada in the 1960s, caused missing or shortened limbs.

Uhhhhh, maybe not.

The maker of another drug, Bendectin, pulled it from the market in 1983 after widely publicized lawsuits alleged it caused limb deformities.

You know what?


NOT a P$$L!

Multiple studies and reviews by medical authorities never found such a link.

Oh, yeah, I BELIEVE THEM! They LIED about MERCURY and AUTISM!!!

The study looked back at nearly 82,000 births in Israel....

What, the Zio-Nazis want to give the stuff to Palestinians and Arabs?
