Saturday, June 6, 2009

MSM Monitor Feels Insecure, Indifferent, and Interred

That's why I have hardly put up a post this week, and why I'm not likely to do much over here. I feel like I'm letting you down, readers and followers.

Let's see if I can offer some explanations if not apologies. One at a time

Insecurity: It begins with the fact that I'm petrified to see what will come up on my dashboard when I log in. Whether it is a lockout or spam warnings, I'm really terrified by what I might find on blogger. In fact, I spent a whole day last week setting up an alternative blog because of the shenanigans (not that I care to blog much regarding MSM garbage anymore). I guess I must be hitting pretty close to the truth for their little spambots to be consistently be hassling someone who is rarely posting these days. Oh, I know, I'm still here so I must just be paranoid. Amazing how sites that don't deal with such inflammatory and controversial truths (although they should not be) never feel the wrath, 'eh?

Indifferent: If I cared I would be here posting, wouldn't I? Despite my best intentions (and it is happening again today), I invariably end up READING OTHER BLOGS and POSTING THEIR WORK on my other
websites and blog before I call it quits for the day. I enthusiastically intend to begin work here, but the days of reading and refuting the same lies over and over again have taken their toll. Yes, there the newspapers sit upon the top of my desk, unruffled and undisturbed. As it stands now, I've printed two posts to read later this morning and am going to return to the blogs after I am done penning this essay. Yes, I have a few preliminary ideas for posts today; however, will I get to them? I don't know and I don't care. Sorry, readers and followers. If you want some real news, start here and here. I'm not trying to play favorites; however, I can't keep up with the depth and volume of refuting posts that expose the Globe and AmeriKan MSM for the criminal omitters and outright liars they are.

: I've got over a week's worth of newspapers read and marked and logged as drafts. Over 300 unworked on drafts now, and somehow I don't think they will be receiving much attention. So yes, the buried analogy works quite well.

So that's where I'm at right now. I don't know what you will be getting here anymore because I'm sick of reading the Boston Globe. I dare say I now hate a paper I used to love.

Do you know why I respected and read the Globe for so long, readers?

Well, back in 1988 a person whose views I respected (and still do because he has also changed)
remarked that it was one of the better papers around. And for over 20 years I have purchased and read it.

Of course, all that is over now:
The Boston Globe Admits Iraq Lies Killed It