Monday, June 22, 2009

Soros Says....

Well then, it's got to be true, right?

"Soros says the worst of crisis is over" by Bloomberg News | June 22, 2009

WASHINGTON - Billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros said the worst of the global financial crisis is over, and called for new international regulations to maintain open markets.

“Definitely, the worst is behind us,’’ Hungarian-born Soros said in an interview yesterday with the Polish television station TVN24. He called the crisis the most serious in his lifetime, adding that: “This is the end of an era. The question is what’s going to come out of it in the future.’’

That's all you need to really know from this piece because it tells you nothing otherwise -- just soothing words from the old man. Is he being set up to be a fool, or is he fooleying us, 'eh?

Without new international regulations, “globalization will fall apart,’’ possibly spawning a system of “state capitalism’’ like China’s, he said. Soros, who recently returned from China, said the world’s third-largest economy is “growing in strength’’ because the country was relatively unaffected by the economic crisis.

Uh-oh!!! I thought it was like the whole world. Now we find out it may only be the western economies with the blood-sucking jooish vampires and their policies behind them?


Sorry to be so HARSH; however -- SADLY -- it is the TRUTH!!!!!!!

For more on globalist George (who has enriched himself manipulating currencies, an obvious insider) type "George Soros" into my blog search.

(That's if the search works; sometimes I type in keywords and I don't get what I want. Sigh. I can't get comments, can't access them, can't allow them, my tools are all screwed up, my spell check doesn't work. I don't know WTF; I always thought it was me)

What about
9/11 , George?

Oh, HE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!