Tuesday, June 23, 2009

(Sound of Whistle) TAXI!

Related: Hailing a Taxi in Boston

Boston the Hub of Hybrid Hypocrisy

"NYC ruling clouds Boston bid to regulate cabs; Judge blocks plan for fuel efficiency" by Peter Schworm, Globe Staff | June 23, 2009

Dealing a potential blow to Boston’s plans, too, a federal judge has blocked a push by New York City to replace gas-guzzling taxis with fuel-efficient hybrids, ruling yesterday that city officials overstepped their legal bounds....


Boston officials, who did not return calls seeking comment yesterday, have said the hybrid requirement will help the environment by reducing carbon emissions and ultimately save the taxi industry and passengers money by improving fuel economy....

Translation; You will be PAYING UP FRONT!

How many broken promises are we to believe?

Hybrid taxis are becoming increasingly popular as eco-friendly....

Yeah, thanks for the fart-misting agenda-pushing, paper!


Related: Hey, Taxi!