Friday, June 12, 2009

U.S. Violates U.N. Chemical Weapons Ban

Well, seeing as we charged Iraq with such when they were telling the truth, I thought the headline was appropriate.

Oh, right, we USED 'EM!

See: Memory Hole: Willie Pete

U.S. Used White Phosphorous in Afghanistan

U.S. Wages Chemical Warfare on Afghanistan

U.S. Pushes For More Chemical Warfare on Afghanistan

I would just like to remind you, readers, and the world that LAYING BOMBS on their HOMES and FAMILIES, the littering of DU munitions, the secret prisons, the torture, the families displaced, the lives shattered, the chemicals dumped on them, are all based on a BUNCH of LIES!!!

Whatever you think of the "Taliban," they NEVER DID ANYTHING TO US!!!!

I guess that's enough.

"US, Russian officials open plant to destroy chemical weapons" by Jim Heintz, Associated Press | May 30, 2009

SHCHUCHYE, Russia - Yesterday, Russian and US officials formally dedicated the high-tech plant, built with the help of $1 billion from the United States and designed to destroy about 2 million chemical-weapon shells.

Like we had that kind of money to toss around. WHY did we even MAKE THIS S*** -- other than to ENRICH WAR-PROFITEERING DEATH MERCHANTS!!!

The opening was a major step toward disposing of Russia's huge stockpile of Soviet-era chemical weapons, and a rare example of cooperation between two nations that still don't quite trust one another two decades after the Soviet collapse.

The 25-structure complex, the size of a small town, was largely funded by the United States under a program called the Cooperative Threat Reduction initiative, launched a year after the Soviet collapse. It is meant to help Russia cope with its Cold War arsenal of weapons of mass destruction.

Hey, I'm not saying it isn't worth it. I think destroying chemical weapons is a good thing. Better than them being used!

Senator Richard Lugar, an Indiana Republican who helped author much of the legislation that set up the program, came to the plains of Siberia yesterday to speak at the dedication of the building, the program's largest single project.

"The path to peace and prosperity for both Russia and the United States depends on how we resolve the threats posed by the arsenals built to fight World War III," Lugar said. "Thankfully that confrontation never came. But today we must ensure that the weapons are never used, and never fall into the hands of those who would do harm to us or others."

And if they do and something happens, I will be looking at the false flag signs because I WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN!

In his speech, Lugar referred in passing to recent tensions between Moscow and Washington, which peaked during last year's brief war between Russia and the former Soviet nation of Georgia, a US ally.

You mean the war ally Georgia started, right?

The weapons at Shchuchye, loaded with nerve gases including VX and sarin, have a cataclysmic potential for terrorist attacks. If set off in a tightly packed area, each could kill tens of thousands of people. Many of them are small enough to fit in a briefcase.

It never stops. Is that the NEXT FALSE FLAG in the works or what?

Russia, as a signatory of the international Chemical Weapons Convention, is obliged to eliminate its vast stores of Class I weapons - chemicals that have no use other than in arms. Moscow already has destroyed about 30 percent of its stockpile, according to the Russian Munitions Agency....

And the U.S.?
