"Influenza is transmitted from pig to human the same way it is transmitted from human to human - in respiratory droplets and in hand-to-mouth contact"
Ah, the bigger the lie....
Related: Pigs Really Can Fly!
New Evidence: That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made
Obama Activates Swine Flu Slaughter
I'm sick of the MSM shit-shovel, how about you?
"Scientists examine pig farming for answers on H1N1; Studying swine may yield clues on flu defense" by David Brown, Washington Post | October 26, 2009
TIPTON, Iowa - The animals don’t know the feel of grass, mud, or sunshine....
Which animals?

Workers wear masks to prevent spreading disease to pigs at a farm in Iowa. The industry is being studied for clues on H1N1 flu. (David Brown/ Washington Post)
That's cruel. I don't know if you are aware of this, readers, but PIGS RANK like FOURTH on the INTELLIGENCE SCALE! They HAVE PERSONALITIES!!!
But they are also free of many of the infections that slow the growth and occasionally end the lives of their outdoor cousins. “We’re producing the most efficient animal, one that is healthy every day,’’ said Devon Schott, 34, the farmer who owns the building. To do that, he said, “biosecurity is of utmost importance.’’
Related: Pork Products Infected With Swine Flu
So DO NOT EAT PORK, America. It is BAD FOR YOU!!!!
You guys want to GO ALONG with this S*** TYRANNY, then SAY GOODBYE to YOUR INDUSTRY!!
Despite the efforts of farmers such as Schott, many scientists think pig farming presents a serious and overlooked risk to public health.
So PUCKER UP, pig!
Proof of that assertion - indirect but indisputable, in the opinion of virologists - is the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza.
Translation: It's bullshit
Little is known about the origin of the novel H1N1.
Yeah, if you read an AmeriKan newspaper! NOT if you read blogs.
But one thing is virtually certain: The bug now infecting the people of more than 190 countries began in a pig. Detecting and preventing such cross-species transfers quickly is an urgent priority in a field that has spent most of its energy in recent years worrying about the emergence of flu from birds in Asia. A major concern now is what might happen if the pandemic H1N1 virus spreads widely in pigs, and then out again into the human population.
Of course, they then turn around and say DON'T WORRY and it is OKAY to eat pork!
“We really need to know more about what is happening in the pig population in the United States,’’ said Robert Webster, a leading avian influenza virologist.
Scientists at the University of Minnesota and the University of Iowa revealed last week that they had identified the H1N1 strain in seven pigs at the Minnesota State Fair in late summer as part of a study of virus exchange between swine and people.
What did they do, GIVE TONGUE?
Some of those animals might have caught the virus from the hordes of visitors at the 12-day event. But not all: One infected animal was swabbed while being unloaded and almost certainly arrived with the virus, said Gregory Gray, a physician and epidemiologist at the University of Iowa who helped run the study.
I can tell because of all the BUT, IF, COULD BE, MAY BE, YET, STILL, HOWEVER, MIGHT HAVE etc, etc, in just one paragraph. When I WAS IN COLLEGE my FIRST WRITING INSTRUCTOR TOLD US those were BAD WORDS to use in a "report."
What worries virologists is the mixing of human and swine flu strains - or, worse, human, swine, and bird strains. That can lead to “reassortment,’’ in which strands of genetic material are exchanged to yield a new virus, often with behavior not seen in its parents.
Related: Alan Cantwell, MD On The ManMade Origin Of AIDS
Those features can include higher contagiousness, rapid growth, the ability to infect the lungs and, most important, an unfamiliar appearance to the immune system. Reassortment is rare, and it’s even rarer when the product is a strain that can spread like wildfire. That’s one reason influenza pandemics occur only a few times a century. (The last one was in 1968.)
A major goal of public health is to make such events even more rare.
I no longer believe that.
One way is to keep pigs and humans away from each other’s flu viruses. It’s been clear for a while, however, that there’s a small but steady traffic of virus between America’s 110 million pigs and the 120,000 people who care for them....
Yup, you are LOVIN' your SWINE, America! Kissy-kissy!!!
Influenza is transmitted from pig to human the same way it is transmitted from human to human - in respiratory droplets and in hand-to-mouth contact. Most cross-species infections end on the farm because swine flu strains, even if occasionally acquired by animal handlers, are almost never well-adapted to human hosts.
But there have been some close calls.
One occurred in 2006, when the US Department of Agriculture lab in Ames, Iowa, got samples from two farms in Missouri where pigs were ill. The virus was found to be well adapted to humans, but the transmission did not occur.
Where is that salt shaker? After every sentence!!!
Want to STAY HEALTHY, readers?
See: Sixty million years of evolution says vitamin D may save your life from swine flu
Which is why we get THIS CRAP in the paper:
"Study says 1 in 5 children lack vitamin D" by Associated Press | October 26, 2009
CHICAGO - The findings add to mounting evidence about vitamin D deficiency in children, teens, and adults - a concern because of recent studies suggesting that the vitamin might help prevent serious diseases, including infections, diabetes, and even some cancers. Although hard evidence showing that low levels of vitamin D lead to disease or that high levels prevent it is lacking, it is a burgeoning area of research....
Yeah, and as we have seen with EVERYTHING ELSE either the GOVERNMENT will LIE ABOUT IT or be the LAST TO ADMIT IT -- after DECADES!!!
Of course, the agenda-pushing newspaper is going to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, right?
Related: Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
What, after they DENIED IT for SO LONG?