Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Outsourcing a U.S. Senate Seat

Sounds good to me!

Why not, Bay-Stater?

This guy helped to outsource you -- and he's running as a DEMOCRAT?

Supposed to be standing up for the little guy?

Related: The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Jobs Gone Forever

"A call for job creation, a shadow of outsourcing" by Matt Viser, Globe Staff | October 21, 2009

.... promoted outsourcing as a way for companies to grow....

workshops to teach companies how to cut costs by sending jobs overseas....

Outsourcing, which a variety of businesses, including the Globe, have employed to reduce personnel costs, is viewed unfavorably by some Democratic voters and activists, who believe the practice hurts American workers by killing jobs and depressing wages....


one aspect of its business is helping firms understand how to take advantage of contract workers, both in the United States and abroad....

The company also has a free online seminar that highlights “outsourcing trends and service market insights,’’ as well as a video on “cutting costs with outsourcing.’’

And you wonder why there are no jobs, America.


The truth is, at this point in AmeriKan political life, the D or R next to the name means nothing. They ALL WORK for the SAME CORPORATIONS!

More outsourcing?

SAN FRANCISCO - Sun Microsystems Inc. plans to eliminate up to 3,000 jobs....

Sun’s losses are mounting too....
