Saturday, October 17, 2009

Slow Saturday Special: Abandoning Zimbabwe

One does wonder if western sanctions and covert actions are responsible for ignoring the cholera epidemic in this forsaken land.

Either that or Mugabe is back on the weapons-smuggling payroll.

"Zimbabwean opposition boycotts unity government" by Celia W. Dugger and Caiphas Chimhete, New York Times | October 17, 2009

JOHANNESBURG - Although he stopped short of quitting the government, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai warned that if the crisis is not resolved and a working relationship restored, he would call for elections supervised by the United Nations.

Yeah, they did SUCH a GOOD JOB in Afghanistan!

Tsvangirai’s strategy appears to be in part an effort to get senior political leaders in the African Union and the Southern African Development Union - guarantors of the power-sharing deal - to pressure Mugabe to act in a more conciliatory manner.

Oh, I think he's shown if there is one man on this earth impervious to pressure, it's him.

So far, regional leaders have ignored Tsvangirai’s pleas to step in.

See? They know.
