"Kenya to deport Muslim cleric; Officials fear radical influence" by Alan Cowell, New York Times | January 5, 2010
LONDON - Kenyan authorities were reported yesterday to be planning to deport a Muslim cleric born in Jamaica, Abdullah el-Faisal, who may have helped inspire the Nigerian man accused of trying to bomb an American airliner headed to Detroit on Christmas Day.
Faisal has long been known to law enforcement agencies in the United States and Europe. He was tried in Britain in 2003 on charges of spreading racial hatred and urging his followers to kill Christians, Hindus, Jews, and Americans. He was deported from Britain in 2007. Reuters reported from Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, that Faisal was there on a preaching tour.
Another CIA, MI-6, what does it matter asset, huh?
But intelligence officials feared that his speeches would encourage radicalism in a country that has been a target of attacks ascribed to Al Qaeda, including the 1998 bombing of the US Embassy in Nairobi. He was arrested in the port city of Mombasa Sunday.
“The minister in charge of immigration has declared him as an unwanted immigrant; we don’t want him in this country,’’ a police spokesman, Eric Kiraithe, told Reuters. It was not clear when Faisal would be deported. “From what he says, he was coming to preach,’’ Kiraithe said. “The contacts he was maintaining, according to our intelligence, are not the best, are not in our national interests.’’
Faisal settled in Britain in the early 1990s and became imam of the Brixton mosque in South London, which was reported to have been frequented by Richard C. Reid, the so-called shoe bomber who sought to blow up an airliner bound for the United States just before Christmas in 2001.... Faisal, a Jamaican-born convert to Islam who studied in Saudi Arabia, was found guilty in 2003 of encouraging followers to use chemical and nuclear weapons against their enemies from other faiths. He was sentenced to seven years in prison.
He was deported four years later after the authorities accused him of influencing Germaine Lindsay, one of the four attackers in the London bombings of July 2005. Lindsay was also a Jamaican-born convert to Islam.
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Faisal’s name surfaced more recently in connection with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man accused of the attempted attack on
Convenient, isn't it?
And why wouldn't we want a "terrorist" back, readers?
"Radical Muslim cleric stuck in Kenya after visa requests are denied; Other nations won’t allow him to transit through" by Tom Odula, Associated Press | January 6, 2010
What, like he's going to do something?

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (left) , who is charged with trying to bomb a US airliner, purportedly listened to Faisal’s teachings.
I think I saw that kid at the basketball game last night!!! Scored 6 points and played good defense! I better go call the FBI right now.
NAIROBI - A Jamaican-born radical Muslim cleric who once led a London mosque attended by convicted terrorists is stuck in Kenya despite attempts to deport him because other nations are refusing to allow him to transit through their countries, officials said yesterday.
Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal is being expelled from Kenya because of his history of being involved in terrorist activities, Kenya’s immigration minister said. Britain has said that Faisal’s teachings heavily influenced one of the bombers who carried out the 2005 transport network bombings in London that killed 52 people. Faisal - who has called for Americans, Hindus, and Jews to be killed - traveled from Nigeria and through Angola, Malawi, Swaziland, Mozambique, and Tanzania by road before coming to Kenya, said a Kenyan official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the issue. The official said it is likely Faisal was trying to avoid detection because he is on a watch list of terror suspects.
So much for that!
South Africa and the United Kingdom have declined to grant him transit visas, the official said. The visas would allow Faisal to connect to flights to Jamaica, which has said it would accept him but would keep a close eye on him. Tanzania also declined to grant him a visa, despite the fact he entered Kenya from Tanzania.
Yeah, everyone is dropping this guy like a hot potato.
Faisal served four years in Britain for inciting murder and stirring racial hatred by urging followers to kill Americans, Hindus, and Jews.
Imprisoned for speech?
So when do Bush, Bliar, and the other war-mongering war criminals start serving, huh?
Internet postings purportedly written by a Nigerian man now charged with trying to bomb a US airliner on Christmas Day referred to Faisal as a cleric he had listened to. The posting was made in March 2005 under the name “farouk1986.’’ The suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was born that year. Officials have not verified that the postings were written by Abdulmutallab, but details from the posts match his personal history. Faisal preached at London’s Brixton mosque in the 1990s before being ejected by mosque authorities because of his support for violent jihad. The mosque was attended at different times by Richard Reid, who is serving a life sentence in a US prison after a failed 2001 attempt to blow up an airplane, and convicted Sept. 11 plotter Zacarias Moussaoui. He later toured widely in Britain preaching and selling audio tapes of his sermons.
He is what we like to call an AGITATING INSTIGATOR and he probably set up patsies for British intel.
The British government has said he was a key influence on Jermaine Lindsay, who was involved in the London bombings. Faisal was arrested in Kenya on New Year’s Eve by antiterror police as he was leaving a mosque in the coastal town of Mombasa. Al-Amin Kimathi, an official of the Muslim human rights forum, said that police told Faisal at the time of his arrest that he had violated his visa terms by preaching in mosques. In order for Faisal to fly to Jamaica he would need a transit visa to allow him to connect to flights in the United States, Europe, or Canada, said Kennedy Buhere, a spokesman for the Ministry of Immigration.
Immigration Minister Otieno Kajwang said he had signed Faisal’s deportation papers on Saturday. Kajwang told the Associated Press he was deporting Faisal because he has a history of being involved in terrorist activities. Kajwang said when Faisal arrived in the country on Dec. 24, he was not stopped at immigration offices based in Lunga-Lunga, a Kenya border point with Tanzania. Immigration officials were not able to do a background check because their computers were not connected to a database.
All these LAME ASS EXCUSES for why they can't catch the "terrorists" -- while I get my balls fondled by some sick guard.
When was the last time we saw Kenya in the Glob, anyway?
NAIROBI - Property prices are soaring, and Somali pirates are getting the blame.
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The hike in real estate prices in the Kenyan capital has prompted a public outcry and a government investigation this month into property owned by foreigners. The investigation follows allegations that millions of dollars in ransom money paid to Somali pirates are being invested in Kenya, Somalia’s southern neighbor and East Africa’s largest economy....
I guess if a lie is big enough.... pffft.
In a neighborhood of Nairobi now called Little Mogadishu because of its Somali community, large business and apartment buildings have sprung up. A similar explosion of real estate development can be seen in higher-income areas of the city. Somali pirates have been paid more than $100 million in ransoms the last two years, said Roger Middleton, a piracy specialist at the London-based think tank Chatham House. The average ransom is also up, from $1 million per vessel a year ago to about $2 million today.
Makes you wonder WHO is PROTECTING THEM, doesn't it, readers?
Pirates in Somalia say they invest their ransom money outside their war-torn country, including in Kenya. One pirate who gave his name as Osman Afrah said he bought three trucks that transport goods across East Africa. A second pirate, who only gave his name as Abdulle, said he is investing in Kenya in preparation for leaving the pirate trade.
I stand corrected! Just tying to MAKE a BETTER LIFE for themselves, huh?
Kenya also does not have stringent laws against money laundering, though a bill to curb the practice is being debated in Parliament. The US State Department in its annual report by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs describes Kenya as a major money-laundering country.
Well if that isn't the drug-running kettle hollering pot (or whatever)!