Apart from that there are so many blogs dedicated to the cause out there it would be a slight to pick and choose them while forgoing others.
What I have learned is that the prism of Zionism that calls itself an AmeriKan newspaper is nowhere to look to get any semblance of realism. It's always the same one-sided, anti-Hamas slop.
"Hamas rally on key date falls short; A year after Gaza attacks, apathy" by Diaa Hadid, Associated Press | December 28, 2009
JEBALIYA, Gaza Strip - A meager turnout at a well-publicized Hamas rally yesterday to mark a year since Israel’s devastating Gaza offensive appeared to reflect public despair over grinding poverty, stalled reconstruction, and discontent over the militant Islamic group’s attempt to turn the occasion into a victory march.
I don't know....

Palestinian Hamas supporters attended a rally in Gaza City marking the 22d anniversary of the Islamist movement’s founding. (Mahmud Hams/ AFP/ Getty Images)
Related: The Tale of Two Palestines
Let's just call it the Zionist AmeriKan MSM's agenda-pushing Zionist spin, 'eh?
Only about 3,000 people milled around a square in the northern Gaza town of Jebaliya, well below expectations, and other events during the day were also poorly attended. Israel launched its punishing three-week campaign of air strikes and ground incursions on Dec. 27, 2008, saying the operation was meant to stop years of rocket attacks from Gaza.
Already had that because of the truce:
The removed Israeli government graph: 'Monthly distribution of rockets hits.'
On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.
--MORE--"Also see: A War Criminal Government
Does Israel ever stop lying?
The war left about 1,400 Palestinians dead, including many civilians, and brought heavy international criticism on Israel, including accusations by UN investigators of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Notice how the WMD use, etc, is always referred to vaguely?
Related: War Criminal Defies World Community
Thirteen Israelis were also killed in the conflict, and Hamas also faces war crime allegations.
See: War Criminals' Whine
Yeah, I'm tired of hearing it.
“Gaza was victorious,’’ Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas prime minister in Gaza, said in a televised speech. “Yes, Gaza was victorious with its steadfastness, its firmness, and strength of faith.’’
They are still standing, right?
But the Hamas call to rally was met with indifference. Ignoring a siren that was meant to call for a minute of silence, cars whizzed by, and pedestrians kept walking. “I wish they had commemorated the war by opening a factory. That would have been better than this,’’ said Gaza resident Rami Mohammed, 30.
Blame ISRAEL'S SIEGE for that one!
Most reconstruction of thousands of damaged buildings in Gaza has been blocked by a tight Israeli-Egyptian blockade around the territory that followed the Hamas surge to power in 2007.
"Hamas overwhelmingly won Palestinian Parliament elections in 2006."
Yup, the MSM KNOWS THEY WON but keeps repeating the same garbage about a "takeover!"
Oh, and Hamas foiled a COUP ATTEMPT!!!!
WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE THEM about ANYTHING -- especially any and all things Israel!
Poverty, always a prominent feature of Palestinian life, is even more grinding now after the winter war. It was hard to say whether the indifference reflected general despair over difficult conditions in Gaza or outright discontent with the Hamas government.
Or MAYBE the PEOPLE were just TO WEAK and EXHAUSTED to get it up, huh?
Can't you just HEAR the Zionist agenda-pushers wishing it were so?
Related: "the popularity of Hamas grows."
Sigh. What's one more lie, right?
Two weeks ago, tens of thousands turned out for a mass Hamas demonstration in Gaza City to celebrate the anniversary of the group’s founding. The turnout showed the group remains popular with core followers and maintains a grip on power.
I love how THREE-QUARTERS into the piece a LITTLE BIT of TRUTH SEEPS out of the Zionist turd.
Gaza’s Hamas rulers have gained strength in the past year, eliminating local rivals, bullying human rights and aid groups that appear to act independently, squeezing taxes out of businesses, and banning residents from leaving the territory without Hamas permission.
The paragraph really is a piece of work, huh?
EVERYTHING they CHARGE HAMAS with is something of which ISRAEL is GUILTY!!!!!
But Gaza remains broken, and anger and mistrust are lasting legacies of the attack.
Ummm, Gaza is NOT BROKEN and NEVER WILL BE!!!!
Just wanted to clear that up.
Much of the economy has been driven underground by the blockade and is conducted through tunnels on the border with Egypt, which are a conduit for food, commercial goods, and, to Israel’s dismay, for weapons.
Related: Israeli Blockade is Good Business For Hamas
Oh, that is so insulting!!!
Also see: The "Terrorist" Tunnels of Gaza
Israel's Gazan Smuggling Operation
Egypt works on border at Gaza to stem smuggling" by Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press | December 11, 2009
CAIRO - Egypt has been digging trenches and installing metal sheets underground along its border with Gaza in an apparent attempt to curb smuggling into the Palestinian territory through tunnels, Gaza border guards and area residents said yesterday....
Why not HELP ISRAEL, you Zionist tool?
The project appears to be one of a series of measures Egypt has taken, some of them in cooperation with the United States, to crack down on smuggling since the end of Israel’s war on Hamas-ruled Gaza last winter.... Residents along the border said they have seen Egyptian construction crews clearing a corridor along the frontier, then drilling holes about 20 yards deep. They said the workers then filled the trenches with sand. The residents spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal.
A Hamas border guard and a Gaza official said the Egyptians have been digging for the past 17 days in the area where the borders of Egypt, Israel, and Gaza meet. They said they dig during the day and put metal into the ground at night. Egyptian security officials confirmed a project was underway to curb smuggling. A senior Egyptian security official would not confirm nor deny the reports, and government officials did not return calls seeking comment.
That is a confirmation.
Egypt has been criticized by Arab and Muslim groups for cooperating with Israel in blockading the 1.4 million residents of the impoverished Gaza Strip for more than two years.
Then EGYPT is GUILTY of WAR CRIMES as well!!!!
“We in Hamas can’t believe that Egypt would put barriers between us,’’ Hamas lawmaker Yehiye Moussa said. “This is hard to believe. . . .
We demand that Egypt open its border,’’ he added.
Yes, IT IS HARD for me to believe that this is HAPPENING and that the UNENDING, WAR CRIMINAL SIEGE goes ON and ON and ON!!!
Where are you, U.N.?!
Related: Israel to Build Another Apartheid Wall
Israel's Muslim Migrants
Also see: Viva Palestina
Will that make my Zionist War Daily tomorrow?
All roads lead to Iz-ray-HELL, huh?
"Israeli court rules on highway; Palestinians can use roadway for West Bank travel" by Amy Teibel, Associated Press | December 30, 2009
JERUSALEM - Israel’s Supreme Court ordered the military yesterday to allow Palestinians to travel on the part of a major highway that runs through the West Bank, handing Palestinians their biggest victory yet against Israel’s practice of reserving some roads for Jews.
The SUPREMACISM just SCREAMS, doesn't it?
The West Bank section of a road linking Jerusalem and Tel Aviv was closed in 2002 to the Palestinians, after militants shot at Israeli vehicles on the highway and killed several motorists.
Of course, Israel can flatten Gaza, it's settlers can burn down olive groves and demolish homes, and.... ?????
About half of the 20-mile highway runs through the West Bank. Palestinians living in villages along the route petitioned to reopen it in 2007, as the Palestinian uprising against Israel wound down. The court said in a summary of its ruling that the military does not have the authority to impose a permanent and sweeping limitation on Palestinian travel along the West Bank section of the road because that “in effect transforms the road into a route designed for ‘internal’ Israeli traffic alone.’’
Yup, until it is ALL THEIRS anyway!
It also said the closure of the road “does not benefit the local population, from whom lands were appropriated to build it.’’ The judges ruled that security considerations cannot take precedence.
“It’s a huge victory,’’ said Melanie Takefman, spokeswoman for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, which represented the Palestinians in their petition before the court. The restrictions caused hardships for tens of thousands of Palestinians, who were forced to travel on dirt roads to other areas of the West Bank.
Life has been one long hardship if you are Palestinian.
Related: Palestine is the Pits
That problem was eased last year with the opening of alternative paved routes for Palestinians....
The court gave the military five months to implement the ruling. Under existing regulations, sections of the road that lie in Israeli territory will remain closed to Palestinian vehicles, as are all Israeli roads. It was the second time in months that the Supreme Court has ordered the military to open a West Bank road declared off-limits to Palestinians.
In Cairo yesterday, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, presented Egyptian officials with ideas for restarting Mideast peace talks, impressing his hosts with proposals that go further than past Israeli positions, Egypt’s top diplomat said. The meeting took place as a Hamas official said his group had rejected Israel’s latest proposal for a prisoner swap with the Islamic militants. A top Hamas official in Syria said the deal is on hold because Israel was refusing to release key prisoners and insisting on mass deportations of freed militants.
I'll bet it never happens.
The peace process and prisoner swaps were high on Netanyahu’s agenda yesterday. Egypt, the first Arab country to make peace with Israel, has been a key mediator on both fronts. Germany, at Hamas’ behest, is also involved in the mediation. Israeli-Palestinian talks broke off a year ago, and the two sides are odds on how to restart negotiations. The issue of Israeli settlements in areas claimed by the Palestinians has been a major sticking point, and Israel’s offer of a partial settlement freeze has failed to break the deadlock.
See: Israel Intends to Keep All Settlements
Israel Expelling Palestinians From Jerusalem
Oh, so the clock is already running, 'eh?Yeah, that does stick in my craw a bit.
Related: The Wall That Won't Fall
So what is the best thing to do when you look bad?
Have your MSM organs push some propaganda:
"Casualties decline in occupied West Bank" by Howard Schneider and Samuel Sockol, Washington Post | January 1, 2010
JERUSALEM - The first year in a decade without a suicide bombing and an expanded Palestinian security force resulted in a declining number of Israeli and Palestinian casualties in the occupied West Bank in 2009 - a contrast to the war that claimed hundreds of Palestinian lives in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
Data from Israel’s Shin Bet security agency and the United Nations showed a sharp drop in casualties in the West Bank, policed by a combination of Israeli security and intelligence agencies, as well as a Palestinian force that, under the control of the Palestinian Authority, has worked more closely with Israel.
Yeah, while at least 14 Gazans Die Every Day!?
And THAT is why Abass is HATED and his POPULARITY declining!
According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 27 Palestinians in the West Bank or East Jerusalem died in “conflict-related’’ clashes with Israelis during the year - less than half the number from the year before.
And I'll bet that is NOT COUNTING the Zettler murders!
So MORE INNOCENT Palestinians DEAD at the hands of the NaZionist occupation, 'eh?
And it's a GOOD THING? Is that the tone of the report?
The agency, which monitors conditions in the West Bank and Gaza, has kept data only since 2005. But agency officials said the number of Palestinian fatalities is probably the lowest in a decade that included a violent intifadah beginning in 2000.
Yeah, it's the violent Palestinians, sigh. They made Israel kill 'em.
Overall, 15 Israelis died in conflict-related violence in 2009, compared with 36 in 2008, according to Shin Bet.
I was going to complain, but they might as well be the newspaper.
It sure seems like they write it.
So what else does my Zionist MSM tell me is happening?
"4 years after stroke, Sharon still in coma" by Associated Press | January 4, 2010
JERUSALEM - Ariel Sharon, the tough army general turned prime minister who shocked his hawkish supporters by pulling Israel out of Gaza in 2005, is still lying unconscious in a hospital bed, friends said yesterday on the fourth anniversary of the massive stroke that put him in a coma....
Watch, the guy will wake up just before Israel attacks Iran, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Anti-Christ in my Bible.
Why else would they be keeping that overweight slug alive?
Dov Weisglass, a close friend of Sharon and his former spokesman, said Sharon’s vital signs are good but it was not clear if he would ever regain consciousness. Sharon was a daring army officer who reached the rank of major general in the 1970s, sometimes disobeying orders from his superiors. After leaving the army, Sharon turned to politics, becoming a hawkish lawmaker in the Likud party and an enthusiastic supporter of the movement to settle the West Bank with Israelis. He served in several Cabinet posts, including defense minister. He was the architect of Israel’s disastrous war in Lebanon, which began in 1982. The next year he was forced to resign by an Israeli commission of inquiry that found him indirectly responsible for the massacre of around 800 Palestinian refugees by Lebanese Christian militiamen.
Yup, the WAR CRIMINAL was STIRRING IT UP even then!
Resurrecting his political career, he was elected Israel’s prime minister in 2001....
But no one ever made a fuss about Israel's leader! They just met with the fat war criminal.
So WHAT about all the PALESTINIANS that need MEDICAL TREATMENT, huh, BG? No, they would rather celebrate some war criminal hanging on like a turd that won't let go.
Maybe there is hope for Palestinian unity yet:
"Hamas inmates in W. Bank say torture ends" by Associated Press | January 4, 2010
NABLUS, West Bank - Palestinian security forces in the West Bank have stopped torturing Hamas prisoners, ending two years of systematic abuse, Hamas inmates said in jailhouse interviews.
"Jordanian Among Dead in Attack on CIA Base
.... In Palestine, CIA members work among the Palestinian alternative security forces, the Intelligence forces, and they are issuing arrest warrants against leaders of Hamas and members of the resistance, and are widely known to be engaged in torturing them during interrogations. The Americans from the CIA in Palestine were also involved in the Israeli murder of three Palestinians in Nablus in the northern of the West Bank last Saturday 26 December 2009."
"The West Bank has been relatively calm in the past two years, as Abbas’s security forces began exerting control over former militant strongholds such as Nablus, and renewed some coordination with Israeli troops."
So the CIA left, is that it?
The change in practice, said to have taken effect in October, was confirmed by a West Bank Hamas leader, human rights activists, and the Palestinian prime minister. It defuses a potential problem for Washington because the United States has been closely involved in training Palestinian troops under the control of Western-backed President Mahmoud Abbas, a rival of the Hamas militants.
Translation: WE OVERSAW the TORTURE PROGRAM, America!!!
Human rights groups say their public pressure campaign helped bring about change and that President Obama’s no-torture policy might have helped set a new tone. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, however, said the decision to halt any abuse was an independent one, part of an effort to make sure a future state is built on the right foundations.
I believe Fayyad. Obama hasn't stopped torturing despite the lying MSM claims.
Hamas legislators and human rights researchers said they still get sporadic reports of prisoners being slapped or forced to stand for several hours during interrogation. And security forces continue to keep a close watch on Hamas activities, often arresting activists and holding them for lengthy periods without charge.
Definitely trained by CIA.
Fayyad confirmed a “dramatic change for the better’’ in West Bank prisons and said 43 officers have been jailed, fired, or demoted for abusing prisoners. He denied torture was ever official policy, but acknowledged past “excesses’’ that he said stemmed from a flawed culture of revenge.
Or USrael's demands and orders.