"Israel weighs swap of 1,000 prisoners for 1 soldier; Militants insist lopsided trade be OK’d by tomorrow" by Amy Teibel, Associated Press | December 22, 2009
As opposed to the LOPSIDED KILLING in the "conflict," 'eh, *ewsmedia?
JERUSALEM - Senior Israeli officials ended prolonged meetings early today without announcement of a decision on whether to accept Islamic militants’ offer to swap 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for one Israeli soldier.
A decision to pay that lopsided price for 23-year-old Sergeant Gilad Shalit could reshuffle Mideast politics in unpredictable ways and possibly ease a punishing blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.
That is why this "deal" will NEVER HAPPEN!
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, and six Cabinet ministers convened after nightfall yesterday, the latest in a series of sessions over the past two days in a frenzy of activity that suggested a deal could be close.
Two days later.... it's just like before. That was a month ago!
The group was divided, however, with some ministers opposed to freeing Palestinians convicted in fatal attacks, arguing they could kill again.
Well, I expect Israel will, yeah. Seems like they NEED TO ATTACK and DRAW SOME MUSLIM BLOOD every couple of years like it's an addiction!
After more than four hours of talks.... There was no further details. As the meeting began last night, Netanyahu’s office issued a statement saying, “The prime minister will continue to protect Israel’s security and the lives of its citizens as the most important factor’’ in a decision over the soldier, a possible hint that he was leaning against approval of the deal.
A Palestinian close to the negotiations said a German mediator carrying a proposal approved by Hamas has set a deadline of tomorrow for Israeli action. The Palestinian, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there would be no further negotiations....
Then it is a "done no deal" and I expect to see nothing further about Shalit -- or Gaza.
At a protest tent outside the prime minister’s residence, about 100 demonstrators carried life-size cardboard cutouts of Shalit and urged Cabinet ministers to wrap up an agreement.
If a Jew protests you can be sure the Jewish MSM will cover it -- no matter where.
Hamas, the Islamic militant group that seized control of Gaza a year after Shalit’s capture, stands to be the biggest winner if the deal goes through.
Well, it didn't so, cui bono now?
Oh, and BTW, "Hamas overwhelmingly won Palestinian Parliament elections in 2006."
Yup, the MSM KNOWS THEY WON but keeps repeating the same garbage!
And Hamas foiled a COUP ATTEMPT!!!!
WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE THEM about ANYTHING -- especially any and all things Israel!
It could claim credit for the largest prisoner release in years, an achievement of paramount importance in Palestinian society, where nearly every family has had relatives in Israeli jails.
Related: The Death Throes of the PLO
Yeah, you can SEE WHY, right?
Also related:
JERUSALEM - Yesterday, a Palestinian human rights group listed 116 Hamas activists who were arrested in the West Bank this week by the government dominated by the rival Fatah movement.
Jaber Wishah of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights said the Hamas members were detained in an attempt to preempt celebrations of Hamas’s 22d anniversary, marked on Monday with a huge rally in Gaza City. Palestinian Authority police spokesman Adnan Damiri said the Hamas members were only summoned and warned that Hamas celebrations were “illegal.’’
The West Bank and Gaza have been ruled by rival governments since Hamas expelled forces loyal to Abbas from Gaza in 2007. While Hamas and Fatah frequently detain and abuse each other’s members, rarely have so many people been arrested at once. A Hamas official in the West Bank, who requested anonymity, said some detainees were released yesterday, but he did not know how many.
Yeah, that isn't going to help that dinosaur's popularity.
A swap could also bolster the Hamas claim that only violence wrings concessions from Israel.
Hamas also hopes a prisoner exchange would ease a crippling Israeli and Egyptian blockade of impoverished Gaza.
Yes, the EGYPTIANS should be ASHAMED!!
"Egypt works on border at Gaza to stem smuggling" by Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press | December 11, 2009
CAIRO - Egypt has been digging trenches and installing metal sheets underground along its border with Gaza in an apparent attempt to curb smuggling into the Palestinian territory through tunnels, Gaza border guards and area residents said yesterday....
Why not HELP ISRAEL, you Zionist tool?
Related: Israeli Blockade is Good Business For Hamas
The "Terrorist" Tunnels of Gaza
Israel's Gazan Smuggling Operation
I'm sure that stuff will continue to make it through.
The project appears to be one of a series of measures Egypt has taken, some of them in cooperation with the United States, to crack down on smuggling since the end of Israel’s war on Hamas-ruled Gaza last winter.... Residents along the border said they have seen Egyptian construction crews clearing a corridor along the frontier, then drilling holes about 20 yards deep. They said the workers then filled the trenches with sand. The residents spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal.
A Hamas border guard and a Gaza official said the Egyptians have been digging for the past 17 days in the area where the borders of Egypt, Israel, and Gaza meet. They said they dig during the day and put metal into the ground at night. Egyptian security officials confirmed a project was underway to curb smuggling. A senior Egyptian security official would not confirm nor deny the reports, and government officials did not return calls seeking comment.
That is a confirmation.
Egypt has been criticized by Arab and Muslim groups for cooperating with Israel in blockading the 1.4 million residents of the impoverished Gaza Strip for more than two years.
Then EGYPT is GUILTY of WAR CRIMES as well!!!!
“We in Hamas can’t believe that Egypt would put barriers between us,’’ Hamas lawmaker Yehiye Moussa said. “This is hard to believe. . . .
We demand that Egypt open its border,’’ he added.
Yes, IT IS HARD for me to believe that this is HAPPENING and that the UNENDING, WAR CRIMINAL SIEGE goes ON and ON and ON!!!
Where are you, U.N.?!
That embargo has prevented the tiny seaside territory from rebuilding after Israel’s devastating offensive a year ago to stop daily Palestinian rocket attacks.
And HOW OFTEN must I continually DEBUNK the LIES!?

On the 4th November, the day when Americans were watching the results of the Presidential election, the Israeli army broke the ceasefire by raiding the strip.
And nothing from the "world community," huh?