"Some Arab women driven inside; Sex harassment goes unchecked, activists say" by Sarah El Deeb, Associated Press | December 16, 2009

Boys watched girls walk past in Cairo last summer. Sexual harassment may be driving more women to cover up. (Amr Nabil/Associated Press File 2008)
I'm sorry, readers; I only took a quick glance.
Related: Pakistani Beauty Pagent
Yeah, I said the same thing at the photo above.
CAIRO - The sexual harassment of women in the streets, schools, and workplaces of the Arab world is driving them to cover up and confine themselves to their homes, said activists at the first-ever regional conference addressing the once taboo topic.
This may very well be accurate and true; however, when it is brought to me a Muslim-hating Zionist War Daily I just see agenda-pushing all over it.
Then I combine that with the fact that my nation is the world's leader in violence against women, and I am reluctant to cast stones at anyone.
Lastly, I'M SURE DROPPING BOMBS and MISSILES on them as well as KILLING and IMPRISONING their MEN is "liberating" them.
Activists from 17 countries across the region met in Cairo for a two-day conference ending Monday and concluded that harassment was unchecked across the region because laws don’t punish it, women don’t report it, and the authorities ignore it.
The harassment, including groping and verbal abuse, is a daily experience women in the region face and makes them wary of going into public spaces, whether it’s the streets or jobs, the participants said. It happens regardless of what women are wearing.
With more and more women in schools, the workplace, and politics, roles have changed but often traditional attitudes have not. Experts said in some places, like Egypt, harassment appears sometimes to be out of vengeance, from men blaming women for denied work opportunities....
So what is your excuse, AmeriKa?
Statistics on harassment in the region have until recently been nonexistent, but a series of studies presented at the conference hinted at the widespread nature of the problem....
“We are facing a phenomena that is limiting women’s right to move . . . and is threatening women’s participation in all walks of life,’’ said Nehad Abul Komsan, an Egyptian activist who organized the event with funding from the UN and the Swedish development agency.
Yeah, the globalist women organizations do not allay my suspicions, either.
Harassment has long been a problem in Mideast nations.
And nowhere else?
But it was little discussed until three years ago, when blogs gave posted amateur videos showing a crowd of men assaulting women in downtown Cairo during a major Muslim holiday in one of the most shocking harassment incidents in the region.
Why is it ALWAYS UP TO US, MSM?!!! WTF?!!
The public outcry sparked an unprecedented public acknowledgment of the problem in Egypt and elsewhere in the region, and drove the Egyptian government to consider two draft bills addressing sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment, including verbal and physical assault, has been specifically criminalized in only half a dozen Arab countries over the past five years. Most of the 22 Arab states outlaw overtly violent acts like rape or lewd acts in public areas, according to a study by Abul Komsan.
Participants at the conference said men are threatened by an increasingly active female labor force, with conservatives laying the blame for harassment on women’s dress and behavior....
Now I understand the resistance to our culture in more traditional societies.
Look at the hell-hole of immorality and perversion in the U.S.
Where segregation between the sexes is the norm and women are sheltered by religious or tribal customs, cases of sexual harassment are still common at homes and in the times when women must venture out, whether to markets, hospitals or government offices....
"An area was set aside for those who preferred a separation between men and women for religious reasons"
Interesting how that is NOT a PROBLEM when it comes to JEWS, huh?
On the other hand, they have us all believing Muslims are a misogynistic bunch of wife-whipping, blood-drinking terrorists that hate us more than they love their kids.
Such is the life under the Zionist propaganda passing as news in AmeriKa.
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