A model displayed the work of Pakistani designer Faiza Samee in Karachi yesterday, the last day of Pakistan Fashion Week. (Fareed Khan/ Associated Press)
Gee, I expected a parade of chador-clad or burka-covered ladies on the runway (not that I mind such things); however, the Pakistani princess above is gorgeous!
Of course it is part of the pernicious pornography American culture pushes on the rest of the planet.
"Pakistanis defy Taliban on catwalk; Fashion week is staged amid nation’s turmoil" by Chris Brummitt, Associated Press | November 8, 2009
KARACHI - Some women strode the catwalk in vicious spiked bracelets and body armor.
That doesn't turn me on.
Others had their heads covered, burqa-style, but with shoulders - and tattoos - exposed.
"The most obvious lesson here to be learned is that - quite apart from any other reasons (of which there are many) - Jews seek to set about promoting multicultural societies where people are encouraged to dress and adorn themselves absurdly and buy into bodily self-mutilation in the form of piercings and hideous tattoos, so as to form a loud and chaotic backdrop behind which the Jew is less readily ."
And thus we have a "fashion show" in Pakistan.
Male models wore long, Islamic robes as well as shorts and sequined T-shirts....
In a culture where nearly all women dress modestly, many outfits were too racy for local tastes....
And yet the Zionist AmeriKan MSM is playing this up as a success in "liberation."
I wonder if missiles destroying family and homes is also a "liberation" of Pakistani women.
The fashion industry represents a tiny fraction of the country’s textile exports....
Textiles make up some 60 percent of Pakistan exports and are worth around $12 billion a year. The country’s cotton and silks are among the finest in the world.
But the industry has failed to grow in recent years amid political unrest, violence, and chronic power shortages. A power cut during the fashion week’s opening evening left the hall in darkness for several minutes....
Yeah, you RARELY HEAR about THAT CRISIS in Pakistan -- just as you rarely read about the REFUGEES!
While the shows in Karachi resembled fashion weeks in other parts of the world, there were no foreign designers or buyers. The organizers decided not to invite them given the precarious security situation....
While many of the city’s 12 million people live in slums, hip cafes and restaurants in wealthy neighborhoods draw sophisticated crowds of young men and women into the early hours, more often than not speaking English with one another and wearing Western dress....
This kind of crap is REALLY BREAKING MY HEART!!!
“Unfortunately, it is the bad side of Pakistan that gets everybody’s attention,’’ said top Pakistani model Nadia Hussain as hairdressers and makeup artists fussed over her backstage. “It has never been this bad; I don’t know what will happen,’’ she said....
And WHY would it grab everyone's attention, MSM?
The shows are taking place in Karachi, the country’s largest and most cosmopolitan city, in a five-star hotel next door to the American Consulate, which was bombed by Islamist militants in 2002. It is two hours by plane from the northwest, the heartland of Al Qaeda and the Taliban, and has largely been spared the violence sweeping the country over the last month....
Well, is not that interesting?!
“This is our gesture of defiance to the Taliban,’’ said Ayesha Tammy Haq, the CEO of Fashion Pakistan Week. “There is a terrible problem of militancy and political upheaval . . . but that doesn’t mean that the country shuts down. That doesn’t mean that business comes to a halt.’’
Showing the world there is more to Pakistan than violence and at helping boost an industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people, organizers said....
Many of the models.... said the gathering was a symbolic blow to the Taliban and their vision of society, where women are largely confined to the house and must wear a sacklike covering known as a burqa....
You know what?
That is THEIR BUSINESS, not OURS!!!!
Pakistan’s top designers and models took part in the country’s first-ever fashion week, which ended yesterday....
The four-day event, which was postponed twice because of security fears and amid unease at hosting such a gathering during an army offensive in the northwest.... as surging militant violence grabs headlines around the world....
Yeah, but NOT HERE in AmeriKa!
Related: Look What Was Left Out of My War Daily
"Suicide bomber kills 12 at market in northwest Pakistan; Mayor, a former Taliban ally, is among the dead" by Riaz Khan, Associated Press | November 9, 2009
I stand corrected, readers, for it is a headline.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Pakistani troops have fought gunbattles in and around key Taliban towns in South Wazristian for several days.
And my newspaper was silent.
The latest fighting yesterday killed 20 militants and wounded eight soldiers, an army statement said. Ten militants and two soldiers were also killed yesterday after a group of militants attacked a security checkpoint in the Mohmand tribal region to the north of Wazristan, an army official said. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the attack, said the militants fired on a Frontier Corps checkpoint with rockets and assault rifles but were repelled by government forces. The military says hundreds of militants have been killed in the fighting in South Waziristan - a claim the Taliban dismisses....
Yeah, but let's not focus on the victims of our mass-murdering campaign.
A suicide bomber blew himself up yesterday in a market in northwest Pakistan crowded with shoppers ahead of a Muslim holiday, killing 12 people, including a mayor who once supported but had turned against the Taliban, officials said.
I'm smelling ANOTHER FALSE FLAG, folks!!!
See: Clinton Carries Package to Pakistan
In the heavily guarded capital, police shot and killed another suicide bomber before he was able to detonate his explosives at a checkpoint, an officer said. The bombings underscore the difficulty of combatting militancy in Pakistan, where the Taliban have carried out a series of attacks in recent weeks.
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
The militants have said the assaults are meant to avenge a government offensive in South Waziristan, the main Taliban and Al Qaeda sanctuary in the country.
The suicide blast hit the town of Adazai, about 10 miles south of the main northwestern city of Peshawar. The bomber hit as shoppers thronged a market where goats were being sold to celebrate the upcoming Muslim festival of Eid, killing the Adazi mayor, Abdul Malik, and 11 other people, including a young girl, said Sahibzada Anis, the top official in Peshawar.
I'm sorry, but even the most pious "Al-Qaeda" would NEVER DO THIS!!!!
Twenty-five people were wounded, several critically, police officer Abdul Sattar Khan said.
Malik, the mayor, had once been a Taliban supporter but later switched sides and formed a local militia to help fight the militants. He had survived several attacks on his life in the recent past, said Anis. A purported Taliban commander claimed responsibility for the attack.
So claims the lying, agenda-pushing MSM.
“Our local fighters carried out this attack,’’ said the commander, who gave only one name, Omar, by telephone from an undisclosed location. “He had set up a militia. He was supporting killings of our men. He was interfering in our matters.’’
Didn't get a NUMBER on the CELL when he CALLED?
It was from Langley, Virginia, wasn't it?
Omar, whose identity could not be confirmed, threatened to kill anyone who tried to create an anti-Taliban militia.
Militants have struck repeatedly in Pakistan in recent weeks, killing more than 300 civilians and soldiers in attacks aimed at weakening the government’s resolve to continue the South Waziristan operation.
Yeah, JUST AFTER the Pakistani Army stood up to the U.S.!
Several attacks have taken place in Islamabad, home to just 900,000 people.
What do they mean "just" 900,000 people? That is a LOT!
Late yesterday, police killed a suicide bomber as he ran toward a police checkpoint in a residential part of the city, said police chief Kalim Imam. The attacker was shouting “God is great!’’ - a traditional Islamic utterance when in danger, he said.
Yeah, whatever, MSM.
"Suicide bomber kills three in Pakistan" by Associated Press | November 10, 2009
PESHAWAR, Pakistan - A suicide bomber in a rickshaw detonated his explosives near a group of police officers in northwest Pakistan’s main city of Peshawar yesterday, killing three people, police said....
Five other people were wounded in the blast at an intersection on the main road that circles the city, police official Shaukat Khan said. Television footage showed a crane lifting the rickshaw’s frame to clear the road. The bomber was probably heading to a more crowded area but set off his explosives when police stopped the rickshaw to check it, senior Peshawar police officer Liaquat Ali Khan said. The attack killed a police constable, the rickshaw driver, and a passerby, police said....
"Bomb kills 24, wounds dozens in northwest Pakistan" by Riaz Khan, Associated Press Writer | November 10, 2009
PESHAWAR, Pakistan --A suspected car bomb exploded outside a crowded market in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing at least 24 people in the latest attack....
The bombing, apparently aimed at causing maximum civilian casualties, was the third blast in as many days in or close to Peshawar, the capital of the North West Frontier Province, an area bordering the tribal region where the army is pushing into a key Taliban and al-Qaida sanctuary.
Please see: Clinton Carries Package to Pakistan
The blast in Charsadda, some 25 miles (40 kilometers) north of Peshawar, destroyed scores of shops on both sides of the road and knocked down electrical wires. Officials suspected the bomb was planted in a car outside the market, said police officer Rokhan Zeb Khan.... No one claimed responsibility, but authorities have blamed similar attacks in recent weeks on the Taliban.....
Pakistan's army has pitted some 30,000 troops against up to 8,000 militants in South Waziristan, including many Uzbeks and other foreign insurgents who have long taken refuge in the lawless tribal areas. The soldiers have been battling militants in three key Taliban bases in South Waziristan over the past few days. The latest fighting has killed nine militants, an army statement said Tuesday. The information is nearly impossible to verify independently since Pakistan has blocked access to the battle zone.
"Nearly" impossible?
Getting some perspective: American Psyops Destroying Pakistani Morale