Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai (left) and President Robert Mugabe were jovial, but they still have issues to resolve. (Philimon Bulawayo/ Reuters)
Yeah, the murder and oppression of your supporters means nothing, 'eh, buddy?
What, your British masters tell you to get back in there because Mugabe is now cooperating with USrael's agenda in the region and helping run weapons?
This just proves that all the MSM muckity-muck politics is ALL BULLS***!!! Just a forum to hide and conceal state and ally crimes while demonizing prospective enemies and their territorial resources.
That's why I have been scaling back on the political coverage everywhere. The more of it that is in the paper -- "terrorists," politics -- the more trivial and unimportant the agenda-pushing juggling act.
"Zimbabwe leaders reaffirm their coalition" by Chengetai Zvauya, Associated Press | December 24, 2009
HARARE, Zimbabwe - President Robert Mugabe and his rival-turned-premier held a collegial end-of-year press conference yesterday....
Earlier this week, aides announced that agreements on commissions to oversee human rights, the media, and elections had been reached during a meeting of Mugabe, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara, leader of a party closely allied with Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change. That had raised hopes of further progress yesterday. After their meeting, the three joked and laughed, in sharp contrast to their years of sometimes deadly rivalry.
I would SAY SO!!!
Hey, Mugabe is a monster, but he's a fun guy!!!
The improvement in atmosphere is encouraging, but remaining disagreements are among the stickiest - over the appointment of provincial governors, the central bank chief, and attorney general; accusations from Tsvangirai’s party that Mugabe supporters continue to abuse human rights; and accusations from Mugabe’s party that Tsvangirai’s group has done too little to persuade the international community to lift sanctions against Mugabe and his top loyalists....
I really don't care about the political bric-a-brac when the Zimbabwe PEOPLE are suffering an ECONOMIC and HEALTH CRISIS!! Anything about THEM?!!
Then the West called off the dogs and Mugabe is cooperating with whatever they are doing in the region. That is the only reason the pressure is off. I wonder what he got out of it?
Mugabe said that after years of antagonism, some had questioned whether the coalition partners could work together. “Now we are drinking, talking, laughing together,’’ he said.
Yeah, all that other stuff is BLOOD under the BRIDGE, huh?
Tsvangirai, who earlier this year became so frustrated that he temporarily withdrew from the coalition, said yesterday he was optimistic the remaining problems would be resolved before the new year. He and Mugabe could turn to Zimbabwe’s neighbors for negotiating help if they did not succeed, he added. Other regional leaders had pushed for the coalition, formed in February, following a series of inconclusive elections marred by violence blamed on Mugabe’s loyalists....
Hey, I'm all for reconciliation; however, the MSM made Mugabe out to be the devil incarnate! Now everything is cool?
Related: Zimbabwe's Forgotten Crisis
Britain Wages Biological Warfare on Zimbabwe
I guess everything is all better, 'eh, Bob?