I'm really starting to become offended by the Boston Globe's news choices and the insulting tone that the AmeriKan MSM has adopted.
The tone of this article perplexes me. It is as if the Zionist AmeriKan MSM considers orphaned children due to this disaster as a good thing. To me it has one of those "feel-good" factors.
You be the judge for yourself, readers.
"Tsunami’s orphans struggling but hopeful" by Ben Stocking, Associated Press | December 26, 2009
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - The 2004 tsunami obliterated Pipit’s village, wiped out her family, and swept her through churning waters, cascading debris, and hurtling bodies.
On her first night as an orphan, at age 13, she slept next to a row of corpses.
Five years later, she still has moments of sadness, especially during holidays. But like many of Indonesia’s more than 5,200 known tsunami orphans, she is making a life for herself....
Yup, she is MOVING AHEAD, etc, etc.
Yeah, just as the MSM has FORGOTTEN about the EARTHQUAKES, LANDSLIDES and FLOODS that occurred months ago and claimed everything is back to normal and must be rebuilt by now, huh?
“Most of the time, I don’t think about the tsunami,’’ said Pipit, who lives in a comfortable orphanage in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province and close to the epicenter of the earthquake that unleashed one of the worst natural disasters in history.
But you know, they are living life and doing good!!!!
Children recently performed a traditional Indonesian dance at an orphanage in Banda Aceh, near the epicenter of the 2004 Tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people. (Achmad Ibrahim/Associated Press)
All I can say is they are very beautiful children. If they are happy and getting better I am glad, but nothing will ever remove that day from their hearts.
“I’m trying to be strong,’’ said Pipit, who like many Indonesians uses one name.
The Dec. 26, 2004, quake registered at least 9.1 on the Richter scale and unleashed towering waves that leveled communities from Indonesia to Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka.
About 230,000 people died, more than half of them in Aceh on the island of Sumatra.
But the kids are doing fine.
More than $13 billion in donations poured in from around the world, nearly half for Aceh. In some Indonesian communities, only the mosque was left standing. They have been rebuilt. Destroyed homes have been replaced by sturdier ones, new schools have gone up, and freshly paved roads crisscross the region.
There are few visible reminders of the tsunami in Banda Aceh today, with one glaring exception: a 5,000-ton ship that was hurled into a residential neighborhood roughly one mile inland. It has become a tourist attraction. The emotional recovery of the tsunami’s orphans hasn’t been as complete.
Oh, so HALFWAY into the PIECE we get the REAL TRUTH!!!!
Some continue to struggle with loneliness and anger, and flounder in school.
But they are MAKING a LIFE FOR THEMSELVES (provided they survived the latest battering) was the LEAD of my MSM articile in the BG.
Eight-year-old Arif Munandar lives in a picturesque neighborhood, at the water’s edge and ringed by mountains, that has been completely restored with help from international and Indonesian donors. He lost his parents and two sisters in the tsunami and was later adopted by his mother’s sister, Jamilah. They live in a family compound teeming with aunts, uncles, and cousins who share three adjacent houses.
At least he has a WIDE FAMILY to draw support from -- something sorely lacking in individualistic AmeriKa -- but the POOR KID!!!!
Arif has trouble concentrating at school and often gets into scuffles. Jamilah tries to teach him about the Koran, but he doesn’t want to listen. “I don’t know what to do,’’ she said.
That's why he is FIGHTING and VIOLENT -- because he WON'T STUDY ISLAM!!!!
In the immediate aftermath, Arif cried for his mother all the time. It took his aunt a month before she worked up the courage to tell him that his parents were dead.
At his school, rebuilt by Plan International, a British-based nonprofit, 80 percent of the children lost a family member in the tsunami and about a quarter lost a parent.
Hey, it is NOT like I am UNGRATEFUL for the HELP; however, ONCE AGAIN we have the AGENDA-PUSHING PAPER promoting a GLOBALIST INSTITUTION and INVESTMENT and portraying it in a glowing light.
“Five years later, they’ve almost forgotten it happened,’’ said Nurhayati, the vice principal. “They look cheerful again.’’
Oh, I can't take it.
Only a handful, she said, are still clearly haunted by it, including Arif.
“He’s a loner,’’ Nurhayati said. “He daydreams a lot.’’
Yeah, WHO CARES about the BLACK SHEEP of the orphanage, huh?
The count of 5,200 orphans may seem low, considering more than 100,000 people died in Aceh. That’s partly because so many children died, and partly because many were taken in by family and left out of the official statistics.
Most seem to be coping well, said Justin Curry, psycho-social technical adviser for the American Red Cross tsunami recovery program. “The great thing about kids is that they are resilient,’’ he said. “They can handle a tremendous amount.’’
Yeah, in many ways they are better than adults; however, this disaster is going to leave scars forever. Mom and dad are NEVER COMING BACK and there is a LONG LIFE (inshallah) AHEAD!
Many of Aceh’s children had already suffered emotional scars from the province’s 30-year war of independence, which orphaned many children before the two sides agreed to lay down their arms after the tsunami.
Yeah, since Indonesia was an ally they were allowed to butcher East Timorese and Acehnese and the MSM have never said much about it at all.
In some ways, coping with the fallout of war helped Aceh deal with the aftermath of the tsunami, said Peter La Raus, Save the Children’s chief in Banda Aceh.
This guy is a children's advocate?
People had already developed extensive family and social networks to help them deal with hardship. “The tsunami was devastating, but they didn’t have to develop a new social network from scratch,’’ La Raus said.
And they could have done WITHOUT BOTH!!
Of course, ONE was ENTIRELY PREVENTABLE and it was not the tsunami!!!
Related: Natural Disasters... or Not?
Can You Hear the HAARP?
Or were they BOTH preventable?
On the other hand, the tsunami was a new trauma layered over that of war, said Curry, of the Red Cross. “You had a population that was living in a chronically stressful situation and then another major stresser occurred,’’ he said.
But it was actually a GOOD THING!
I'm just wondering why the Zionist MSM doesn't treat their damned HOLOHOAX™ as such a BENEFIT, aren't you??
Okay, okay, I'll give them one more chance.
"Thousands mark tsunami anniversary; Services held in Indonesia; monks offer prayers" by David Longstreath, Associated Press | December 27, 2009
PHUKET, Thailand - Buddhist monks in orange robes chanted on a Thai beach, an Indonesian mother mourned her children at a mass grave, and a man scattered flowers in now-placid waters yesterday to commemorate the 230,000 killed five years ago when a tsunami ripped across Asia.
Oh, I agree, the event should be memorialized; however, HOW are the PEOPLE DOING TODAY after the ROUGH FALL they had? It has been months since the Globe has told me anything.
An outpouring of aid that followed the Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami has helped replace homes, schools and entire coastal communities decimated by the disaster. But at ceremonies yesterday, survivors spoke of the enduring wounds. Thousands in Indonesia’s Aceh province, which was hardest hit, held prayer services at mosques and beside the mass graves where tens of thousands were buried. The 167,000 people who died in Indonesia accounted for more than half the total death toll.
I'm having a hard time envisioning the scale.
Among them were the relatives of Siti Amridar, a 48-year-old woman who wept yesterday at a mass grave in Banda Aceh, the provincial capital. She was a mother of five, until the tsunami claimed four of her children, her parents and washed away their village.
“I don’t know where my children have been buried, or my parents. They have never been found,’’ she said, sobbing. “I still can’t believe the tsunami destroyed my life and my family in just a few minutes.’’
The disaster’s epicenter was off the coast of Aceh, on the island of Sumatra, where a 9.2-magnitude earthquake struck underwater. The quake toppled homes and buildings and sent panicked communities rushing into the streets.
The article above said 9.1.
The MSM can't even get the reading of the earthquake right?
About 20 minutes later, a wall of water up to six stories high surged in from the sea. Traveling at jetliner speed, it carried with it toppled trees, crumpled cars and refrigerators.
This sounds like 9/11 only SO MUCH WORSE!!!
The wave sent people scrambling up the sides of buildings and in search of higher ground.
On yesterday’s anniversary, Indonesian villagers briefly panicked when another strong earthquake struck deep under the sea off the eastern coast, officials said.
A plucking of the HAARP strings as a reminder?
Residents in Saumlaki, about 1,680 miles east of the capital Jakarta, said the magnitude-6.0 quake cut electricity, but there were no reports of damage or injuries. Indonesia sits above a series of fault lines that make the vast island nation one of the most earthquake-prone places in the world. This year, another earthquake measuring magnitude 7.6 struck off West Sumatra on Sept. 30, killing hundreds of people and toppling hundreds of homes and buildings.
Let's see if they stick with it for more than a sentence.
In Thailand yesterday, hundreds of residents and foreigners returned to the white-sand beaches on the southern island of Phuket. More than 8,000 people were killed along the country’s shores.
Nope. They don't even care about American Samoa.
Related: CIA Caught Sabotaging Korean Peace
Another item the MSM strangely(?) dropped the ball on, huh?
A moment of silence was observed on the Phuket’s Patong Beach, a popular strip of hotels and restaurants, where the waves crashed over throngs of tourists the morning after Christmas.
Buddhist monks in bright orange robes chanted prayers. Onlookers wept and embraced....
Traffic across Sri Lanka came to a standstill yesterday as people around the country observed two minutes of silence for the 35,000 people who died there.
Related: Sri Lanka
A ceremony was held at the southern coastal village of Peraliya, where the waves mangled a passing train and killed hundreds of passengers. At the site of the wreckage, which was one of the most enduring images of disaster, relatives of the dead lit candles and placed flowers where a monument now stands.

A girl lighted oil lamps at a Buddhist temple in Peraliya, Sri Lanka, yesterday in memory of those killed in the 2004 tsunami. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/ Reuters)