Let's get this party started right!
"Galluccio fails breathalyzer tests, could face jail; Cites toothpaste in positive results" by Milton J. Valencia, Globe Staff | December 23, 2009
Days after vowing to stay away from alcohol, state Senator Anthony D. Galluccio failed several breathalyzer tests administered as part of his probation for fleeing the scene of a car crash in October.
Also see:
Public Service One Long Party in Massachusetts
The Great "Gooch": A Drunk-Driving Hero
Grounded "Gooch"
Nope, he's flying high again!
State officials are seeking to have his probation revoked, which could result in a jail sentence. A detention hearing could be held as soon as today to determine whether the Cambridge Democrat should be jailed until a full revocation hearing can be held....
Galluccio immediately proclaimed his innocence, issuing a statement saying that the breathalyzer recorded low-level positive readings as a result of his using toothpaste, Colgate Total Whitening and Sensodyne Toothpaste.
What, the obsessive-compulsive drunk also brushing his teeth all day?
Gimme a break!!!
He said he made that determination after consulting with a doctor, pointing out that the toothpastes both contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that has been reported to trigger positive breathalyzer results.... Galluccio said that a probation officer installed the breathalyzer in his home on Monday and that the device issued several low-level positive readings over an hour.
Why should we believe a proven liar, and why is the Globe so eager to get out his side of the story?
He is required to breathe into the device at random times every day.
And why would the rewrite cut this?
Outside the courthouse, Galluccio told reporters that he was told earlier in the day by a physician that the toothpaste could have triggered the positive reading.
I'll remember that the next time a cop makes me blow and a positive reading comes up.
When asked if he had anything to drink since Friday, he said, "Absolutely not," WHDH-TV reported. "I wasn't aware that oral mouth cleaners could set the calibration on the machine off," he said.
Yeah, it was a GLITCH in the MACHINE! I'll remember THAT ONE, too, Gooch!
Good one!
Yur masheen is phf***ed up, occifer!!!
Come on, Gooch, it's TIME TO GO!!
"After criminal conviction, Galluccio must quit Senate
STATE SENATOR Anthony D. Galluccio should resign his seat immediately.
No,, he's still hanging on; tomorrow he will add another year of "service" on to his padded pension.
After being sentenced to home confinement late last week for leaving the scene of a car accident in October, the Cambridge Democrat cannot give his constituents the representation they deserve. Beyond that, his long record of alcohol-related accidents and traffic stops suggests a troubling inability to comply with public safety laws and manage his own affairs in a manner befitting an elected lawmaker....
In addition to the home confinement, he lost his driver’s license for five years, must abstain from drinking, and will have his blood alcohol levels monitored. Galluccio himself has vowed, “There will be no alcohol in my life,’’ though he went on to fail court-mandated breathalyzer tests yesterday. To the extent that Galluccio is sincerely struggling to overcome an addiction, he deserves the empathy of his constituents.
Well, it is NOT SINCERE and he does NOT DESERVE EMPATHY!!
And WHERE is YOUR EMPATHY when it comes to POT, Globe?
Yeah, right.
Any friend or relative of an alcoholic understands the power of that compulsion.
Yet public officials also have duties to the voters who elect them, and the needs of Galluccio’s constituents cannot go neglected while the state senator serves out his sentence.
Like they care about us, readers.
Galluccio got lucky. While he could have gone to jail, the terms of his sentence allow him to leave home....
Or worse in my world. I'm sick of lying looters!
Time to make some examples, and if they don't get the hint.... ?
Got it, Gooch?
"A district court judge today tightened the home confinement conditions for state Senator Anthony D. Galluccio and set a hearing for Jan. 4 to determine whether the Cambridge Democrat should go to jail for failing breathalyzer tests this week that were part of his probation for a fleeing the scene of a car crash in October. Cambridge District Court Judge Matthew Nestor agreed to a request by the probation department for a "lockdown" that would require Galluccio to stay in his home 24 hours a day until the hearing....
"Galluccio can’t leave home until Jan. 4; Senator put under house arrest after failed breath tests" by Stephanie Ebbert, Globe Staff | December 24, 2009
A Cambridge District Court judge yesterday placed state Senator Anthony D. Galluccio under house arrest - barring him from leaving his home for any reason, including to vote in the Senate - because the troubled lawmaker failed a breath alcohol test days after promising to stop drinking alcohol. Judge Matthew
Maybe I'll cover it, maybe I won't; what I won't be doing is buying a Globe to find out.
Hey, hey, put on the game!
"Dartmouth heckling prompts soul-search" by Tracy Jan, Globe Staff | December 10, 2009
About 300 fans packed into the narrow spectator gallery at Dartmouth College’s squash courts, hoping to see their underdog team topple fifth-ranked Harvard for the first time. But the cheering soon turned to heckling - and then a full-fledged verbal assault.
Hey, that is SPORTS now thanks to the divisive MSM.
For at least 90 minutes, about a dozen Dartmouth students pelted Harvard’s men and women players with obscenity-laced insults that some witnesses described as misogynistic, homophobic, and anti-Semitic....
The agenda-pushing front-page coverage thus does not surprise me.
The Dec. 2 incident, which shattered the genteel world of college squash....
The incident also has sparked soul-searching on the secluded Hanover campus that has tried for decades to shed its “Animal House’’ image....
Harvard won the match - 6-3 for men and 9-0 for its women’s team.
"East Boston son’s stunning fall; Facing drug charges, mayor’s liaison submits resignation" by Michael Levenson and Donovan Slack, Globe Staff | December 24, 2009
Yesterday, John M. Forbes, the 31-year-old father of two, submitted his resignation as the mayor’s liaison to East Boston, “with deep regret,’’ in a terse two-sentence letter to the city’s assistant supervisor of labor relations.
Also see: Mayor Menino's Aide Needs Help
The Boston Connection
Oh, he's got good stuff, huh?
The fall of Forbes, who many knew as the former star pitcher for St. Dominic Savio Preparatory High School and one of five children of a well-known family active in East Boston, has stunned and disturbed those who knew him. Many said they saw no signs of trouble in Forbes’s life. Previously, his most serious brush with the law appears to have been a speeding ticket that resulted in the brief suspension of his driver’s license 10 years ago....
John Kelly, executive director of East Boston Social Centers, who has known Forbes and his family for decades. “.... This is really a shocker. I think it’s really about the tragedy of drugs that do affect families - even the finest families. And he comes from a great family.’’
I'm surprised he was busted.
Didn't hang around the greatest crowd, though:
US Magistrate Judge Leo T. Sorokin said authorities had gathered substantial evidence that Lawrence R. Taylor, 61, was involved in “a significant drug business.’’ The evidence included testimony by an IRS investigator at the first part of a detention hearing last week that the unemployed man had bank accounts totaling about $570,000 and had made more than 160 transactions that each involved less than $10,000. Banks must report transactions greater than $10,000 to the government....
Assistant US Attorney Jeffrey M. Cohen has said that the drug trade with several other men, including a convicted murderer, Anthony W. Cristallo of Derry, N.H. Cristallo is being sought by federal authorities on a one-count indictment charging him with dealing OxyContin....
Ah, screw that prescription s***.
Mayor's aide hanging out with a murderer, 'eh?
Related: America Asleep in the Streets
Got anything else?
Let's check out this room:
"Hacker is sorry for data theft, lawyer says; Gonzalez pleads guilty, will be sentenced in March" by Todd Wallack, Globe Staff | December 30, 2009
Computer hacker Albert Gonzalez, accused of participating in one of the largest cyber-crime rings in US history, allegedly lived a playboy lifestyle out of “Miami Vice.’’
Related: The Gonzalez Garbage Dump
The Autistic Informant
Who invited him?!
He sported a mane of black hair, lived in Miami, drove a blue BMW 330I, once threw a $75,000 birthday party for himself, and was often high on cocaine and other drugs. He dubbed one of his break-ins “Operation Get Rich or Die Tryin’,’’ according to records in federal court. Authorities confiscated more than $22,000 when they arrested him in a posh South Beach hotel last year, and found a .40 caliber Glock handgun along with ammunition in his hotel safe.
But in US District Court in Boston yesterday, the 28-year-old looked very different. His hair was closely cropped. He wore narrow framed glasses and olive-shaded prison garb. He spoke in a low, quiet voice, giving mostly one- or two-word answers to questions from Judge Douglas Woodlock. “He is sorry,’’ said Gonzalez’s Boston lawyer, Martin Weinberg. “He has a desire to put this behind him.’’
Gonzalez told Woodlock he had used drugs since he was 16, including alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, and psychedelic mushrooms.
I guess that is why the GOVERNMENT MADE HIM an INFORMANT and why he was SO GOOD at CYBER-CRIME they had him doing LECTURES!! "
"In 2003, he was arrested by the Secret Service on charges of fraud, but avoided prison time by becoming an informant. He helped the agency penetrate the underworld of credit fraud and even gave lectures on cybercrime to Secret Service employees."
But he was ALL F***ED UP on DRUGS!
However, a Brookline psychiatrist hired by defense lawyers to examine Gonzalez, Dr. Barry Roth, wrote in a report submitted to court that the year and a half in jail has allowed Gonzalez to wean himself from drugs and “cleared his mind.’’
Later, Gonzalez was caught hacking into computer systems of NASA and the government of India. Again, he received a visit at his high school and a stern warning, this time from the FBI and NASA officials.
FOR WHICH you need MORE TYRANNY so the GOVERNMENT can "PROTECT" YOU from... IT, America!!!!
In his report, Roth said Gonzalez exhibited the behavior of someone who was addicted to the Internet and had Asperger syndrome, a developmental disorder associated with people who have poor social skills, trouble relating to others, and a few intense interests....
Yeah, right, he was AUTISTIC, sure!!!
Sorry for inviting the omitting and obfuscating Glob, readers.
They are ruining the party.
Now that we are all high on drugs it is time for the perverted sex!
"Former Medford soccer coaches face charges in rape of girl, 13" by John R. Ellement, Globe Staff | December 23, 2009
SOMERVILLE - Two former Medford youth soccer coaches were charged yesterday with raping a 13-year-old girl about six years ago, and Middlesex prosecutors warned that more victims may be discovered.
Related: The State of Massachusetts is Sick
Roger Lau and Thomas Heinz are now both 26, but were in their late teens and early 20s when the alleged rapes took place, prosecutors said. Their lawyers said the two were wrongly accused....
Youth soccer officials did not return e-mails and telephone calls seeking comment, but posted a note on the group’s website, at medfordsoccer.com. “Medford Soccer is troubled by the allegations against two former coaches that became public,’’ the statement said. “Medford Soccer has cooperated fully with authorities involved in the investigation and will continue to do so.’’
Heinz’s father is identified on the website as the town coordinator and liaison for referees. The group did not address his status. In an interview later yesterday, Middlesex District Attorney Gerard T. Leone Jr. said the alleged rapes took place between April 2003 and November 2004. He said that the investigation began last month and that more charges could be forthcoming. He also said more victims could come forward.
“These girls at the time were 13 and 14 years old,’’ Leone said. “They didn’t even know what they were doing was wrong or was bad. Now, six or seven years later, they have matured into young women. They know, one, this is wrong; two, I was victimized; and, three, I can tell someone.’’
I know where this next guy is going.
"State official sued after charges dropped" by Andrea Estes, Globe Staff | December 29, 2009
A senior member of Governor Deval Patrick’s administration was accused in a civil lawsuit yesterday of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy in a steam room at an exclusive Florida resort in 2007.
This item was posted on page B11, lower-right corner and was a one-day wonder.
The civil suit against Carl Stanley McGee, an assistant secretary in the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, follows a decision by Florida prosecutors to drop criminal charges that were initially brought after the incident. The boy, a high school senior who lives in upstate New York, filed the suit in Suffolk Superior Court in Boston alleging that McGee forced himself on the teenager two years ago. McGee was arrested in Florida on Dec. 28, 2007, after the boy alleged that McGee had performed oral sex on him when he was a guest at the Gasparilla Inn & Club in Boca Grande, according to police reports at the time. McGee was held overnight on a $300,000 bond before being released.
This is GROSS!!!
Related: Florida Fogs Police Murder of Massachusetts Man
Never heard back on that one, Globe. Why?
At the time, McGee was placed on unpaid administrative leave from his state post, but he returned to work three months later after the prosecutor in Lee County, Florida, declined to bring charges....
This administration is the MOST CORRUPT and IMMORAL Massachusetts administration that I can EVER REMEMBER, readers!
McGee, 40, was on vacation and could not be reached yesterday for comment. Boston lawyer Charles Rankin, who handled criminal proceedings in Florida for McGee, did not return a phone call. Kofi Jones, a spokeswoman for the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development, declined to comment. A spokeswoman for the office of the state attorney in Lee County, Florida, did not return phone calls seeking comment....
Yeah, the NEWSPAPER'S MAIN SELLING POINT over the BLOGS is THEY COMMAND ANSWERS from leaders where as BLOGS do not!
Hey, what is ONE MORE MSM SELF-DELUSION and LIE, readers?!
According to the four-page complaint, the boy was in the hotel’s steam room on Dec. 28, 2007, when McGee entered and initiated physical contact.
The SICKO LIKES.... even I can't type it or say it, readers!!!
I can BARELY THINK IT without wanting to PUKE!!!!!!!!!
The suit contends that the episode caused “severe emotional distress’’ to the boy.
Of course, because it was NOT a PRIEST the jewspaper isn't running screaming headlines about it!!
At the time, McGee was interviewed by police, but refused to answer questions, asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, according to the complaint.
Again, I have heard it so many times, so WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO HIDE and WHY are you HIDING behind a CONSTITUTION you scum are TAKING AWAY from US, huh?
Oh, I'm sorry, it must be the booze and drugs talking.
McGee, the Housing and Economic Development agency’s $117,000-a-year assistant secretary for policy and planning, has been the architect of several key pieces of legislation, including the governor’s casino bill, a law promoting the life sciences industry, and a plan to bring broadband Internet services to rural areas of the state.
A Rhodes Scholar and Harvard Law graduate, he had worked as a lawyer for one of the city’s premier law firms and was instrumental in the state’s same-sex marriage movement.
Well, yeah, I kind of gathered that he is GAY!!!!!!
That actually explains the agenda-pushing coverage in my divisive Zionist War Daily, doesn't it?
PARTY is OVER, sickos!!!!!