A pedestrian and drivers in Sioux City, Iowa, found the streets a mess yesterday after heavy snow began falling. (Jerry Mennenga/ Sioux City Journal via Associated Press)
Global warming, right....
"Winter storm trips up holiday travelers" by Josh Funk, Associated Press | December 24, 2009
OMAHA - Holiday travelers battled slick, icy roads, along with scattered flight cancellations and delays, yesterday as a major winter storm began to spread across much of the nation’s midsection - and the worst of the weather was still expected to come.
Winter just started.
The storm was likely to intensify by today, bringing heavy snow, sleet, and rain to a large swath of the Plains and the Midwest. A foot or 2 of snow was possible in some areas by Christmas Day. “It’s an unusually large storm, even for the Plains,’’ said Scott Whitmore, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Topeka, Kan.
Yeah, this winter is already shaping up as a particularly brutal one.
Parts of Nebraska were coated with ice up to a quarter of an inch thick, and a number of churches were canceling Christmas Eve services in anticipation of more ice and snow. But residents were still waiting for a blizzard.
Yeah, the American people know global warming is a hunk of s***; the last few years have taught them that. The question now is, will they allow the fart tax?
Slippery roads were blamed for at least five deaths - three in accidents on Interstate 80 in Nebraska and two in a crash on I-70 in Kansas....
Yeah, YOU SEE?!
LIES never are BENIGN, people!
The National Weather Service in Sioux Falls warned of treacherous travel conditions through tomorrow night, calling the storm “life threatening.’’
I would say so!
Yesterday, winter storm warnings stretched from Colorado through the Dakotas and into Minnesota.... The winter blast followed a weekend storm that dropped record snowfall and interrupted holiday shopping and travel on the East Coast. Tens of thousands of customers in West Virginia and Virginia remained without power yesterday.
Oh, you gotta be kidding!? It's freezing out there!
Holidays travelers and commuters were stranded in the Northeast yesterday after an electrical problem forced Amtrak to halt trains in and out of New York’s Penn Station.
Oh, like the Chunnel?
The outage affected service as far south as Washington and as far north as Boston. Power was restored after about three hours.
So the cold kills the electricity, huh?
Maybe some hot fart mist will warm you:
"UN official warns strife will hinder climate talks; Summit soured in Copenhagen, but deal possible" by Arthur Max, Associated Press | December 24, 2009
AMSTERDAM - The top UN climate official said yesterday that although the Copenhagen global warming summit went sour, countries should avoid blaming one another and get down to work on a better deal next year....
Related: A Picture is Worth Two Words
The Copenhagen deal was negotiated in marathon closed-door sessions on the final day of the two-week conference among a select group of fewer than 30 countries. The three-page document was “noted’’ by the full conference after five countries blocked its formal adoption.
Related: Merkel Unmasks New World Order Agenda
Since then, several countries at the center of the bargaining have distanced themselves from the accord. Sweden’s environment minister, speaking for the European Union, called the conference a disaster. Britain accused China of vetoing the inclusion of specific emissions targets. China, dismissing Britain’s charge of “hijacking’’ the conference, accused London of fomenting discord among developing nations.
Related: Carbon Caps Meant to Contain China
South Africa said the failure to produce a legally binding agreement was unacceptable. Brazil criticized the funding for developing countries as inadequate....
What are they worried about, anyway?
Global warming is a LIE and NOT HAPPENING!
Just keep telling yourselves that, fools!
"A dozen diplomats, including from the United States, Britain, Germany, Australia, and Canada, stood outside the Beijing courthouse in freezing weather."I'm not going to feel sorry for them; in fact, I think I'll rethink the shopping excursion. It's cold out there!
Even the Globe is beginning to see the light:
"December doesn’t bode well for what the Farmer’s Almanac predicts will be an average winter’s worth of precipitation."
They lied about it, but they still mentioned the fact.
Related: Global Warming on the Ground
Yeah, and not off to a good start at all, Globe.
Although some would like (as I do despite the shoveling):
"Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Blame the media" by Nicholas K. Geranios, Associated Press | November 29, 2009
Yes, I hold them accountable for a lot of things, and lying about the weather is one of them!
SPOKANE, Wash. - There are lots of theories about why a white Christmas is considered desirable.
One credits Charles Dickens, author of “A Christmas Carol,’’ which was hugely influential in establishing several Christmas rituals. Dickens was born in 1812, and as a child experienced a run of very cold, snowy winters during Europe’s “Little Ice Age.’’ His romanticized memory of those winters went into the book.
Related: The History of Global Cooling
And I MUST ADMIT, readers, I am TREMENDOUSLY BOTHERED that "A Christmas Carol" -- the 1951 version -- is nowhere to be found on my television.
In the past, snow meant horse-pulled sleighs, which made it easier for people to get together for the holiday. And nostalgic illustrations, like Norman Rockwell’s snowy Christmas scenes, also played a role.
Yes, I remember; that's why Xmas is such a drag now.
The term “white Christmas’’ was immortalized in the song of the same name written in 1940 by Irving Berlin and sung in the movie “Holiday Inn.’’
Of course, it's Hollywood so the song was written by a Jew.
Bing Crosby’s version of the melancholy tune was a phenomenon, and is widely considered the best selling single of all time.
Nolan Doesken, a state climatologist in Colorado, takes a somewhat jaded view of the white Christmas fetish.
“We climatologists, along with the media looking for stories in what may otherwise be a slow news season, have worked together to continue to propagate this tradition,’’ Doesken said. “It would be interesting to see if we quit writing about it, and quit singing about it, if anything would change.’’Is he trying to say we normally do not have snow on the ground at Christmas time?
Gee, that's kind of a body blow to the global warming cult, isn't it?
Well, I guess I better chance it. People are going to be expecting something tomorrow morning.
Know any places open this late, readers? I'm just getting started.