Neither did this kid:

Most of the nearly 5 million doses of swine flu vaccine being recalled have already been administered. (Tim Sloane/AFP/Getty Images)
Yeah, children have an innate sense at what is good and not good for them.
Related: Swine Flu Saviors
Standing in Line at the Swine Flu Clinic
You won't have to wait long.
"Abruptly, a surplus of shots for H1N1; Public demand for vaccine wanes as supply surges" by Stephen Smith, Globe Staff | December 16, 2009
First, there wasn’t enough vaccine against swine flu to satisfy demand. Now, in some places, there’s too much.
As a result, Massachusetts health authorities may decide as early as today to offer vaccine to anyone who wants it, lifting restrictions that limited vaccine to children and adults at greatest risk of complications.
The public’s interest in being vaccinated, health authorities report, is waning even as factories churn out shots and nasal spray at a breakneck pace, creating the prospect of millions of unused doses.
Related: A $7 Billion Dollar Shot in the Arm
That's what this booga-booga was all about, huh?
"Apparently the vaccine is actually a trigger that reacts with something they haven’t released yet. That’s due to begin in a month or two. I don’t know exactly when"
Also see: Ukraine Unknowns and Omissions
Why has that received such little coverage, agenda-pushing press?
With the pandemic’s second wave in retreat and the holidays imminent, health authorities surmise, patients in Massachusetts and nationwide may no longer possess a sense of urgency about being vaccinated, nor go out of their way to get a dose of protection.
“We are interested in making it easy for people to get vaccinated,’’ said Dr. Beth P. Bell, a vaccine specialist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “There are lots of different strategies and ideas out there that can be customized for local conditions, but all of them begin with the idea of putting the vaccine in people’s paths.’’
Yup, they so badly want to get that needle into you!
In Massachusetts, that could translate into flu-shot depots outside the local Macy’s or inside the neighborhood grocery store, said John Auerbach, the state’s commissioner of public health. This morning, a telephone conference call conducted by Auerbach’s agency is expected to end with a date set to make vaccine more broadly available. “The time has come to consider opening up vaccine to the general population,’’ Auerbach said. “We are very concerned about the waning interest.’’
Why is it a problem for these people that a pandemic did not occur?
They remind me of the global-warmers, who when confronted with the weather outside get angry at you because the cataclysm they predicted has been averted.
The diminishing desire to be immunized was evident two weekends ago when Boston held its first large-scale public vaccine clinics, restricted to people at risk of serious complications from the flu. Nurses from the Boston Public Health Commission arrived in Hyde Park and West Roxbury armed with 10,000 doses. When other local health departments - such as Wellesley’s - dispensed vaccine in October as swine flu cases were increasing, lines formed early and snaked hundreds of people long.
But on that first weekend in December, the Boston authorities gave out barely 2,000 doses.
“With the holiday season upon us, it’s a hard time to get people to focus on something that doesn’t have a real sense of urgency around it any longer,’’ said Barbara Ferrer, executive director of the Boston Public Health Commission. “Our messaging for three months has had to be, ‘Just hold on - you’re going to get it.’ Now people say, ‘I’m really busy now, and what’s the difference anyway?’ ’’
Maybe we are TIRED of TURNING AROUND and having lying government and agenda-pushing MSM hollering URGENT all the time!!!
As soon as hear that word I say STOP now!
An announcement by the CDC yesterday that 800,000 pediatric doses of vaccine were somewhat less potent than originally believed may further dampen people’s interest in being immunized, public health specialists fear. Some of that vaccine was sent to Massachusetts, although state authorities said they were still waiting to find out how much.
Pffft! What you got was WATERED DOWN, huh?
I'll bet the BOTTOM LINE perked up though!
The CDC is asking pediatricians to return unused doses of the weakened vaccine but said children who received the shots do not need to repeat the process.
I wouldn't let my kid be "re-vaccinated" anyway.
There continues to be strong demand for vaccine in some locales. Brookline, for example, had a robust response to a vaccination campaign the first Sunday in December. And at Massachusetts General West Medical Group in Waltham last night, there were “wall-to-wall kids’’ waiting for vaccine, said Dr. Victoria McEvoy, chief of pediatrics there.
Yeah, some people will eat s*** and smile if you tell them it's free.
“Parents have worked so hard to get it, by calling every day, several times a day, and feeling the frustration with not having it,’’ McEvoy said. “Many of them signed up weeks ago to get into our clinics, and now that we have vaccine, they’re going to get it.’’
Yup, you SURE ARE GETTING IT, American people -- and you know right where, too!
And now they are RECALLING the STUFF?
I'm glad I didn't get a shot for a gift, readers!
"Weakening, spray for swine flu recalled; Revaccination not needed, officials say" by Matthew Perrone and Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press | December 23, 2009
WASHINGTON - Drug maker
The vaccine recall is the second this month caused by declining potency and comes as public health officials urge millions of Americans to get vaccinated against swine flu....
They were SLOW MAKING IT and this is what we get?
Oh, they WANT US to be VACCINATED, huh?
“The slight decrease in potency is not expected to have any effect on the protective effect of the vaccine,’’ said Norman Baylor, director of the FDA’s vaccine research office. “We are not recommending revaccination.’’
Good, because I'm not getting one.
The agency is looking into the problem but said it is not uncommon for vaccines to lose strength over time.
Btw, did you know the SAME is true about WMD!
That crap Saddam had lying around as U.N inspectors scoured his nation was INACTIVE CRAP! It had SAT AROUND TOO LONG!
MedImmune’s vaccine has a recommended shelf life of about four months. Last week, vaccine maker Sanofi Pasteur recalled hundreds of thousands of swine flu shots for children because tests indicated those doses lost some strength. Most of those doses had already been used, too.
Swine flu vaccine has been available since early October, and manufacturers have released more than 111 million doses for distribution in the United States. Maryland-based MedImmune makes the only nasal spray version, which can be used by healthy people ages 2 to 49. “It’s not a safety concern. People who have received doses from the affected lots do not need to be revaccinated. The doses were well within potency specification,’’ said spokesman Tor Constantino.
Yeah, one day they are screaming better get the shot; the next day don't worry about the lack of potency, don't panic, blah, blah. After a while you just tune them out.
Only in recent weeks have state authorities lifted restrictions on who can get vaccinated. Previously the vaccines were reserved for high-risk patients, including pregnant women and schoolchildren.
Dr. Anne Schuchat of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 60 million Americans have received swine flu vaccine and said intense monitoring for side effects has not turned up any concerns....
And that is where the WEB VERSION CHOPPED IT?
What studies and why the chop?
It is starting to dawn on me that this WEAK DOSAGE STORY may be an ELABORATE LIE to GET THE SHOT IN YOU!!!!
I mean, think about the lying MSM and their agenda-pushing ways. This is a GREAT WAY to REENERGIZE and REVITALIZE INOCULATIONS when they are ON the WANE!!!
Really, since when have they REALLY been looking out for you, America? Is that what the UNENDING STREAM of LIES is?
The CDC reported this month that swine flu appears to be waning among humans. It said infections were widespread in 25 states, down from 48 in late October.
Yeah, when you are pushing needles you wouldn't want people to know that!
Flu activity has slowed, but Schuchat it's very important not to become complacent.
Push, push, push that needle in!!!
Also yesterday, a dog in suburban New York was confirmed as the first in the nation carrying the same strain of swine flu that is infecting humans.
In the past six months they have told us cats, turkeys, and pigs have come down with it!
Related: Pork Products Infected With Swine Flu
The 13-year-old mixed breed male, which is recovering, apparently caught the virus from his owner.
Readers, I noticed that when a WHOPPER of a LIE becomes TOO BIG for belief the BG and MSM WHACK IT!!!
But Michael San Filippo, a spokesman for the American Veterinary Medical Association, said there's no evidence that the flu strain can be transmitted from a pet to a person.
Or vice versa!!!
Yeah, the SILLY FRIKKIN' LIE had to be REMOVED, didn't it, Glob?
Let's give the agenda one more push, shall we?
"Swine flu found to pose high risk to new mothers; Officials revise CDC guidelines on vaccines" by Alicia Chang, Associated Press | December 24, 2009
LOS ANGELES - Swine flu is not only dangerous to pregnant women, but it is a threat to new mothers, too, the first study to document this risk shows....
Yeah, we can't get the needle into the people so let's come up with another scare tactic.
The swine flu threat to pregnant women has been well documented, and public health officials have urged them to get vaccinated....
Well documented? By who?
Yeah, just repeat the lie, MSM.
As a result of the research, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently revised its guidelines, recommending that flu drugs be given to women who show signs of the flu soon after they give birth....
Researchers estimated....
Oh, it is ALL "ESTIMATES," huh?
Just another FANCY WORD for LIES!!!!!!
--more--"Also see:
- MSM Xmas Cards
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To the Health Insurance Industry
- MSM Xmas Gifts: Boston's Hospitals
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Veterans
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To American Convicts
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Junior
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Congress
- MSM Xmas Gifts: War Profiteers
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To AIG and GMAC
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Fannie and Freddie
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To OneUnited Bank
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Special Interests
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Wall Street
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To the American Public
- MSM Xmas Gifts: To Rudy Giuliani
- MSM Xmas Gifts: Moon Rock
- MSM Xmas Gifts: Bush E-Mails
- MSM Xmas Gifts: New Car
- MSM Xmas Gifts: American Job-Seekers
- MSM Xmas Gifts: American Homeowners
- MSM Xmas Gifts: Putnam Employees
- MSM Xmas Gifts: MSM Reporters
- MSM Stocking Stuffers
- XMas Morning
Update: Santa left me a gift, and it was a trip back in the time machine. When I looked at the teams this afternoon we were over-matched at every position. The first game proved it as we were trounced by a score of 11-4. My effort level was abysmal; however, then I got angry and motivated. We triumphed in the next two games with me a major factor in an all-around effort. I was a monster-like Rodman on the glass, contested shots and passes, played well within space, and was a force on offense (sinking the game-winner in the second victory). We relapsed a bit in the final game, dropping an 11-7 decision.
Nevertheless, I am beaming at having played so well the last three times out and take no credit at all. When I play well on the court I invariably look and point up when fortune shines upon me. Something above must be guiding some of the things that occur out there, and during this Christmas season it has shined down upon me. Thank you, Lord.
And now I am going to shower and enjoy "King Kong" on TNT until resuming my posts later.
Thanks for visiting and reading.