Related: Zionists To Allow Christmas in Bethlehem
And like Christmas everywhere, it's for the kids!

A girl attended Christmas Eve celebrations yesterday outside the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Residents, still recovering from years of violence, celebrated their town’s annual day in the spotlight along with tourists. (Musa Al-Shaer/AFP/Getty Images)
What a cute Santa Claus!!!!
"In Bethlehem, glow of holiday edges out gloom" by Dalia Nammari, Associated Press | December 25, 2009
BETHLEHEM, West Bank - Thousands of pilgrims from around the world descended on the traditional birthplace of Jesus yesterday, greeted by choruses, scout troops, and rock bands for the most upbeat Christmas celebrations this Palestinian town has seen in years.
You have no idea how happy I am that Jesus' birthplace is a PALESTINIAN TOWN, readers!!
But the Holy Land’s top Roman Catholic clergyman reminded followers that peace remains elusive, while the threat of sectarian violence in the Islamic world and the lava spilling from a volcano in the Philippines clouded the celebrations for other Christian communities across the globe.
We know why peace is elusive, and there they go again pushing the sectarianism lie.
And the Philippines is under a volcano after the floods and fire?
Haven't about them in a while, MSM.
Gee, the Zionist AmeriKan MSM really flogs that Muslim terrorist thing, huh?
It's all over the thing every single day.
Bethlehem residents, hemmed in by an Israeli security barrier and still recovering from years of violence, celebrated their town’s annual day in the spotlight along with tourists who came from across the globe.
As a Christian I am offended and enraged at the APARTHEID WALL of NaZionist Israel and certainly can sympathize with my Muslim brethren of Palestine.
Visitors milled around Manger Square, mingling with clergymen, camera crews, and locals hawking food and trinkets. Christmas in Bethlehem has its incongruous elements - the troops of Palestinian boy scouts who wear kilts and play bagpipes in one of the town’s holiday traditions, for example, or the inflatable Santa Clauses hanging from church pillars and storefronts looking out of place and overdressed in this Middle Eastern town with not a snowflake in sight.
Says you!!! It LOOKS LIKE HEAVEN to ME, *ewspaper!
Hanna Pioli, 23, and her sister Katherine, 25, were spending the holiday far from their hometown of Salt Lake City. The sisters miss celebrating a “white Christmas’’ at home and were taken aback by the warm weather, Katherine Pioli said, but still thought Bethlehem was the best place for Christians to spend the day.
Must have just got there:
"a cold, wintry night"
Sounds like New England weather: wait a minute and it changes.
And the agenda-pushing MSM wouldn't be pushing the global warming lie again, would they?
Jeffrey Lynch, 36, a sanitation worker from New York, was taking a tour through the Church of the Nativity, the fourth-century Crusader era structure built atop the grottos that mark the spot believed to be the birthplace of Jesus. “It’s a miracle being here on Christmas Eve. It’s a lifetime opportunity. I wish everybody could be here,’’ he said.
But the Holy Land’s top Roman Catholic cleric, Latin
Yup, only ONE GROUP DOES NOT and they live next door to the Palestinians.
Twal and his convoy of dozens of vehicles entered Palestinian-controlled territory through a massive steel gate in Israel’s heavily guarded West Bank separation barrier, escorted by Israeli soldiers and police in jeeps. The barrier and the heavy Israeli security presence served as reminders of the friction and hostilities that have thwarted peace efforts.
Imagine dealing with that EVERY DAY, readers, because THAT is the LIFE of a PALESTINIAN!
“We want freedom of movement, we don’t want walls,’’ Twal said after passing through the barrier. “We don’t want separation fences. We hope that things will become more normal for us.’’
Only hours later, an Israeli man was shot and killed in the West Bank in an attack by Palestinian gunmen.
Are you SURE?
Sure it wasn't a ZETTLER!
The TIMING sure is odd and REEKS of a FALSE FLAG!
Such attacks, once common, have become rare in recent years as the West Bank has regained a semblance of normalcy.
If that is normal.... sigh .... HOW OFFENSIVE!
Yeah, Palestinian violence on Israelis has gone down as Israel has swallowed up more land and the zany zettlers have torched olive fields, killed Palestinians in far more frequent attacks, and demolished Palestinian homes.
All strangely unreported or minimized by my Zionist War Dailies.
Israeli Radio identified the man as a resident of a nearby settlement, and a little-known Palestinian faction took responsibility for the attack.
And about the forgotten Filipinos:
LEGAZPI, Philippines - About 47,000 Filipinos who fled their homes in anticipation of the eruption of the Mayon volcano shared rations of noodles, fried fish, and fruit to celebrate Christmas in evacuation centers.
Children opened donated presents and clowns entertained the crowds, as the government tried to keep the evacuees from slipping back to their homes. The 8,070-foot volcano known for its perfect cone has erupted nearly 40 times over 400 years, sending people packing for months at a time. But never has it happened during the Christmas celebration, when Filipinos gather with family and friends for traditional meals and songs.
The country’s chief volcanologist, Renato Solidum, warned that a hazardous eruption was possible within days as Mayon’s activities continue to escalate. The military was still trying to get some 600 holdout residents to leave their homes yesterday in villages within the 5-mile danger zone. Evacuation centers have been the scenes of daily entertainment for the past week.
“I have mixed feelings of sadness and happiness,’’ 38-year-old vegetable vendor Estela Netuno, who spent the holiday in an evacuation center with her siblings and 9-year-old son, said. “We should be home celebrating with the family, but we are here.’’
She said the gifts of candies and toys her son got from donors, the Christmas Eve dinner pack of noodles and fruits from the local government, and the fried fish and vegetables shared with fellow evacuees during the traditional midnight meal made them happy. But Netuno said she missed cooking at home, and the rice cakes she usually prepares for Christmas Eve. With crammed conditions and no kitchen, she said it was difficult to do that.
On Thursday night, Masses were celebrated in evacuation centers. Evacuees received gifts or were entertained by soldiers in Santa hats who belted out songs. But the mood was subdued, with many evacuees opting to sleep. Joey Salceda, the governor of eastern Albay Province, where Mayon is located, said he distributed $2 bills to children to be spent any way they wanted.
"Magma builds up in Mayon volcano
Fewer earthquakes have been recorded in the Philippines’ lava-spilling Mayon volcano, but magma continues to build up inside and any lull in activity could be followed by a bigger eruption, scientists said yesterday. A hazardous eruption remains possible within days, and residents who live near the volcano’s slopes were warned not be misled into leaving the evacuation centers and venturing back to their homes (AP)."