A girl received the H1N1 nasal mist vaccine at Wake County Human Services in Raleigh, N.C. (Jim R. Bounds/ Bloomberg)
Well, up the noses, actually, but THE CHILD MAKES the POINT for ALL of US!!!!!
And now she is a CARRIER and SPREADER:
"If you take the H1N1 FluMist, you will in fact become a carrier of the H1N1 flu. Information on this drug states that you can and will shed the virus for up to 21 days"
"CDC downplays risk of swine flu vaccine" by Associated Press | October 12, 2009
WASHINGTON - A top US health official sought to assure the public yesterday that the risks from not getting the swine flu vaccine are greater than any potential risks associated with the vaccine.
Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said she is surprised by the amount of confusion and fear about the new vaccine. She said that past vaccines have had a good safety record, and that this bodes well for the swine flu vaccine now becoming available....
Yup, LIARS just can't understand why we DON'T BELIEVE THEM anymore!
And JUST for those who think the government would not poison them, AHEM!
"Lawmakers seek apology for Fernald past
Two state lawmakers want Massachusetts to apologize to residents of the Fernald School for people with mental disabilities. Representative Thomas Sannicandro has filed a bill requiring an official apology for alleged civil rights violations at the Waltham facility. They include Cold War experiments where children were fed radioactive cereal.
Oh, but they would NEVER LIE or COVER-UP THINGS NOW!!!
Alan Cantwell, MD On The ManMade Origin Of AIDS
New Evidence: That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made
Don't Go In the Water in AmeriKa
U.S. Pharmaceutical Factories Dumping Huge Quantities of Drugs Into Public Sewers, Rivers and Waterways
Excreted Tamiflu found in rivers
De Plane! De Plane!
Honey Bees and Herbicides
Agent Orange Still Active in Vietnam
Occupation Iraq: KBR'S Chemical Killings
Occupation Iraq: KBR and the Indiana Guard
Occupation Iraq: KBR and the West Virginia Guard
The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children
The Effects of Depleted Uranium
Occupation Iraq: AmeriKa's Second Hiroshima
The U.S. Has Already Used Nukes in Iraq and Afghanistan
Afghanistan is the New Auschwitz
Disaster in Afghanistan
Memory Hole: Bush's Liberations: AIDS
The Children of Afghanistan
Afghan 'health link' to uranium
U.S. Wages Chemical Warfare on Afghanistan
Millions of Afghans Face Starvation
That DU gonna come home to YOU, too, America! Wait until your soldiers' wives start birthing deformed babies like Iraqis and Afghanis! Gonna be ready to hang some people then, or will it be too late?
What will WE (well, not me) BE FINDING OUT in 60 years, huh?
Representative Thomas Stanley has filed a bill calling for a formal investigation of the misclassification of patients Fernald patients. Some were deemed “morons’’ and given other dubious titles despite IQ tests showing many in the normal range. Both bills are to be taken up at a hearing tomorrow before the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities. (AP)."
I guess that's why the NURSES don't want to take the shot, huh?
"Nurse sues to block flu vaccinations
NEW YORK - A registered nurse has asked a judge to block New York state’s requirement that all health care workers get vaccinated against the flu. An attorney for Suzanne Field, a nurse in Dutchess County, said she filed the lawsuit to protect the rights of nearly 60,000 medical workers covered by an emergency rule put in place in the wake of this year’s H1N1 virus scare. Field’s request for a restraining order is now before a judge in Manhattan. A hearing is planned for Wednesday. This fall, New York became the first state to require most health workers to get shots for both the seasonal flu and the new swine flu."
For more on the swine flu, go HERE
And why would the Sunday Globe ignore this item?
"Cuba reports swine flu deaths: 3 pregnant women
HAVANA — Cuba has acknowledged its first deaths from swine flu, saying three pregnant women succumbed to the virus and many more have been treated for symptoms....
The communist government has said it will use everything at its disposal to fight swine flu — including calling in the armed forces — but it has expressed deep reservations about global plans to use a vaccine, which is currently being rolled....
HOW SAD is it when we must get the TRUTH from COMMUNISTS, America?