Saturday, March 13, 2010

Speaking the Voters Language

And it is not English, Americans.


"State’s Democratic Party launches push to lure Latinos; Brown’s win is one motivator" by Russell Contreras, Associated Press | February 26, 2010

BOSTON - From Acton to Andover, voters packed the polls during last month’s special election to replace the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Election officials reported record turnout in a race that resulted in the stunning victory of Republican Scott Brown over Democrat Martha Coakley.

See: Selecting a Senator: What Happened to the Coakley Campaign?

But in Chelsea, Lawrence, and New Bedford, cities with sizable Latino populations that have traditionally voted Democratic, turnout was low. Some residents said they didn’t know or didn’t care that an election was going on, given the lack of signs and campaign visits to their cities.

Oh, I've caught up to them, have I?

Now, just weeks after the epic defeat by Brown and new concerns about a shrinking base, the Massachusetts Democratic Party is launching an aggressive effort to attract Latino voters, the state’s fastest-growing population.


See: Massachusetts Senate Vote Irrelevant

And that is exactly what is happening in Washington.

The health tax bill written for 60 senators only needed 51 votes after all -- but you still must accept the Senate bill with no Medicare expansion or public option.

Yup, that's why the newspaper spends so much time and space on bullshit politics.

Ever notice the BANKS and WAR-LOOTERS never have to worry about their tax haul?

On Saturday, the state’s Democrats will hold Spanish-language workshops for Latino activists interested in volunteering in campaigns and raising money for candidates. In addition, party officials hope to network with Latino grass-roots activists who work independently of political parties.

The move, political observers say, is partly a result of the dismal efforts by the Coakley campaign to reach out to Latino voters, an important swing bloc that could have made the race closer. They say Coakley did not campaign much in Latino neighborhoods and did not advertise in Spanish-language media.

Yeah, she ran the WORST CAMPAIGN I have ever seen here.

Actually, after winning the primary SHE THOUGHT SHE had been ANOINTED Senator.

Democrats better start WAKING the FUCK UP, folks!

“We were completely ignored,’’ said Maria Idali Torres, director of the Mauricio Gaston Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston. “It wasn’t until a week before the election that I got a call from her campaign. By that time, the writing was on the wall.’’

It is called BEING TAKEN for GRANTED, and are U.S. citizens SICK OF IT!!!

Alejandra St. Guillen, program director of ¿Oíste?, a Massachusetts group that promotes the election of Latinos, said some Latino voters feel they are repeatedly taken for granted by candidates. “Often they come to us at the last minute or when they want us to translate something,’’ St. Guillen said. “We complain over and over again, but I don’t think it sinks in.’’


Gloribell Mota, director of training and education for the Massachusetts Democratic Party, said candidates have not been intentionally ignoring Latino voters or their concerns. “I think it’s a sense of not knowing about Latino community,’’ said Mota, who is organizing Saturday’s Grassroot Strategies for Victory session at the Westin Waltham Hotel, an event planned before last month’s election. “We have to do a better job of reaching out.’’

These are the tolerant, compassionate, open-minded, minority-mingling Massachusetts liberals we are talking about here?

Yeah, KEEP DELUDING YOURSELF, Glob, as you SHOVEL DISILLUSIONED and DISTORTED GARBAGE at us -- as if we were not aware of the bias.

Statewide, Latinos are one of the few groups that have seen their state population numbers rise in the last decade, according to US census estimates. And analysts say their numbers are expected to grow because of birth rates and continued migration....

Yeah, the illegals pouring into the state are a great thing, says the pro-illegal, agenda-pushing paper.

In Massachusetts, Latinos have historically been traditional Democratic voters. But recent studies in Texas and California suggest that as the population gets larger and more established, Latino voters become more independent and conservative.

Translation: Latinos SMARTEN UP after a while.

Torres and St. Guillen are scheduled to speak at the Democrats’ event on Saturday. Both said they would also be willing to speak to the Massachusetts Republican Party about any outreach efforts for Latinos.

Tarah Donoghue, a spokeswoman for MassGOP, said that Massachusetts Republicans do not have an outreach program aimed at Latinos but have a general “ethnic outreach’’ committee.

“I think there is a home for the Hispanic community in the GOP,’’ Donoghue said. “Hispanics have an inclination toward family values and hard work that makes the Republican Party a good fit.’’

While most Latinos elected to office in Massachusetts are Democrats, Springfield and Lawrence have seen a handful of Latino Republicans successfully run for office in a nonpartisan race. In addition, Latinos in Lawrence, who elected the state’s first Latino mayor last year, previously helped elect former mayor Michael Sullivan twice, a white Republican who aggressively advertised in Spanish-language newspapers.

And Brown enjoyed the support of some notable Latino activists, including Iraq war veteran and Purple Heart recipient Francisco Urena of Lawrence.

Nationally, the GOP is jump-starting efforts to woo Latinos. But Karla Romero of Malden said that until now she has not seen either party really reach out to Latino voters in the state. That is partly why she is running as an independent for a House seat held by Democrat Paul Donato.

“I’ve had strong pulls from both sides to join their party,’’ said Romero, a second-generation Latina born in Boston. “But I think people are ready for a new generation and new blood.’’


Yeah, about that national picture:

"Republicans face uphill battle in winning Hispanic vote; GOP looking for ways to broaden party’s appeal" by Peter Slevin, Washington Post | March 7, 2010

AUSTIN, Texas - Henry Bonilla, a Texas Republican whose district ran along the Mexican border, won seven straight elections to the House by relying on retail politics in Hispanic communities where GOP candidates had rarely bothered to tread.

He thrived in Congress and cochaired the two Republican National Conventions that nominated George W. Bush. In a period when the party sought to telegraph a vision of diversity, however spotty its record, the effort yielded Hispanic votes in Texas and beyond.

But after back-to-back hammerings in the 2006 and 2008 elections, the GOP is trying to figure out how it slid so far behind with Hispanic voters. With their traditional white-male base shrinking, Republican strategists talk with increasing urgency about wooing Hispanics, who are the fastest-growing segment of the US population and who vote mostly Democratic.

Of course, we all know who really runs the U.S. Congress.

“If you don’t go out and bring more Hispanics to our party, the math isn’t there to win, no matter what the other side does,’’ said Bonilla, who has argued the case in one-on-one meetings with Republican leaders in Congress. “If they’re too blind to recognize that, it’s their own selves doing them in.’’

Bonilla should know. He lost in 2006 to another Hispanic candidate, a Democrat.

So WHO CARES who you get?

A D or an R by the name doesn't seem to matter much because NEITHER ONE LISTENS!

The Hispanic population is expected to increase by nearly 200 percent by 2050, with non-Hispanic whites making up about half the US population, down from 69.4 percent in 2000. From 1988 to 2008, the number of eligible Hispanic voters rose 21 percent - from 16.1 million to 19.5 million.

“The numbers don’t lie,’’ said Whit Ayres, a GOP consultant. “If Republicans don’t do better among Hispanics, we’re not going to be talking about how to get Florida back in the Republican column, we’re going to be talking about how not to lose Texas.’’

Fewer Hispanics view the Democratic Party favorably compared with a year ago, according to NBC-Wall Street Journal polls, when they had recently voted in record numbers for Barack Obama.

Then maybe the need is not all that urgent, huh?

Plate of s*** political fooleys taste good, 'murkns?

But by many measures, including candidate recruitment and vote totals, Republicans continue to struggle. The most vexing problem is the immigration debate, in which hard-liners and tea party activists have alienated many Hispanics with their harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric.

How come the word ILLEGAL is not in there, agenda-pushing and divisive Boston Glob?

And why do they assume that LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who WENT THROUGH the FRUSTRATING PROCESS would be for letting the flood gates go for a general amnesty?

As for the whole debate, I'm TIRED of being TARRED with the Zionist MSM's racist brush if you don;t support the New World Order Agenda and the Global Government because that's what the "immigration" debate boils down to for me.

Btw, a WALL is GOOD ENOUGH for ISRAEL, so why ain't it good enough for us?

And doesn't all the homeland tyranny and security scanners sound a bit strange when thousands are flooding over an open border?

Oh, yeah, btw, that GLOBAL ECONOMY the PAPER PROMOTES CREATES the VERY CONDITIONS which CAUSE the CRISIS -- all over the wishes and profit$ of corporate AmeriKa.

“That’s the word that got back to folks on the street: ‘They don’t want us,’ ’’ said the Republican National Committee chairman, Michael Steele.

Oh, the word that got back on the street, huh?

Since when the hell do the agenda-pushing bastards listen to that?

9/11 Truth is all over the street and I see none of it in the Glob.

One lesson of Republican Robert McDonnell’s win in his race last fall for Virginia governor was to “run inclusive campaigns,’’ said Ed Gillespie, a McDonnell adviser and former RNC chairman. He said McDonnell reached out to Hispanics, “instead of indulging in the anti-immigration rhetoric of past Republican campaigns.’’

Yeah, you know, if you are for the rule of law and the Constitution and don't want AmeriKa's wages bottomed out with illegal labor, you are some sort of racist even if you don't give a damn about skin color (like me).

Related: Hitching a Ride With Homeland Security

Sort of puts the whole fraudulent debate into context, doesn't it?
