Friday, September 3, 2010

Coming Out of the Forest in the Congo

"Gunmen attack aid plane in Congo" by Associated Press | September 2, 2010

JOHANNESBURG — Gunmen in eastern Congo fired yesterday on a private plane carrying international aid workers who escaped into the forest and were rescued, aid workers from the International Medical Corps said....

The aid workers are members of a team treating scores of people raped in rebel attacks July 30 to Aug. 4 in villages about 40 miles from Walikale.

See: Resisting the Lord in Uganda

The group's regional director, Miel Hendrickson, said the number of people treated for rape in those attacks has risen to 242 from 192 last week. More survivors who had fled into dense forest have been coming out of hiding each day, aid workers said.

The attacks took place within miles of a UN peacekeeping camp for about 80 Indian soldiers, and thousands of Congolese troops based at Walikale, a 90-minute drive from the villages.

How come the U.N. "peace-keepers" never prevents a damn thing?

Related: The Quietest Holocaust You Never Heard Of

Oh, they are helping.


Also see: UN Gets a Piece