Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Connecticut Cong

They use that word again.

"Obama heading to Conn. in support of Blumenthal

WASHINGTON — Looking to give a boost to a Democrat in a crucial Senate race, President Obama will travel to Connecticut’s Gold Coast to stump and raise money tomorrow for Attorney General Richard Blumenthal.

Burying Blumenthal

Hey, it's okay to elect a liar in Connecticut.

The Blumenthal stop in Stamford will be followed by a Democratic National Committee fund-raiser in nearby Greenwich.

Blumenthal is vying to succeed Democrat Christopher Dodd, who is retiring from the Senate. But the 20-year attorney general faces an expensive and aggressive challenge from wrestling executive Linda McMahon.

A self-financed insurgent who defeated the GOP’s choice in a primary, McMahon has a shot at recapturing a seat that has eluded Republicans since Lowell Weicker won it in 1982. She has balanced her inexperience with a background in the brash world of pro wrestling and captured the anti-incumbent mood that is defining this political season.

When you think about it wrestling is very much like politics: choreographed right down to the rigged outcome.

A Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday shows Blumenthal, a well-known political figure in the state, with only a six-point lead. He is ahead 51 percent to 45 percent, in the poll of 875 likely Connecticut voters, which has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.

WOW!! She CLOSED a 23-point-gap!!

"Blumenthal apparently has weathered charges that he exaggerated his military service in Vietnam for years and is running as strongly as ever against both his Republican challengers in Connecticut’s race for the U.S. Senate. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Connecticut finds Blumenthal with 56% support versus 33% for Linda McMahon, the officially endorsed GOP candidate. "

No WONDER the CORPORATE MSM is crapping bricks!!

“For Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, an elected official with a 70 percent approval rating, this race is surprisingly close,’’ said Douglas Schwartz, Quinnipiac University poll director.

“The question is whether Linda McMahon can ride the antiestablishment, anti-Democratic wave to victory in blue Connecticut.’’


Also see: One For the Ladies

Spiked Tea

Lose(?) a chance in Delaware, gain a chance in Connecticut?