Friday, September 10, 2010

Logan Since 9/11: Globe Watering Hole

I'll bet reporters hang out there a lot.

"Logan liquor plan could free up licenses" by Katie Johnston Chase, Globe Staff | August 24, 2010

Thirteen highly coveted Boston liquor licenses could be freed up if a proposal for a special airport liquor license goes through.

The Massachusetts Port Authority, which runs Logan International Airport, has drafted a petition requesting that the city grant new restricted airport licenses to the approximately 40 vendors, including restaurants and airline clubs, that serve alcohol at the airport....

Wasn't there some flap a while ago about drunk pilots?

Why the agenda-pushing BOOZE PROMOTION at the AIRPORT of all places?

Each restaurant, bar, and club at Logan would have to purchase a new airport license — $2,500 for an all-inclusive license, $1,000 for beer and wine only — and those that currently have their own liquor licenses would have to sell them to a Boston establishment outside the airport, pending approval from the Boston Licensing Board....

And then buy a new one?

This is about MAKING PROFIT for Massport!

Passing the proposal is “a no-brainer for the city,’’ said City Councilor Salvatore LaMattina, who represents East Boston, where Logan is located.

I am beginning to believe there are no brains east of me.

The number of liquor licenses in Boston is strictly capped, which drives up the market value for the 1,080 liquor licenses in circulation. Those for beer and wine can sell for $25,000, and those for all types of alcohol can fetch as much as $300,000....

I was told a couple thousand above. WTF?


I got so drunk at the bar I forgot to follow up.