Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How Will History Judge Obama?

We have already decided.... he follows in a long line of war criminal executives who have seen increased and expanded powers for decades.

"Presidential historians send mixed message to Obama" Associated Press, December 25, 2012

WASHINGTON — President Obama draws political strength from his surprisingly easy re-election in a bad economy. It is partly offset, however, by Republicans’ continued control of the House, plus their filibuster powers in the Senate.

As minimally significant as that is, one can only say thank God for the brake of a Republican House at this point. It's a stunning statement, but it's true. One cringes at the thought of complete Democratic domination again. 

Some of the big issues awaiting the president’s decisions are familiar, long-simmering problems. They include immigration and the need for a tenable balance between taxes, spending, and borrowing.

Another issue, gun control, jumped to the national agenda’s top tier this month following the massacre of children and teachers in a Connecticut school. And the issue of climate change remains unresolved.

But all the corporations are taken care of, Israel is all set, and the war funds have been approved.

Veteran politicians and presidential historians say it is almost impossible for Obama to ‘‘go big’’ on all these issues....

Which means he will likely start a war somewhere.

Other presidential historians, however, think Obama is severely constrained by political realities. They say he will have to choose carefully which goals to emphasize.

‘‘I see Obama as almost uniquely handcuffed by circumstances,’’ said John Baick of Western New England University.

The number of big, unresolved problems facing the nation, coupled with a deeply divided public and Congress, he said, leaves Obama with fewer viable options than most presidents have enjoyed.

At best, Baick said, the US government ‘‘is a gigantic cruise liner, and the most he can do is keep us from hitting icebergs.’’

Okay then, shut down the boilers of war and full astern! 

