Friday, August 2, 2013

See No Evil, Hear No Evil in My Boston Globe

"A police struggle, shots jolt Mass. Eye and Ear" by Colin A. Young, Javier Panzar and Maria Cramer |  Globe Correspondents | Globe Staff, July 31, 2013

It was just before lunch, and the people in the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary emergency waiting room were preparing for appointments or biding their time until family or friends were out of surgery. Then the violence broke out.

It all happened very fast. First there was a struggle, and someone yelled to the patients to get down. Then the shots rang out, incongruous sounds in a place where people go to heal....

When it was over, a Middlesex deputy sheriff had been shot in the leg and the prisoner whom he and another deputy had been escorting had been shot in the chest....


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