Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Congo's Conga Line

Also see: The Boston Globe Reads the MSM Lie Monitor

I would say they MUST READ ME now since they printed a full article -- minus the 5 MILLION DEAD FIGURE!!!!

"Chaos grips eastern Congo as thousands flee rebels; Crowds vent anger at UN compounds" by Michelle Faul, Associated Press | October 28, 2008

GOMA, Congo - Furious mobs stoned UN peacekeepers' compounds yesterday and thousands of desperate people fled advancing rebel troops as chaos returned to eastern Congo, fueled by festering hatreds left over from the Rwandan genocide and the country's unrelenting civil wars.

One suspects right off that the powers-that-be do not support the rebels, but who knows? And notice how they move concern about genocides to Rwanda?

In what appeared to be a major retreat, hundreds of government soldiers pulled back yesterday from the battlefront north of the provincial capital of Goma - fleeing any way possible, including using tanks, jeeps, and commandeered cars. Soldiers honked their horns angrily as they struggled to push through throngs of displaced people on the main road.

Crowds of protesters threw rocks outside four UN compounds in Goma, venting outrage at what they said was a failure to protect them from rebels. Later in the day, peacekeepers in helicopter gunships attacked rebel forces surging on Kibumba, about 30 miles north of Goma, said UN spokeswoman Sylvie van den Wildenberg.

Is that an oxymoron or what? PEACEKEEPERS ATTACKED?

The UN said the commander of the embattled Congo peacekeeping force resigned yesterday after one month in the post. And Congo's president appointed a new Cabinet and charged it with being "a combat government to reestablish peace." Laurent Nkunda, a renegade general, has threatened to take Goma despite calls from the UN Security Council for him to respect a cease-fire brokered by the UN in January.

Now I know the MSM is against the rebels.

Nkunda charges that the Congolese government has not protected his minority Tutsi tribe from a Rwandan Hutu militia that escaped to Congo after helping perpetrate the 1994 Rwandan genocide. A half-million Tutsis were slaughtered.

Well, we got FIVE MILLION DEAD in the CONGO! So why is the MSM referring back to Rwanda?

Rebel spokesman Bertrand Bisimwa said yesterday that rebel fighters were within 7 miles of Goma. Residents of Katindo, a neighborhood 3 miles from downtown Goma, told said they heard bombs exploding late yesterday afternoon.

Tens of thousands of civilians abandoned their homes ahead of the rebel advance. By nightfall, women and children lay down on roadsides made muddy by tropical downpours, stretching out to try to sleep. Some had mats or plastic sheets; others simply dropped, exhausted, to the earth.

The civilians and soldiers were surging south from a major army base seized by the rebels Sunday. As the crowds reached Goma, soldiers blocked access to the northern entrance, apparently fearing that rebels could be trying to infiltrate with the displaced civilians. --more--"

The truth is, I cann not make much sense of Africa when it comes through the racist, Zionist prism of the Amerikan MSM.