Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm Voting Underwood For U.S. Senator

My LOCAL VOTING GUIDE informed me that a LIBERTARIAN named Underwood is on the ballot, so he will be getting my vote!

What I also learned from this article is that John Kerry is an EMPTY SUIT!

That's what 24 years of Washington will do to a man, 'eh, Senator?

He's Massachusetts' McCain!!!!

"Kerry, Beatty trade jabs on partisanship at final debate" by John C. Drake, Globe Staff | October 28, 2008

Senator John F. Kerry sought to frame his Republican challenger Jeff Beatty in a debate yesterday as a staunch member of the GOP who would weaken the state's clout in Washington, while Beatty tried to emphasize his independence from the party line.

Kerry invoked senior Senator Edward M. Kennedy to make his point that Beatty could hurt the state politically. "The last thing we need is a Republican senator from Massachusetts who will cancel Ted Kennedy's vote out," Kerry said in the live debate on WTKK-FM in Boston. Kerry also played up Beatty's previous support for President Bush and his current backing of GOP presidential nominee John McCain.

But Beatty, who has praised Kennedy as an effective senator, used the opportunity to highlight that Kennedy and Kerry were on opposite sides of the 2002 vote to authorize the war in Iraq, which Kerry supported.

OOOOPS, Senator!!! You TRULY ARE out-of-touch, aren't you? Can't you REMEMBER your FLIP-FLOPS?

"I would have voted with Ted Kennedy on the war. Don't try to say I would negate Ted Kennedy," Beatty said. "That kind of comment and perspective is just typical of a Washington insider who's been there for 24 years and can't conceive of anything except partisan politics. I'm not going there as a partisan. I'm not the hand-picked candidate of the Republican Party."

The candidates also sparred over gun control, immigration, and national security in the hour-long exchange, moderated by WTKK hosts Margery Eagan and Jim Braude. Beatty accused Kerry of "coddling" illegal immigrants, a reference to Kerry's criticism of a 2007 New Bedford factory raid that led to dozens of immigration-related arrests, but in which agents also were accused of separating young children from their parents.

"We heard nothing but criticism from Senator Kerry about that raid where people were working illegally," said Beatty, who nonetheless agreed the raid was conducted poorly. "I've had so many workers come up to me and complain about the fact that Senator Kerry's coddling of people, encouraging them to come here and break our law, is in fact taking work from good union workers."

Kerry countered that enforcement of immigration laws should start at the border, adding that employers who hire illegal immigrants should be held accountable.

Then WHERE YOU BEEN, Senator?!! This guy acts like we are STOO-PID out here, and with NO MEMORY!!!!

"You don't let the owner of the company be out and sleeping in his own bed the very day of the arrests, and the people he hired are still incarcerated."

But we DO let WAR-CRIMINAL TORTURERS and MASS-MURDERERS sleep at the White House every night while the grunts served the prison time!

You need to GO, Senator!

Kerry, who frequently complained about interruptions from Beatty, went after his challenger over statements he made previously in support of allowing college students to carry concealed weapons.

Translation: HE LOST!!!

And unfortunately, senator, the FACTS show that BEATTY is RIGHT!

In an April visit to Framingham State College, Beatty signed a conservative student group's petition calling for students to be able to carry "lawful defense tools" on campus. Beatty has since said the right to carry firearms should also apply to students on campuses.

"You support guns being carried by students in schools in Massachusetts," Kerry said. "I don't know any parent who thinks that's a smart idea."

Oh, look Kerry TAKE the ISSUE OUT OF CONTEXT!!! Just like the Question 2 pricks!!

So THERE YOU SEE the VACUOUS SUIT that is NOW John Kerry!!

Beatty later countered by pointing to antiviolence training he conducted for schools as a private security consultant. They differed on term limits, with the four-term incumbent Kerry calling them "a terrible idea." He suggested the six-year term for senators is "in effect" a term limit.

Oh, WHAT a SURPRISE!! Kerry wants to continue to suck at the taxpayer teet! Addicted to it, he is!

"The voters every six years get a chance to make a decision, and if they don't get involved and make that decision, it's their fault."

Oh, now he INSULTS YOU, too, VOTERS!!!


Time for you to be TARRED and FEATHERED, you ELITIST ASSHOLE!!!!!

The two differed on referendum Question 1 on the Massachusetts ballot, which would end the state income tax. Beatty supports it, a position Kerry called irresponsible. Beatty said legislators were likely to ignore a repeal of the income tax if voters approved it, but he said they should send lawmakers a message by supporting it anyhow. --more--"

Gee, what a surprise! ASSHOLE KERRY is FOR TAXES!!!

And how about that MASSACHUSETTS DEMOCRACY, 'eh? Just gonna IGNORE the WILL of the PEOPLE again, huh?

Time for a BASTILLE DAY in MASSACHUSETTS, wouldn't you say?